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Everything posted by Icykill_

  1. So let me get this right... I live 50 meters from the ADSL exchange... I get close to the highest possible speed from a ADSL2+ connection and get on average 21ms speed on the APAC servers... consistently... most I have ever had from lag spike was 92ms, that would happen maybe once a month (I play daily) So I am on Dalbora today with 19 -21ms and I decide to go to Harbinger to try it out <trying to be open minded>... play for an hour and the best speed I can get is 220ms and higher... I log back into Dalbora... "wow" I have 19ms again... So where did you come to the conclusion it "must" be my ISP... ??? And before you try blaming my hardware... that is not the problem... I am a professional PC repair/reseller and I have the best possible system for playing SWTOR... and I turned all my in game graphics settings down to see if this improved it any, which it didn't YES... some of the lag would be due to the server-tech <which is no different to the server-tech in APAC)... but most, if not all is due to the location of the server... I have said this is many other posts... if you are in America, WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THIS??? STOP STICKING YOUR NOSE IN WHERE IT ISN'T WANTED... Also if you don't PVP on the APAC servers... why make comments about PVP if you don't do it... KEEP THE FAITH... SIGN THE PETITION http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  2. That is the difference between dying or not... plus that was the BEST I could get.... it was up to 300ms at one point... I can only imagine how bad it would be with more people on the server playing at the same time... latency always goes up... so imagine playing with a 600ms latency in Hutt Ball... they could have the ball and score before you even new they'd picked it up... And what about the people who don't live 100 meters from the exchange or have NBN or Cable... they get even worse latency Then what if you live in WA or SA... all of a sudden you have 800+ ms... the game then starts to become unplayable even doing flash points... for PVP... it would be impossible How about EA add a lag spike to the North American players so we all have the same Latency? We know that won't happen... KEEP THE FAITH... SIGN THE PETITION http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  3. I play my Sorcerer pretty quick using TAB and hot keys... I'm a pretty aggressive player and like to run at a target... When a 1 second instant cast won't work because the server takes to long to acknowledge you are close enough to do a 10 meter cast, you end up behind the target or on top of them and the cast won't work, then that 220ms - 600ms is noticeable... And that's on a ranged character... imagine playing a melee one like an Operative or Assassin I can only imagine what it would be like doing ranked PVP... And using TAB target was point less... it was quicker to click the target with my mouse pointer... what a joke... how can you PVP like that... KEEP THE FAITH... SIGN THE PETITION http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  4. Yeah... I'm seeing that pattern too... you have to ask the question... just how many are Americans? I'm sure if they had to Merge Harbinger with Dalbora they wouldn't be saying the things they are and would be equally outraged at EA IF you AREN'T living in APAC... butt out of this thread... play on your American servers... why are you even on a APAC server to start with? This Thread is for APAC players who want to voice their disgust at EA/BIO... not some American Troll who just wants to inflame the situation more and make it harder for us APAC players to get the message through to EA/BIO SIGN PETITION http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  5. Regardless what I have... a 220ms Ping is causing a 1-2 second delay... most PVPer's would agree that can be the difference between killing your opponent or dying... Anyway if you are American... what do you care... it won't effect you... so go Troll someplace else and let the APAC players voice their opinions to EA/BIO... instead of you filling it up with your nonsense
  6. Actually I have... and I used to PVP in WoW for 9 years... which sucked because of the LAG... PVP is so much better in SWTOR because of the local server
  7. ALSO SIGN THE PETITION... it is up to 361 and climbing http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  9. Just rolled a Harbinger character to see the latency... my best is 220ms... from 21ms on Dalbora I only PVP in the game and do the class/companion quests After about 20 mins it is apparent this lag will effect my PVP... I will keep lvling till I can PVP... so I have a comparison And the reason it will effect me in PVP is I TAB target a lot and use HOT Keys... I am finding just in PVE that I am on top of the mobs before my casts work... there is definitely a 1-2sec lag... and I TAB through targets quickly... when it takes 2 seconds to get to another target or have a med pack... guess what, your too late and your dead
  10. peace is a lie... And bio are lying to our faces... So we are passionate...
  11. THIS ^ Way to drive the customers away BIO PLEASE SIGN http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  12. The stupid thing is that Australia would have a better return for EA if they charged us in Australian currency instead of US... The economist predict that the exchange rate will remain above $1 US for the foreseeable future... I for one would not mind paying in Australian currency... I know this next statement will be contentious... Personally I would pay $5 extra per month on my subscription to keep the server in Australia because I love this game so much... but I PVP 90% of the time and will have to give the game up if the server moves
  13. Any APAC people (not Americans... sorry) here, that are willing to support EA or BIO in there future endeavours???
  14. Sorry if you really are an Aussie... BUT... you said it... YOU DON'T PLAY PVP... so we are not "sooking"... come back when you know how to high lvl PVP and tell us we are sooking... because at the moment you have no idea what you are talking about So how can you say wether a PING of 170 is acceptable to those who play PVP... Also I prefer not to play on American servers... I did with WoW when it was released and the Trolls there are magnified by 100 compared to how Aussies or NZ's act... I couldn't wait to get off the American server onto the Australian one
  15. QUICK QUESTION FOR EVERYONE WHO WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT EA IN THE FUTURE WITH NEW GAMES?? Personally I will never buy another EA game if this goes ahead... They have ruined their brand in this country... I propose someone set up another Petition or Survey to see just how many people will support EA in their future games... I'm guess not many who have had this experience POST NO (you won't support) or YES (you will support)
  16. Another American... who mainly plays on the NA servers... wanting to move his one and only lvl 50 there....
  17. What a load of complete crap... we have a guild with 100+ members on Dalbora... that isn't including Alt's... I know that there are NO American's in our Guild Most of the people I PVP with and on the Dalbora server aren't American... so I don't know where you get your information from... my guess is you are American yourself and are looking forward to the move so YOU get a better PING...
  18. You obviously haven't read all the posts on this thread or been on the Dalbora server which has a vibrant community. EVERYONE... AND I MEAN EVERYONE... INCLUDING PEOPLE WHO MAY NOT USUALLY TALK ON THE FLEET WERE DISCUSSING IT... 1 - I would say 95-99% of people are against it... 2 - About 10 - 20% have already unsubscribed last night in protest because they think BIO/EA will only pay attention unless it is affecting their income... (personally I disagree with unsubscribing before it happens... I believe it will just give BIO more ammunition to go ahead as those people are gone... it will support their case) 3 - Another 50-60% of people (including myself) will most likely unsubscribe if this actually/when goes ahead 4 - Have you actually looked at the petition which only started yesterday... it currently has 300+ signatures and is climbing as people login and find out about this server move... it will take about 1 - 2 weeks for most people to find out because not everyone plays everyday... ALSO I only know of a small number of people who actually read these forums... so the others will only find out by word of mouth 5 - BIO PAY ATTENTION... YOU NEED TO SEND AND EMAIL TO ALL YOUR APAC SUBSCRIBERS AND ALSO PUT A MESSAGE ON THE LOGIN SCREEN... IT IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE SNEAKIEST THING YOU CAN DO TO NOT GIVE ANY NOTICE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS EXCEPT IN THIS FORUM 6 - ALSO YOU SHOULD HAVE RUN AN IN GAME SURVEY OR AN EMAIL SURVEY BEFORE MAKING SWEEPING STATEMENTS LIKE THE COMMUNITY VOTED TO DO THIS... HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS IS WHAT YOUR CUSTOMERS WANT WHEN YOU HAVE ONLY ASKED ABOUT 10% OF YOUR CUSTOMER BASE ONLY IN THE FORUMS BIO/EA YOU MUST ALSO GIVE YOUR SUBSCRIBERS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR A FULL REFUND OF ANY PREPAID IN ADVANCE SUBSCRIPTIONS AND PREPAID EXPANSIONS BEFORE YOU MAKE THIS MOVE FELLOW PLAYERS I ASK YOU NOT TO JUMP THE SHIP YET... BY ALL MEANS KEEP THE PRESURE ON... TELL THEM YOU WILL UNSUBSCRIBE... FILL IN THE PETITION... IT MIGHT NOT WORK... BUT IT IS 5 MINS OF YOUR TIME AND IT MIGHT... JUST MIGHT HAVE AN EFFECT... CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO GO TO THE PETITION http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  19. If BIO are so committed to moving us to the NA servers... Maybe to make the game "fair" to ALL players... APAC and NA alike... how about they add a lag modifier to increase lag to the NA players so that we all get close to 200ms Latency... that would fix the lag issue I know this will never happen because they would lose all those NA players... and it would be unfair to them as well... BUT if you are so concerned about being "fair"... then that would be the only solution... you could then merge the EU servers too... if everyone had the same Latency... it would be a level playing field... that would save you money too... Good luck keeping the game afloat with your attitude of ignoring the majority of the community and only focusing on the old $ sign... EA, you need to get in touch with your player base... it might have been ok to behave like this 20 years ago when the largest percentage of players were between 12 and 18 and we would change games monthly... but the statistics now show that the majority of gamers are in their 30's and 40's... we like to play to relax after working all day/week... we don't have time to jump to multiple games all the time... we invest a fair bit of time in a game... EA/BIO PLEASE LISTEN TO REASON.... and LISTEN TO THE COMMUNTIY FEED BACK... if not, you will lose your game base, not just to SWTOR, but to all games as people walk away from your brand. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/keep-apac-servers-for-swtor-available-and-merge-them-into-1.html
  20. So if we all merged into 1 APAC server and Bio made the following changes... then there would be enough people to solve the problem that everyone on the other servers seems to have a problem with... on Dalbora we are content with the way things are THERE is a solution and it is SO EASY I can't believe you aren't going to implement it. - RP players play the game so they can talk to each other in the game and "live" the character... Why not just create a different chat channel for them so that they can continue to play this way... it might even allow them to try PVP if they so choose. - PVP players play the game to play other players. This can still happen on a PVE server because IF you are a PVP player you CAN flag yourself for PVP. This would allow other PVPer's to see they want to play as a PVPer You could ALSO open up some more map area's on the Planets that are dedicated to PVP, also having a Duelling area on the Fleet would be good. AND they could also have a separate chat channel. - PVE players can play both PVE, PVP and RP if they so choose. Consolidating the 3 APAC servers into 1 PVE server STILL ALLOWS ALL 3 GAME STYLES with little or no change in the community game play. This is by far, more fair to everyone who plays the game. Sure there maybe some small changes, but they can be worked around.
  21. I TOO WOULD LIKE A REFUND... I paid for a 6 month subscription at the same time as I paid for the expansion back in January... I only did this because the game was on APAC servers... I will be leaving the game when and if the servers merge to the US... so I would like a refund for my remaining game time I have paid for and the expansion.
  22. 100% AGREE EVERYONE SHOULD SIGN THIS.... if there is a big enough response and if it is public and BIO don't do something, it could turn into a PR nightmare for them... even better if it went viral... maybe a Facebook page would be good to???
  23. You said you played lots of PVP on the US servers, but haven't since you came to the APAC servers. So you don't really play PVP and are definitely not a high-end PVPer or RANKED PVPer... I'm sorry but you don't really have a handle on why we are so upset...
  24. If you play high-end PVP or RANKED PVP, you would know this IS a major issue
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