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Everything posted by pnbnjellytime

  1. Yeah it might have been decided it was a "BUG" that the player base should never have been allowed to customize her. But we are the masses. We are the players. And that is what we want. Why not let us style her again like we were already able to. Really things like this hurt way more than ingratiating us to the game. And I bet this goes for any companions as well.
  2. So I guess this isn't something we'd like.
  3. Thank you for your reply and letting me know that "Aegis Assault" generates 1 extra rage! I appreciate it!
  4. Hi All, The description for the ability Assault reads that it generates 2 rage but it seems to be only generating 1 rage on use. Anyone notice this or am I seeing things incorrectly? Thanks!
  5. The number of new costume content keeps up a good pace providing us with cool new things to wear. However, all my designer slots are full and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Any plans to expand the number of slots anytime soon? Hopefully this isn't a major change.
  6. I remember that too. But this time it's gone. You just can only change her pistol or take off her helmet.
  7. The whole thing is just mind numbing. The original game's companions were allowed customization. Even skins could be changed. Then somebody had a bad idea and removed those features. And yet we are constantly being dumped new gear in game and in the Cartel Market. Taking away things from people only upset them. Watch-out, Master Ranos, your time is almost up.
  8. That is horrible. Now we will have a bunch of Shae clones running around again. What's the point of cartel market pieces if you can use them on all humanoid companions?
  9. Found all her stuff in my inventory. Looks like I can only change what pistol she uses. Why take away functionality?
  10. That is really cool and informative actually. Thank you! Wish there was a way to turn her to the dark side.
  11. Yeah, I probably wouldn't have bothered if I understood at the time that I'd end up with some pub carebear companion.
  12. http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/rewards Looks like I had to finish level 5 of 6.
  13. Just to see if I'm understanding this correctly... Master Ranos won because globally Light won Dark (big surprise). This means everyone who finished that part of DVL gets her and will never see Darth Hexid, correct? She does not fit in with my sociopaths of dark side ruffians, sadly enough. Oh well. :( She does seem to be having a permanent bad hair day. Sounds a little New-Yorkie to me. At least you can customize her clothes.
  14. Okay, it looks you can customize her armor once you remove the customization. Cool. I found my new companion!
  15. Thank you for that! So hide head slot does nothing. Need to remove the Customization in the paper doll to see her head.
  16. This makes me mad. Since KOTFE all KOTFEs companion armor pieces can not be used at all. Why sell all this Cartel market junk if we can't even use it how we'd like? Shae’s option to hide her helmet does not even work! Then why have it listed as an option? But wait! I was able to have her hold a different gun! Taking companion features away from the players during KOTFE only made us angry. So what was the thought process? Dump a ton of new companions and forget armor customization? Not enough money in to care about being consistent? This is why I stick to my old companions.
  17. Specifically, this is to run FPs hard/tact with an experienced group. I have a 65 sorc (DPS) and 65 jugg (TANK). I'm a casual subscriber with more time on the weekends than weekdays. Thanks!
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