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Everything posted by Chocobo_Kramer

  1. It isn't open to abuse. Once you choose to become a rated player, you wouldn't be able to shut it off. I don't think having every match you play count towards your rating is a bad idea at all. I actually think it would be comprehensive and stop matches from feeling stagnant. At this state/population of the game, it makes the most sense. But whatever troll bot.
  2. People would have a bad rating for a season, and would have a much higher rating the next. *OR* maybe there could be a function where you could choose not to have your rating calculated/displayed?
  3. I would play my sage in TK if you want. Haven't played that spec in rankeds in quite some time and question its viability due to the spec being open to interrupt trolling. But.... Sounds like you guys have a plan/comp. I would only be available between 5 and 8pm EST because of work. Terkners. My sorc is slightly under geared on the left side but would play it if you want. Tek'nerd.
  4. I've seen mediocre players q with great players in 4s, and their rating doesn't necessarily reflect how good they are at their class. Caprica - even you have to admit that not all the best players on the server q 4s for one reason or another. Plus, some people (like me) can't q during active ranked times. I work 3rd shift and leave for work when stuff actually starts popping on pot 5. I've played a total of 40 games this season... I have a decent rating, but I couldn't play the 150 games necessary to build a top 5 rating even if I wanted to. Not saying I'm that good, I'm just trying to make a point. In fact, the player who I consider to be the best sage/sorc on pot 5 has played only 2 ranked matches so far because of work as well. He is stuck doing regs in off hours. As for your concern with undergeared players or alts - seasons could be shortened in regards to my idea. I would just like a rating system in place that does a better job of encompassing a full body of work for a player. Note: I'm not suggesting 4s should be removed. In fact, I think they should bring back 8v8s.
  5. I think that all matches you Q up for should be a "Rated" match. Q synching and such makes solo rankeds kind of pointless. Most of the time it becomes about exploitation and luck. Instead of having a "Ranked Q", let"s make every match in the game ranked. If you Q with 4 friends, that can be your 4 man rating. If you q with 3 people, you can have a 3 man rating. If you q solo... You get the idea. I think this would be a way more fun way to build a rating, and I think over time you would definitely get a better idea of who the TRUE best players are in the game. I think it's about as fair of a rating system as you can have. We can still have the seasons and prizes so that people who are geared like crap can have a chance to build rating at some point. If this is a repeat idea, I apologize.
  6. You're absolutely right... But, it'll never happen.
  7. Any chance cross server ranked will ever happen? Pretty much the only way ranked pvp can be saved
  8. Hi Jaastan, Are you a PvPer or a PvEer? That would help GM's decide if they would be a good fit for you and vis versa.
  9. I think that this is hard to do... The thought is nice, but frankly, people get really butthurt when they start losing and drop rating. It doesn't matter if we have a mutual understanding within the community or not; "good" players will rage when they lose, and the mediocre players will get frustrated with the ************ and will quit. That being said, I would be interested in playing "Kickball style" rateds for 4v4 if other people are up for it. My guildies in Republic Sympathizers are likely down as well. The toon I'm on the most these days is my Sentinel, Garlic (the i is alt+140). Hit me up any time in game (won't be on tonight). I'll also be checking this thread.
  10. Hi all. I would like to play in some 4 v 4's... I love you.
  11. Prestige Worldwide-wide-wide Shout out to Peppers. I love you.
  12. Dude, both sides are awful right now. Lot of sloppy games.
  13. /throwchair2 gyyyaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. That's seriously the best comeback you have? You're garbage. I hope you get hacked by someone who actually knows how to troll.
  15. I've never seen a more pathetic troll attempt. You must be a 14 year-old that stole his mommy's credit in order to play SWTOR. Troll better or ****.
  16. In terms of PvP, this is the server to be (as far as East Coast servers go).
  17. In my experience, both sides are pretty equal. There are games where you roll, games where you get rolled, and games that are damn close. I PUG about 75% of the time, and I would say the ratio is pretty much the same. It really depends on your comp more than anything. I've been apart of pugs with a bunch of people that aren't generally the most recognized players, and have absolutely roflstomped a really good premade. I've also been on the other side of it, regardless of faction. My point is basically that there is little to no difference between the two factions in terms of pugging. Just my two cents.
  18. Rwookrooroorooo <The Revered> Teknus Highwind
  19. Wow.. Great points. The devs know wussup. Hang on guys, I can't help take down the target because I have to burn force by healing to full. Oh wait, I can heal the team to full. Oh wait, I need to heal to full again because I am getting healer aggro. **** it *specs heals*
  20. I'm glad a good sorc/sage has already tried out this idea. Hopefully my group and I will make it work as well.
  21. In my opinion, Sages need the biggest defensive buff of all. Either that, or make us uninterruptable when running TK. If a mara is constantly interrupting me and eatting my damage with his cd's... Yeah... Nuff said. Or I could run balance with all that fluff damage and stay alive :/
  22. Hey guys, I just wanted to ask Pot5 PvPers opinions on arena comps. I was thinking of building my team with a Vigilance Guardian, a Vanguard Tank, DPS Telekinetics Sage, and a Scoundrel or Mando healer. Thoughts? PS: Trolls welcome.
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