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Everything posted by Elzibet

  1. Nope, didn't get it. I think Bioware removed that conversation during the affection/influence revamp.
  2. Okay, completed the final mission and the dialogue turned up. Problem solved, yay. Kind of confusing, though. Thanks for the help, everyone!
  3. It's definitely a bug. I got what I know for a fact is his final conversation, along with the musical cue and achievement for completing all conversations with a companion, and I haven't finished the class story (which is also bugged for me). I submitted a ticket, so there's nothing to do but sit and wait. Thanks for the help, everyone.
  4. According to the game, I've completed all of Torian's conversations on my Bounty Hunter, but I never got the one where he proposes, even though I was DEFINITELY in a romance with him. I'm pretty sure they changed some conversation chains when Fallen Empire launched, but that just seems weird. Could anyone tell me if it's a bug or not?
  5. It worked fine for me. Maybe try putting the tablets in again?
  6. It's pretty vague and complicated, so here's the rundown. Loot the body near the artifact first to get the medallion and six of the seven tablets. Go towards the back of the cave and you should get a message about something watching you. Wave the medallion around and defeat the stoneray that attacks you. Loot it to get the gem, then go into Mission Items and use the gem to put it back in the medallion. Then go outside the cave and west until you reach an altar with an object on it called Relic Keeper's... something. I don't quite remember, but interact with it and a Massassi Relic Keeper should attack you. Loot it to get the Tablet of Victory, then go back to the artifact and put the tablets in this order: Passion, Strength, Power, Victory, Broken Chains (the Sith code, pretty much). Finally, touch the completed medallion to the artifact, and boom, puzzle solved.
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