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Posts posted by TrickyNinja

  1. As some folks have indicated in the thread we did recently post more specifics on exactly what this will look like when it goes live. Here are links to three of Amber's posts on the topic from yesterday:


    Hope that helps!




    Hi Eric, appreciate the feedback but this is still not addressing most players primary concern. Why are the caps so low? There has been no explanation on this from BioWare, only repeating the caps and conversion ratios and how we will lose comms beyond the "overflow limits". And to another concern OP mentioned, why are the conversion rates for the comms so low? As he detailed, the prices are actually going UP on many items, which seems counterintuitive seeing as the gear that Classic Comms buys will be easier to come by from FPs/OPs.

  2. I recently made a new alt. At the time, the two things I really wanted were a twi'lek character and I also hadn't rolled an agent yet. So those came together and I decided to roll a twi'lek sniper. I love the look of my character, but i've been disappointed with the clipping of my sniper rifle through my character. I don't know what you call this part of the gun, maybe the upper receiver or the "butt" of the gun. I wish I had thought about this prior to making the character, but it didn't cross my mind. I don't want to re-roll a new character as I just don't have the time and have already invested quite a bit of credits on this one. I know this was my own fault for not thinking about it so this is just fyi for anyone who may make a new sniper. It may be advised to avoid a twi'lek unless you don't mind the clipping.



  3. You know what else has been released in the meantime? Let's see..

    HK-51, completely free for subscribers

    Nightmare Mode Explosive conflict, free for subscribers

    Section X, free for subscribers

    Ancient Hypergate, free for subscribers

    Heroic Space Missions, free for subscribers

    Relics of the Gree event, free for subscribers

    Reputation System, free for subscribers


    So.. yeah, if this is the pattern, I'm not worried at all.


    ^ This.

  4. What's with the hostility? If you don't enjoy the game, then don't play. I am a subscriber and don't like how expensive some things in CM are, but they are cosmetic for the most part. I enjoy playing the game. Complain all you want about the CM, but the fact is that the changes they have been making (including F2P and CM) have revived the game. As you saw in the state of the game post, they have had over 2 million new accounts created since November. My server is regularly on High and Very High load during evenings/weekends. FP/Ops and WZ all are popping faster than ever. No one is forcing you to spend money on the CM. Tired of seeing all these posts with people raging because BW/EA doesn't make THEIR game how YOU want it.
  5. Thanks for the feedback guys. Very helpful. Combining the input from both of you with information I just found on the Noxxic website (which is awesome btw, didn't know about this until now) I think I have what I need to get towards maxing out effectively.


    If you don't mind my asking, I didn't play WoW and this is my first major MMORPG like this, but how are the effective "max" numbers determined? I see comments about diminishing returns where at a certain point you don't get much more out of the stat (at least not what its worth). Is there a combat formula thread or something I can look at to see how those numbers are determined?


    Thanks again for your advice :rak_03:

  6. Hello Fellow Marauders,

    I was working on a Xeno HM run the other day and had a very rude, condescending player tell me that because my marauder had 22k hp (with all buffs on mind you) that I was terrible and had no clue what I was doing. What Captain Condescending didn't realize was that not everyone has had the time to fully maximize the potential of every character, or that no one asked for his opinion that he was making a point to degrade me for no reason.


    Anyway, my marauder is full 61s/63s and I'm at the point where I can start focusing on swapping out mods to maximize my damage instead of focusing on picking up a higher level piece of gear to just get higher stats in general for that slot. There are a few rules I have followed so far:

    • Stack up on Power. All my gear is augmented with Overkill augments for the 12 End./18 Power.
    • Have 4 Campaign/DG armor mods for the set bonuses (love the cooldown on Frenzy)


    Captain Condescending also told me that the Player stats view was bugged for Melee. I have never heard this before and was basing all my gear off the stats for Melee, as opposed to Force. He said you have to look at the Force stats for the real picture. My melee view shows over 1k primary damage, almost 600 bonus damage, ~38% crit, and 107% accuracy. When I look at the force stats, it shows lower damage and crit at 45%. Is it true that the melee view of the player stats are incorrect?


    What mods/enhancements should I be looking for and what are the ideal targets for crit, accuracy, surge, strength before stacking up on power? Should my strength be higher than my endurance? I wasn't trying to make endurance higher than my strength but it is slightly as a result of my gear. I do mostly end game PvE raids and have never heard anyone complain about having too high HP, especially when I'm not even focusing on increasing endurance.

  7. I disagree that double xp sucks.


    I found it was not possible to run only class quests as you would quickly get behind. I still had to do a couple side quests on each planet, killing mobs, and/or pvp to keep up. The only challenge I had was leveling too quickly that I wasn't making enough credits to pay for training. But aside from that it was great and helped me level my BH from 35-43 quickly. I have no desire to repeat the same side quests with every single alt, as I'm sure many others don't either. The double xp allows us to skip some of those (but not all) if we choose to do so. It also allows me to level my alts so that I will have more toons capable of running the new content when it arrives.

  8. So ive played my bounty hunter up to lvl 40, and i was doing great in pvp till i dueled the iconic "op asassin" i was murdered of course, he wasnt in stealth, But i was told they nerfed Mercs. Im arsenal spec, and i do good dps, But im told there not good at pvp anymore, will they get buffed? should i re-roll or what, pvp is more important to me than PVE and i like my character alot.


    From a player who has both a Sin DPS and a PT, the PT is far more OP than the assassin, and that goes for PvE and PvP. As others have mentioned here, the assassin is worthless in pvp aside from stealthing to guard nodes. I can go into PvP with my PT specd on shield tech and still face roll people. I intentionally isolate people with grapple just because I know I can win 1v1 against almost any other class. No class should be able to do that. No offense, but if you are a BH getting slaughtered by a Sin DPS, then you are doing something wrong.


    Has anyone on this thread thought that maybe the BH was getting a nerf because it was OP to begin with? Not trying to be debbie downer, again I have my own PT to worry about. But if you browse any single advanced class board on this forum, you will see the same exact post of "Waaah! My class is getting nerfed! We have to rise up against BW!" The game changes over time with patches, and with 2.0 will be new abilities and skill trees. Adapt or go play something else. It doesn't make your character "useless" or mean that "Bioware is out to get you and your entire class".


    TL;DR QQ

  9. Hi Amber,

    I am on the Shadowlands server and I see this issue all the time. One example I know is when searching for augments. If I search for "advanced overkill augment 22" I get nothing, but if I just search for "advanced overkill augment" I get 100 results and most of which are 22's. Its not a huge bug obviously just annoying because I have to sift through a large number of results I don't want to see just to find what I'm looking for.

  10. The one in the pic you linked looks like the Destroyer Chestguard or Dire Eliminator's Chestguard:

    Destroyer Chestguard


    I don't know of any collective list like specific to one class. There are a number hooded armor sets available these days in the CM that are adaptive armor so any class can wear them. You can always check on the GTN for synthweaving schematics if you want to craft your own.


    Are you looking for a black, hooded armor piece with a cape that looks similar to the photo you linked? There are a few I know look somewhat similar. There are a ton of hooded chest pieces that are black with no cape. I don't like capes personally on my marauder because it obstructs your view a little bit.


    Pathfinder's Armor Set (this one is close but its more brown)

    Voss Ambassador Robe (can get this from the Voss rep vendor, but it doesnt have a full cape)

  11. I was wondering if anyone has an assassin they are running as a dps and can share their thoughts on how good of PvE dps they can be compared to other classes? I have recently created my first assassin and want to try out the dps spec and I don't know how viable they are for PvE end game FPs and ops, which is what I do for the most part. My only alts I have leveled to 50 are a marauder (which obviously is a great melee dps) and a sorc healer. I only have 1 tank alt which is a powertech, and I just have not enjoyed the tank role, so I'm not looking to run an assassin tank.
  12. Wow, flame much. Hate to break it to you - not everything Bioware does is a giant conspiracy to waste your time.


    If they threw the sets on the vendor people would complain because they didn't know the armor would be on the vendor, and they would have done X or Y if they had known it was (because if this armor went on the vendor, it would be for Legendary status (because of the "Perfect Gold Bisector" title). A lot of people only got enough reputation to get the champion gear, and didn't care about Legendary. You're way overreacting to this, and not seeing the big picture at all. You should probably think for a second why they did what they did, instead of insulting them when they literally just gave you new content. They didn't even have to make the Gold Scalene gear.


    ^^ This. Thank you for someone being sane on these boards and not just flaming all day. It doesn't matter what bioware does, every single thing they do makes some people mad and others excited. I look at it as new content. It's clearly not as valuable as the gree vendor gear.

  13. Stupid comments like this is what should get people banned from forums such as these. Ego has nothing to do with anything here, except your own pathological need to elevate yourself by sharing your useless oppinion with us.


    The irony is strong with this one.

  14. But really, in thinking about it a bit more, the gear progression will change the expectations of those of us who will purchase Makeb and consequently the have a new cap. The baseline will be BH but only for a little while. The baseline for 55L content will be 55L Basic gear set. Comms and gear gathered on the way will be toward that end. I know there are many crying about the comms conversions especially when it comes to Classic gear. But... Classic won't be in the cross-airs anymore. Not for me.


    ^^ This.

    Seeing too many people complaining about this when the Classic gear will not be what people are targeting.

  15. And everyone who busted their tails to gear up really good will be screwed. Players like this are not at fault that others are not well geared.


    BioWare is just copying wow in many of the coming changes. Notice how they're changing different things for no purpose other then making changes for the sake of making them. From skills to armor, all going downhill and for no good reasons.


    This game has always been a mirror of Blizzards and now with the upcoming changes, you'll swear you was playing Wow if you closed your eyes.


    Skyrim can't come out soon enough.


    I'm not sure how you would be screwed by the change. Think about how long it took to grind for full campaign/hazmat gear. Now think about having to do that with every character before you can start to run your class quests to get to level 55. It only makes sense.


    Also, they are getting rid of the set bonuses attached to the shells that you have with Tionese/Columi/Rakata and going to them all being tied to the armor mods so you can use whatever gear you want and still get the set bonus. This is an improvement in my mind so we don't have the "clone wars". That's not skills and armor going downhill but actually improving upon the original design.


    And how can they add new levels without adding new skills and skill points? The new skills will provide new abilities and combat mechanics and give people something work on learning and tweaking new rotations, which is a challenge many people enjoy and why they play the game. These are new challenges and new content to keep people interested, playing the game, and paying for subs.


    Change is going to happen, deal with it. You need to be able to adapt or you can stay at 50, not buy the expansion. Just don't come back and complain more once you max everything out and get tired of the same content over and over with no gear or skill progression.

  16. There are already legacy unlocks that increase the XP gained from class quests, FPs, and space quests, as well as companion conversations, etc. Simply giving free XP and levels because you did some side quests with another alt makes no sense.
  17. Fanboi juice must be wonderful.


    F2P saved the game and it presented EAware with an alternative earning model that has permitted SWTOR to continue, and even to thrive. But this was not planned as a F2P game. F2P is an admission of defeat for a game that was expected to be a WoW-killer. Let there be no mistake here. SWTOR failed as a subscription based game. "TORTANIC" may be inflammatory, but it's not far off, given EA's hype and the extremely high budget.


    I am glad that SWTOR is on a stable financial footing. I like that because of F2P we're going to see more content, both paid gated (cartel market) and "free" content releases. But I don't let my enjoyment of SWTOR blind me to reality.


    F2P saved what was a terrible situation. You guys don't seem to understand just how embarrassing it is to fail with one of the world's most powerful IP licenses. From one of the largest gaming companies. With a budget that shatters previous records.


    SWTOR was judged on its merits as a subscription game and it was found wanting. F2P is a model by which people can be induced to play at price points that are more acceptable to them, ranging from zero to potentially hundreds of dollars more than a sub would ever be. This revenue source is a good thing for the game, and I'm glad they have it.


    But I don't pretend that F2P was THE PLAN.


    The contradictions are strong with this one.


    Let's not forget that this is a business. What do good businesses do when things are not going as expected? They adapt, or they fail. EA adapted and changed to F2P while still offering subs, and as you even agreed to above, the game is now thriving again and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future as a result. That seems like a good business decision to me. For us as customers, this allows us to continue to play their game.


    If the game is strong and thriving with more revenue and activity than ever, how (as you also stated above) is it a failure?


    Also, let's please stop with the "expected to be a WoW-Killer" talk. That was never the expectation and Bioware/EA never pitched it as such.

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