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12 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    Mos Eisley, Tattooine.
  • Interests
    Spice. Mostly death sticks and neutron pixies.
  • Occupation
    Commercial transport. Totally legal.
  1. I've played this game since launch. I played KOTOR 1 and 2. I played SWG from birth until death. There is so much about SWTOR that is great. Besides end-game content rewards and incentive, I hardly have any complaints. I just wish there was more incentive to do things like master flashpoints and uprisings. That's core group content and they're fun and sometimes challenging. Let us loot Rakata gear from these activities. More people will do them and we won't have to wait in queue so long. Another change I would love to see is the AI of enemies in flashpoints. It's seriously so lame that a group can cheese through 70% of the mobs by avoiding their dismal aggro radius. Stealth skipping is fine, it makes sense but I actually wish we had to fight our way through these beautiful environments filled with enemies. I get this may be unpopular because it forces you to fight but that's what makes the game fun? Ya know fighting stuff? Make mobs in flashpoints a challenge. It will make them feel epic again. I would love for this content to feel more like an assault on an enemy fortress. You need to fight through packs of enemies to get to the bosses. If you don't have stealth or smuggle then you need to fight. Some clever runarounds are fine but walking directly past enemies in line of sight just feels like poor design. Maybe add more terminals or doors to slice that allow skips. That makes sense. Here are some practical examples of what I'm talking about. TARAL V The starting zone is a cool concept that gets totally skipped. The shuttle lands and the group has to make their way through the jungle infested with creatures. However it's laughably easy to avoid everything by skirting the walls of the map all the way to the fortress. The group does the same, slipping by the imperial forces looking directly at you. DUMB and BORING HAMMER STATION You can avoid packs of enemies by repairing the drill and skipping right to the mining droid boss. You can avoid another pack of enemies by slicing the elevator. COOL and PRACTICAL CADEMIMU There are a couple of clever skips that make sense but running past the entire defense of the missile silo to the end of the boss area which forces all the enemies to reset? SUPER LAME
  2. Okay so I ended up buying the schematics I need on the GTN because they were cheap but I'm still wondering if there are other ways to get them. Other than sending your companions on slicing missions and getting lucky.. because that sucks.
  3. Howdy. I recently maxed out my Armstech skill and I want to start augmenting my gear but I can't seem to find the schematics to build the higher level items. I can make Aug Kit-10s. I can make Critical, Overkill augments etc but the best item rating I can craft is 136. The Armstech Trainer on the fleet doesn't have anything stronger to teach me. So where do I learn to craft the higher rating items i'm looking at on the GTN? Thanks.
  4. Does that mean it is impossible to make anything better than 28? I've been grinding L28 augments hoping to learn a stronger schematic. Can you loot stronger schematics then?
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