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Everything posted by GameManXX

  1. I have a F2Paccount as well. How do I view or access the credits in escrow ? The 'Escrow" button at the bottom of my Currency Tab is no longer there?
  2. Got Him.. Thx so much for your help...
  3. Ok[ thx, but "where", the Cartel Market?
  4. I have already unlocked and have HK-51 on one of my characters on my account a while ago. In my legacy it says he's "unlocked and available for all characters", but I don't remember how to physically get him for my other characters. Can someone please remind me. Thx
  5. I leveled a "Sniper" to 60 by doing Heroic & Flash Point quests, but the character has not yet completed all of his "Class Story Line" quests. At this point, if I skip the "Class" quests and do "The Hunt" quest, will this character automatically complete the: Legacy Agent Chapter 3 - Heroic Ability "Legacy Orbital Strike" ability to all characters in my Legacy? Also will I get all of my companions?
  6. Doe's this mean it's OK to purchase the chair for 1 credit form the Esstran Exports vendor, as long as you don't re-sell it? "Hey folks, In today's patch, we placed Temple Chair (Basic) onto the Esstran Exports vendor for one credit. After bringing the servers live today we noticed that currently.... -eric" If so, exactly where is this vendor located?
  7. Has there been any word on training dummies for our Strongholds?
  8. Yeah.. I did put in a bug report to reclaim those missing decorations.. Thx for your input.
  9. Ok.. let me try to be clearer about this issue. I placed the free decorations in the Legacy Stronghold Storage of the characters on account “B”. Now, those free decorations are missing from the LSS on both accounts “B” and “A”. Le me add.. other ‘Bound to Legacy’ items are available to those same characters on accounts “B” and “A” in the LSS. So the bug seems to only affect the “free” decorations.
  10. Yes, I am using two different accounts.. but the Legacy Stronghold Storage has been activated on both accounts.
  11. I placed the free Cartel Decorations in my Legacy Stronghold Storage from several different characters to use at a later date. Now all the items are gone???? I don't know if this matters but, all of the characters have "Keys" from another Stronghold account.
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