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Posts posted by greven_arcades

  1. If by "for a while now", you meant "for years", then yes. Its not something they are ever likely to actually fix.

    Only thing that makes it tolerable, if you are doing a lot of pve, is to get into the habit of using the rocket boost legacy perk regularly as you move about to reset your companion (which has the added benefit of resetting its cooldowns as well).

  2. To be fair, I haven't seen Solo yet and I probably should have mentioned that. I have just found out that Darth Maul makes an appearance in it, and I friggen love him so I will definitely be seeing Solo soon..


    He is onscreen for about a minute at the end, over a holocall... Its not worth paying to sit through 2+ hours of terribleness just to see that. Granted, some of the visuals aside (and visuals alone do not a good movie make), that is pretty much the only cool scene in the movie. Seriously though, wait to see it on the cheap.

  3. Cancelled my subscription earlier today after seeing the companions in action. Still have 20+ days left... but this companion nerf is feeling an awful lot like the last straw for me. :(


    The folks at BW who run this game really need to learn to make incremental changes; they seem to consistently overreact and ruin things rather than making minor adjustments over time. :confused:

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