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Everything posted by justintong

  1. I have seen that one before, that one is no doubt the best of all indeed LOL
  2. So i created a vanguard to see if pyrotech (assault specialist) spec is really that op. Well it is still op when i recorded this game... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVJ9NdY--DQ Enjoy!
  3. sorry but i eat pyrotech pt in a 1 v 1 every time whenever there is one with my vigilance guardian well unless i dont have any defensive cd ready for the 1 v 1
  4. L2P. Eg. cc them when they have cloak of pain on and wait for it to go off (cloak of pain only lasts 6 seconds for a marauder if no damage is taken) No cloak of pain = squishy medium armor
  5. Davey you are totally correct, if it changes to 8% maximum health, with rakata medpac and enure, it can heal a lot when you are nearly dead
  6. Who thinks the set 2 bonus of vindicator set for dps guardian or juggernaut should have a minor change, so that intercede or guardian leap heals for 8% of MAXIMUM HEALTH instead of 8% TOTAL HEALTH ??
  7. Rank warzones still work perfectly fine, man up, create ops and queue rank for some normal lvl 50 games!!
  8. For assassin i will mention akarsha..hes still bm gear and hits hard on my scoundrel, if hes full wh..
  9. haha PWN you jwalsh with my badly geared PT!
  10. against organised and good rated teams, focus guardian or rage jugs are not good imo because the opponents will SPREAD OUT. The smash or sweep against FULL WH players can only do a maximum damage of 6500 (highest i have seen is 5.9k for a smash, show me a pic or video if you can do more than that.) or less since no more adrenal and relic pops. Given that focus or rage spec needs to build up focus/rage SLOWLY to execute bursting abilities, the opponents would have their health's topped up by then. In contrast, vigilance/vegeance spec basically has unlimited focus/rage to use and keep up the constant damage on opponents. Vig/veg spec has a much greater survivability too - 4% additional damage reduciton at all times + activating focused defense grants 15% damage reduction which acts like a mini Saber Ward. Think in a simple way, would you want to do 15k dmg every ~12seconds with focus/rage spec (from building up focus/rage to executing your bursting abilities) or doing ~3-4k damage every second with vig/veg spec (virtually unlimited focus/rage to expense thus you can keep using attack abilities)? Well in the end it is a personal choice, some people like focus/rage spec, some people like vig/veg spec, choose the one that suits you
  11. if it is an instant hit, people have no chance to avoid it and it breaks the purpose of encountering a rage jug or focus guard
  12. I have recently made a video showing how vigilance dps is performing in pvp in patch 1.3. I am full warhero+augmented except my offhand is still battlemaster. The opponents were warhero/battlemaster geared. IMO, vigilance>focus, it gives a high constant dps rather than bursting dps from focus spec which cant even kill people in a short period of time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PivMGoWKihQ&feature=youtu.be Enjoy
  13. I have made a video how vigilance guardian (vegeance juggs) is performing in pvp I am full warhero+augmented, only the offhand is still battlemaster, all the opponents in the game were warhero/battlemaster geared. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PivMGoWKihQ&feature=youtu.be
  14. Going to point out imbalances in pvp straightforward: 1. Tank assassin(shadow) - how can a tank speced assassin becomes a DPS player who can be an actual threat to a dps speced player in a 1 v 1 situation, ie, the tank has the ability to kill a dps? It is funny how a tank specced assassin can be one of the top3 most damage done in a game. 2. A dps guardian(juggernaut) using soresu form to guard people meanwhile outputing insane damage. They can be one of the top dps in a game while having protection points of 20k? This is riduculous. 3. Tank guarding a commando (merc) healer - Simple, heavy armor + guarded = unkillable. Even if players gang up the commando(merc) healer, pop their shield and full hp again. This is ridiculous and makes them very very hard to be killed. These things are ruining the enjoyment of playing pvp now because people simply just play the easy classes and win easily. I hope these imbalances can be fixed where a tank is a tank, they should not do dps that is equal to a dps speced player. Guardians (juggernauts) soresu form should have an effect that greatly reduces their damage output so they either guard a person which will sacrifice their damage output or use their aggresive form to actually do dps. Lastly, guarded commando(merc) healer, in a rated wz they are impossible to be killed due to their heavy armor and guarded PLUS 'chain healing' - other healers help healing the commando (merc). I hope there will be adjustments for commando(merc) healers so pvp playing is fair.
  15. It is entertaining for getting a laugh when your scoundrel gets an upperhand or the operative gets a tatical advantage right?
  16. When patch 1.3 comes out, 'burst' dps will be weakened (nerfing pvp relics etc) and classes that do 'burst' dps like scoundrel scrapper (operative concealment) will become even less dps viable. Scoundrel scrapper (concealment) was nerfed in patch 1.2 already, is it sensible to change the scrapper (concealment) spec back to a more dps viable level? For example, decrease the cooldown for backblast (backstab), increase the internal damage dealt by flechette round (acid blade) or increase the damage dealt by sucker punch (laceration) to a sensible level? What do you guys think??
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