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Everything posted by OpeningToEndgame

  1. Normally, I never have a problem with it. However, I picked it up. Killed my engines, shot missles and only did 450 damage against this guy. The entire match. I couldn't touch him, shoot him, missles, nothing. Same with another Gunship. I killed my engines and went head to head with him. He was only firing blasters. I did NO damage while both of us were standing still. He killed me in 3 hits. What gives with this crap? Yes, I believe people exploit the )(^&^% out of this game. Call me paranoid, but I don't care. I've tried to study ships and abilites and I can't come up with an answer.
  2. When 90% of the team sits there the entire match, it's hard to get kills. It's boring, cheap and cowardly. You sit in a Gunship and snipe people who try to get close to win the game. How does that mean I "deserve" to die?
  3. I feel there should be a change. Instead of the cap ship killing people instantly. I propose a Shield be put up instead. Only the opposing team can enter it. I have noticed, on The Bastion, that people will sit with Gunships and never move the entire match. Drawing the team over and using the HUGE advantage of the cap ship to score easy kills. With a forcefield, not only would it prevent camping, but keeps people from just sitting there. Give it like a 40k meter radius around the ship or something.
  4. Yes, I agree 100%. I feel that it should be account wide as well. Legacy Account Wide Ignore. I would pay for a feature like this. Also, if you change your name. You should be removed from everyones friends lists.
  5. If you can't distinct friend from foe then you shouldn't be GSFing.
  6. How come the Republic gets the cool Black/Purple ones? Why can't they just be universal?
  7. I am looking for help from an experienced Ops player who could help me min max. I am sitting at 40.1k health as a Lightning spec Sorcerer. My gear is as follows: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b74dcca6-00fd-45f7-86c0-ce730d261194 Please help me min/max and tell me where to get what mods (crafted or not) and what the easiest way to go about it would be. I'm maxed on Elite and Ultimate comms if that helps. Thanks in advance!!
  8. Other than a Gunship. I can't get close to one. So how am I supposed to "counter" them, when I get ONE shotted in a Sting and SF? I get within a 5-6k range and I get blown to bits. Railgun and Missle Sentries lock on and it can't be broken.
  9. I concur. I shoot Siesmic Mines at Max range and still take full hull damage and die. They can drop 2 of those, a Concussion, have 3 Defense turrets up and just hide in a friggin corner. No matter what ship I take in there. SF, Sting, whatever. I am not sure why Bioware has it's head up it's on arse with this game. They have the potential to make something of it, but instead sit around and soak up money from the Cartel Market. They're like EAs mini-me. Yes, I continue to play until Wildstar comes out. After that. I may never log in. Even if WS fails, I have plans to hang up the reigns. I LOVE GSF now, and Bombers -ruined- it. Yes, I know...I know. "Why not roll your own bomber and join them". No. Just no. When a bomber can cap a node, drop everything with turrets and then just leave it undefended and the mines kill people instantly. There's a problem.
  10. I am currently facing a Republic Bomber. He dropped ONE mine. I shot it at 2k meters away, 7 times with a fully upgraded Sting. ZERO damage. He's in his bomber again, shooting me from 20,000 meters away. I've reported him dozens of times.....Bioware doesn't do jack )(*^%^% about it. I understand this game is buggy, but people abuse it without ANY consequence. Now I know everyone wants to scream hax all the time, because they don't understand the game, however, sometimes it's true. Maybe this game would've done a lot better if they just didn't sit around soaking up money from the Cartel Market, and actually tried.
  11. So I bought HK on my new pub that I made. He's got level 50 gear. Useless for now. Didn't it used to scale with you?
  12. Concussion Missles do not have a 7.7km range in a Scout. I have to be 5.1 before I can lock on.
  13. That's complete and utter bull^(%$$ on the Bastion I've encountered SEVERAL fully upgraded bombers already who can drop 2-3 mines/turrets/sentries and have 3 Satellite Defense turrets and NEVER die. They hold one sat. with little to NO effort and it can't be taken. I've watched 3-4 good players, with mastered ships go in and be 2 shot by mines and turrets. They ARE extremely OP.
  14. Ctrl+Shift+Print Screen and then paste into Paint will usually work if the Print Screen key alone won't work.
  15. So being "used to it" means they can cast it faster? I used a stop watch and it took me 3.76 seconds to lock on. Cast time is 3.0, minus .3 for the first tier ability. Is the game/server THAT laggy? My connection and computer are excellent.
  16. I am currently facing 2 guys in this match who are casting it instantly. I can't get away from them or break free from it. I get Probed, and then 1 shotted. They're BOTH in Stings.
  17. yes, but most people get away before I can finish it. It seems so much longer.
  18. Was the biggest waste of requisition I've ever spent. I decided to try it because I faced a scout who somehow manage to get it on me constantly in my Sting. Not sure how, but he did. I buy it all the way to tier 5 and it's the longest cast time ever. It's useless. Unless someone is sitting perfectly still, or you catch them off-guard you can't get it off. Please give it a shorter cooldown.
  19. http://imageshack.com/a/img703/4616/w0gs.jpg
  20. Already. I can't avoid ANY missles from ANY drones. It bypasses Distortion Field and Barrel Roll.
  21. My burst on average hits for 750. I've never tried Quad on the S-13 Sting.
  22. Is %$#@^&* horrible on The Bastion. I play a lot on my days off and I sit for over an hour for one match, that sometimes is instantly over because there aren't enough people. I enjoy GSF. Something needs to change. I've done everything in game I want to do. PvP, Ops, leveling.
  23. Why is there not one for Xalek? I went looking just now and I see now. Is his species immune to the plague?
  24. I'm also guessing Treek would be the best companion then. That 15% over 20 seconds is the only thing I see for Evasion.
  25. That would explain why I have such a hard time trying to hit people at 1000 meters with Burst Laser so much. It seemsl ike I never am able to hit them.
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