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Everything posted by DrStrngleton

  1. Mine is my FAT red Zabrak Sorc Healer...My main is a Sent on the Bastion and he's freakin' awesome lol and my sorc ...I was gonna make him an Op but I thot oh what the heck and made him an inquisitor and then I wanted to make him an assassin but someone convinced me to make him a sorc and...Wow...one of my favs My other 1 was a spur of the moment Merc...and he's my fav 1 to play!
  2. How do you beat him? I know there are tricks to every boss...like Valis with putting your back to something and Angral with interrupting his thundering strike or something...Is there one for Razik? I am right on level sent. and it's a close fight but he is on top each time...i tried a medpack and it got me within 200 hp of his demise...Doc doesn't seem to be helping me much here either...he just sits there and occasionally he comes in with a small heal but It seems like Im taking him on solo...not good in a boss fight. Also I tried force camo to get him attacking doc but then as soon as I attack razik again he is right on me again...And yes, I do try to interrupt him...but what do I interrupt? So thanks in advance!
  3. I beat him, but the same problem came up, yet I was lucky enough that his 1 that he got by my interrupts (while all of them were cooling down) was not a critical hit. You did not answer my question tho, because I was only interrupting his "Thundering Strike" attack and nothing else. Since that ability does not seem to have a cooldown (he keeps casting it over and over and over) I am screwed when it comes to the time for my fourth interrupt. I was asking if there was any other interrupts/tricks to avoiding that attack. I did try the Pacify ability, but it too has a huge cooldown and he still hits a good amount of damage even with a 90% reduction in damage. Then he just casts it again and again. I actually found that the trick to this fight is to (as suggested before, but not made seem like an amazingly important point) is to use force camo once you get to around 1/2 health and then pop a medpack to get some health back. Also, I recommend popping heroic moment about 5-10 secs into the fight. I waited until Kira was pretty much down and out and Angral was fighting me to put up Saber ward and then rebuke. My question is, someone mentioned a second saber ward...how??? I only know of one saber ward that we all have.
  4. My problem is that I only have 2 interrupts...he can cast it on the third try without a problem. Am I missing something, or what because I am killing him perfectly, getting him down to 1/6 health or so and then he does massive damage with thundering blast because both of my interrupts are still waiting on their cooldown...
  5. I read thru some of this thread and I discovered that the only way 2 beat this guy is to use all of the attacks. You can not use your normal attack pattern on this guy, I learned it the hard way. I died about 10 times and figured he wasn't beatable, but I just beat him @24...didnt even have to use a medpack or stim! The other thing is to make sure you have the abseloute best armor you can get ur hands on...When I was dying I didnt have any implants or relics, I went to the Coruscant jedi knight pvp vendor and bought 2 implants, and it increased my life by 540 points, my strength by like 22, and some awesome stuff like that. And all this talk about sents being hard 2 play, not true! I made a sent on a friends trial and have been doing fine! Check all your armor, have Kira go in first, use saber wards, dont force leap in, interrupt, click on the abilities (i kno its the n00b way but its the only way 2 beat this guy), only use call on the force after u get going, pay attention, interrupt, interrupt, interupt, use any channeled and stunning attacks, use everything, use your focus wisely, and he is easy...I personally had more trouble with Tarnis... Im Hujinyu on Warriors of the Shadow and lovin the game
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