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Posts posted by RickShan

  1. It's the Lana Beniko syndrome, vanilla companions became pretty much meaningless when they introduced Lana.

    The devs just keep giving her so much content that vanilla romances aren't that worthwhile imo. You just end up with a mute companion...

    Just look at what happened to Vette, specially after they gave her a kill choice, bad idea...


    Not that I belong in the "Lana Haters" cult, I actually like her, her romance is the one that feels more realistic imo, you choose one flirt option with some vanilla companions and the game insta considers you romantically involved with him/her and with no chance to break up before their reunion on the KOTET/KOTFE...


    It sounds like you jumped over Iokath story where Elara returns and has her returning talk. She comes back in the story itself not as alert, so if you did not do this part of the story game still considers you being in relationship with her but you have missed the part were you are reunited. I am really sorry if this happened to you.:(


    And honestly he didn't lose much the reunions are pretty lackluster IMO.

  2. Sounds some of you would have more fun writing fan fiction instead of playing the game. There's only so much freedom that's possible to implement.


    Which is why they should have kept focusing on fan favorite LI companions instead of just giving them a kill option or just leaving them abandoned without any further interaction, or comments on zones or whatever and instead of wasting resources on companions no one cares about.

    And it doesn't take a poll to know which ones are the most favorite, which aren't that many imo, first ones probably are, Kira, Vette and Jaesa.


    And I like Lana yeah, but I would also love to see a better treatment to some of the original fan favorite LI companions, I really hope they don't treat Kira the same way when they decide to return her.

  3. So she ends up in Schrodinger land like much loved LI companions like Vette and get no new content and voice lines? No thanks...


    You don't like her that's your business, but forcing the haters choice on others, that's a big no!.... I really hope they never again make an LI companion a kill choice, male or female...

  4. I'm suggesting that the TOR team allow us to restore ourselves one character per month just like WoW, it would be great for the players, no more waiting weeks or months even for having a character restored, and maybe save the support team from a lot of (forgotten) tickets too.
  5. More conversations with vanilla/original companions, comments about areas, etc.


    Companion mounts - either allow them to get a mount themselves, a mirror of our own, or better yet, give us special mounts where they can ride with us. In my case, I just want to listen every comment companions have to say about certain zones and such.


    And why special mounts where they ride with us aren't available yet is beyond me, I'd figure something like that would sell big on the Cartel Market.

  6. So KOTFE is out and we have KOTOR chat and companions who we are in a Romance with STILL treats us like we just met, after we had the romance confirmation...


    I didn't know why you didn't applied KOTOR chat to romancing companions, I mean, when we go talk with those guys we give the resources for the Base, even if we don't have them, we always have some lines to say. The same should be for companions, at least the ones we are Romancing.

    We should have lines with stuff like "Kiss" or Fade out and..." :p just like in Dragon Age Origins.


    Basically what I'm suggesting is, integrate KOTOR chat style with Romanceable Companions to have the same/similar lines as in Dragon Age Origins, we don't want to keep being in a relationship with a Companion and still feel like we just met.

    I'm not asking for a version with voice because it seems better as a repeatable, and if you want to reduce costs, well, this is better than anything.

  7. Not only no new pvp content, but open world pvp is also getting super nerf with level syncing.

    If you want to do proper pvp move to eve online.


    You mean you won't be able to bully, gank, or grief players 10 or 20 levels than you? You now have to face player of your own level? You now will have to work for your e-peen wavering?

    How sad.....

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