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Posts posted by Arrogus

  1. I just beat it last night as a level 54 Madness Sorc with Xalek. My moronic companion kept dieing to the laser, and I couldn't handle the Archon's damage output (I'd run out of force just healing myself).


    What finally worked for me was ignoring the ads completely, causing the Archon to spam his laser constantly; the attack is easily dodged, and as long as he's using it, he isn't damaging you directly, giving you time to heal and recover your resource.

  2. I noticed that after I destroyed them once, and then died, they stopped dropping them on subsequent attempts (possibly because I had already gotten the "bonus" objective).


    Fortunately, the fight seemed to go a lot more smoothly when I just decided to ignore the spawns and stay close enough to the Archon to dodge his lazor attack. In fact, his frequent use of the lazor gave me a chance to heal.

  3. Well, this is my nail in the coffin.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting so upset about this that I'm ragequitting. The fact is, I've been severely disappointed with this game ever since I hit 50, and have been holding out hope that the more grave errors will be corrected.


    I think this decision reveals something about Bioware's attitude towards problems in their games. It tells me that the many issues which prevent us from fully enjoying what should have been a fantastic MMO will likely never be resolved.


    Maybe I'll check back in a year or so and see if Bioware and EA have matured any.

  4. What I find amazing is that Ashara (or Mako, or Kira or, for goodness sake, Kaliyo) would ever agree to wear an outfit like that in public in the first place. I would honestly expect Kaliyo to blow a hole in you larger than the death star before agreeing to wear that thing. And Ashara is supposed to be this shy, socially awkward girl - are we supposed to believe she'd run around wearing a thong and a bikini top?


    In the meantime, my vote is never to fix this bug, and yes, Ashara slipped me 50 credits to post this.


    I chalk it up to my character's force of personality. I mean, I make her slaughter Jedi by the hundreds and then sleep with me, I could certainly persuade her to wear a skimpy outfit.


    In an "RP" sense, I make her use red lightsaber crystals as a symbol of my domination of her. Making her wear the slave girl outfit would fit my RP perfectly.

  5. Do some things with lightning too they should really increase the damage in that tree not only is it immobile the damage is worse than balance the mobile spec, they really need to rethink things because not only is lightning poo in pvp it is even so in pve, it needs to hit hard real hard, and I don't think it would effect pvp balance at all because of how immoble the spec is, think of it kind of a like an arcane mage, hit hard as crap but you wouldn't see one past 2k rated in arena it would be the same here.



  6. This^^. If they are powers that are broken for the combat style of your choice, don't pick them. Do you need to have an extra 2 seconds of root on a pve mob? No. So pick something else that you do need.


    By "broken" I mean overpowered.

  7. What would you put into separate PvP Trees? I'd reckon that a lot of filler would be talents that already exist within the current trees.


    The final trees would probably look VASTLY similar, if not outright identical.


    There are, within a tree, talents you take for PvP, and talents you take for PvE. You don't have to take them all, and you end up with a tree that is optimized for whichever one you are doing.


    Am I really explaining this?


    They would be quite similar, but they would have room for talents which would be broken in the other combat style. Am I really explaining this?

  8. You should quit whining about it. Not that I don't agree but unfortunately Bioware's solution to lackluster skills when compared to better skills is to nerf the better skills rather than buffing the ones that suck. Don't call anymore attention to our issues as Bioware will not fix anything, they will only make it worse. Better to stay the same than change as far as Bioware sees change for the better. The math regarding the possibility of LS having the potential to be a DPS loss when cast with wrath vs hard casting with alacrity is the perfect example of this but Bioware has deemed it to be good which calls into question their ability to come to any reasonable conclusion imo. Don't call attention to ourselves, we don't need anymore.


    I'm afraid you may be right.

  9. You are trying to avoid sweeping, drastic changes, by suggesting... sweeping, drastic changes.


    It's the substance of the change which is important. My proposal could literally be implemented without changing anything in terms of combat. I really don't see what problem you could have with segregating PVP from PVE, other than it being more work for "poor old Bioware."

  10. I may have been a bit unclear in my OP, I am proposing that there are two separate skill trees, one for PVP, and the other for PVE, both of which a player fills just like the current tree, and both of which can be switched between voluntarily at any time.


    I may need to clarify further: two sets of skill trees, thus three trees for PVP, and three for PVE.

  11. It seems so positively easy, just have abilities perform differently on players verses non players. On non player (NPC), ability x hits for y on player, ability x hits for z. How freaking hard is that?


    They already do that on some abilities, conconsion missle lasts 60 seconds on mobs and 8 secs on players, so they can do it for any abilities they want to balance for PvP.


    That would work as well and I would fully support such a change.


    And expertise does not solve this because it's a flat change which ignores the more subtle differences between PVE and PVP.

  12. Roll another class is indeed a solution. You have 8 toon slots, do something with them.


    Like I said, some of us play for flavor, I simply could not enjoy myself as much on some classes as on others, ie. killing people with lightning is much more fun for me than shooting them with a blaster. Care to address the hypothetical situation I posited?

  13. I say that PvE takes absolutely no skill whatsover. You just grind mindless mobs, use your interrupts and that's it.


    Skills should be balanced around PvP since a 6 year old can play PvE in most MMO's.


    Your post basically boils down to "screw you PVEers", so back at you.

  14. So basically your class, will morph into an entirely different class, when you go into PvP?


    If you're not happy with how your class performs in PvP... roll another class.


    Nah, that's too easy. Bioware needs to do you some service.


    Ah, a post with substance.


    I wouldn't say "completely different class", the flavor and overall role would remain the same, but the execution would be optimized for the combat type.


    Also, "roll another class" is a non-solution. If Bioware nerfed a class into complete unplayability, would you tell the people who used to love that class to quite whining and reroll? Some of us play a class because we like its flavor.

  15. You clearly don't understand how this would work.


    It does nothign to impact people who don't like PvP, other then letting them jump in if they want. It maintains balance better.


    It maintains PVP balance better, but some PVE balance must be sacrificed in order to do that, which screws over those of us who could care less about PVP.

  16. I may have been a bit unclear in my OP, I am proposing that there are two separate skill trees, one for PVP, and the other for PVE, both of which a player fills just like the current tree, and both of which can be switched between voluntarily at any time.
  17. The game SHOULD be designed around PvP balance FIRST and then PvE.

    That really leaves out those of us who hate PVP. My solution lets you balance them separately, so both sides are happy.

    You could use a bolster in PvE to increase everyone's power for raids.

    That's basically the same as making PVE enemies weaker, it doesn't correct issues of class balance in PVE, it just makes everyone OP to different degrees.

    Then you coudl also avoid needing 2 different gear sets and make rewards for PvP and PvE the same.

    I actually wouldn't mind equivalent gear for PVP and PVE, stats are quite a bit easier to balance than abilities and talents.

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