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Posts posted by TrickyNinja

  1. Phantom Stride/Shadow Stride has been broken since the ability was introduced with 4.0 in fall of 2015, almost two years ago. When is this going to be fixed? The gap closing ability for an entire class has been broken for two years. For someone who mains an assassin, this is frustrating beyond belief.


    There is a reason memes like this exist:



    Phantom Stride working as intended (Jan 2017):


    I can't tell you how many times phantom stride has failed me and either caused me to die or caused me to fail to obtain/stop an objective in pvp and operations. Its not just tiny bumps between me and my target, which is plain stupid to begin with. It just FAILS to work entirely 90% of time and either leaves me where I was when I activated the ability or worse, puts me somewhere I never intended to be. It all depends on whether RNGeezus is on my side. The ability says that you "appear" at your enemy implying teleportation, not that you run really fast and trip on pebbles along the way. This ability should behave no differently than force charge or any other gap closing ability. Instead we are stuck with an unreliable ability at best which sometimes procs to give us some added dps.

  2. The only way I know how to get Arcann is:

    - Play through chapter 9;

    - Arcann joins you towards end as a temporary companion;

    - Exit the chapter and here you go, he is now your permanent DS Arcann companion;

    - As long as you never go back to play any KOT** chapters;

    - Dialogue is all the same as light Arcann, no barks during the battles.


    I'm aware of the ability to do this,

    the same goes for Marr on chapter 1.

    But I would consider that an exploit/unintended. You can't summon them outside of that and you also can never play another chapter or they will be gone which prevents you from advancing or enjoying the story. I just really like both of those characters and think they are BAMFs and would like to have them around when I'm running heroics or other things with a companion. :)

  3. I would imagine someone has brought this up at some point in time, its hard to search in the forums here, but I really wish for dark side players that we could at a minimum reclaim

    Arcann from the terminal on Odessen to summon him as a companion. Same thing goes with Darth Marr. Two of the most iconic NPCs in the game and one is completely unavailable as a companion, even though you get to use him as a companion in the story line, and the other is only available if you make light side options. I get the whole "story choices should have consequences..." line of thinking, but there are also other companions who die that you can get back from the same terminal (Senya, Koth, Vette, Torian).

    I think its fine to have them "die" and be no longer available for that character during story quests, but I really wish I could use them as companions on my dark side assassin. They are awesome characters and companions and hate that such amazing content is not available for my main character!

  4. 93.74 for me, just not moving at all.


    i know it said not to restart the launcher but 15 minutes of not moving is tempting me to restart


    reckon it's safe to play fallout4 during this wait?


    Same here.... stuck at 98.41% and doing nothing for over 20 minutes.


    "Slow downloading"? Try not downloading at all.

  5. You know, in an enterprise environment, most folks are required to have what we call a "backout plan". It's this wild concept that when you make a change to a production system you have a plan in place to "backout" the changes if you cause an outage like this.


    Y U NO HAVE BACKOUT PLAN BW?? :rak_02:

  6. I was leveling one of my alts today and drove past a Reek NPC on Tatooine. I was thinking this would be a cool idea for a new mount. They are pint sized versions of Thrasher from SnV. Just a thought, but we have a lot of cool animal mounts now including dewbacks, varactyls, and rancors. I think there is a Bantha now as well, so this wouldn't be much different size wise.



  7. I'd give it some time - meaning, i'll hang out there for a bit to try and get it. Is it a both-faction area? I've never been to CZ-198 or whatever it's called.


    Yeah its in Czerka daily area. Been sitting here for 4 hours now killing the spawns, just haven't had the right one spawn yet. I've read about folks sitting here for 10 hours straight trying this. I really hope it doesn't take that long.

  8. All the items you listed have nothing to do with changing the color of your gear (color crystals are just the light or blaster portion).


    I know its frustrating to some people but in this game, dyes are market. You play the market like you would anything else you pay for in a competitive market. It's not the same as sending a crystal to an alt.


    Why? Because, that's why. They chose to make color packs a market instead of just a reusable item. It's a system.


    You don't have to like it but you have to accept its there.


    You took my comment completely out of context. I was quoting and responding to someone who said they should not add dye modules to collections because it would ruin the economy. I disagree with that statement completely. They added all kinds of CM gear and crystals to collections and those items still sell for quite a bit on the GTN. As examples on my server, any throne is over 2 mil on GTN, Revan's gloves are somehow over 3 mil,... the list goes on. Just because I can make a copy of something on an alt doesn't ruin the economy, it keeps me from having to pay say 2 million credits for a speeder, then pay that same 2 million again to get it for an alt. In those cases, i'm sure i'm not alone, I just DON'T buy the extra copy of something because of the cost. If I spend 5 million on a single dye module and the collections menu already has every other CM item, why would the dye modules not be included.

  9. Uh, nope. Dyes in the collection system will absolutely kill the demand for dyes and cartel gear. Who would ever buy another if they can just re-use ones they already have?


    There is no logic or economic basis for your statement.


    You can already do this with cartel market gear, color crystals, mounts, pets, and weapons. You can even copy color crystals and send them to an alt with legacy gear to circumvent the account wide unlock cost for the crystals. Why not add dye modules to the mix? I know I personally will not pay 5 mil for a dye pack, nor will I spend thousands of cartel coins on gambling dye packs hoping to get that coveted one-time use black/black module.


    There is no logic or basis for your statement.

  10. So, they changed the look of the preceptor's set but are they going to fix the clipping on it? I mean for this to be a coin item I would think that my *** wouldn't be stuck out the back of the robe. The weird boots clip as well.


    I'm in the same boat. Paid good money to get the set only to find out it clips in the back with the butt sticking through and in the front with the part from the chest piece that dangles down and clips through the robes. Not happy about it.

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