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10 Good
  1. First off I do very much enjoy Swtor. The fully voiced and dark light side choices are brilliant. I am now a PvP'er at heart and really have no interest anymore in PvE boss grinding after playing the game that shall not be named. My concerns lay squarely in the dumbing down of the game as well as the dumbing down if many players. - Grind for gear concept This is redundant and in essence the system needs a drastic overhaul, not more DAILY quests and WEEKLY quests, seriously if I was the lead developer of an MMO and the let's do Daily quests idea was brought up by a staff member I would fire them. I can not think of anything more tedious. With the patch 1.2 now having such a drastic effect on PvP it means that PvP which at it's core was a skill orientated environment is now a grind for gear environment. I'm all for working towards a goal but honestly the level that gear matters in PvP now is astounding. If you think this system is preferred then spare me the rederick and go look at EVE Online, this is a time invested equates to gear available game. It's player base is tiny and new players stand no chance. The system is redundant, remove and replace it. - Crafting Why is crafting fluff? Player run economies make a game invaluably stronger, do not provide any endgame loot rather endgame quality materials and craftables. Sure this is done now but not to the extent it needs to be. Make crafting the ultimate level of gear available. Sure make it expensive and time consuming all the better, that creates progression. At the moment the only real useful craft is Biochem. - Instancing Nothing pulls a gamer out of his/her fantasy world quicker then a loading screen. With the power of cpu's why do developers insist on making things instanced. There are obvious performance and latency issues but thats why there are so many servers. Setting story quests into phases is brilliant. Setting everything into phases is not. Locate the flashlights at the planet of origin and have shuttles in the fleet take you to the planet. This will also help with fast travel in the long run. Fleet > Ship > Planet > Ship > Fleet is just not good enough. - PvP As I touched on before the issue is now with balance, remove expertise from PvP it's such a pointless trait. PvE gear has no expertise yet the same level of health and resistance is still achievable. When did PvP and PvE need to be separated into their own unique gear variations? Do not give into those who claim I work for gear in PvP so I deserve to be more powerful, they are zealous and misleading, they are not PvPer's they are gankers/griefers who consider there gaming prowess a god given talent instead of the gear level ratio. The higher your gear the more tactical you become not skilled as working your balls off to get the highest tier to only work half as hard to kill things, this is not PvP. After saying that there will be people who do not agree and I dont care what they say honestly, these are observations based on reason and logic and always open to interpretation. - Gear related PvP Brackets ( Tiers determine bracket or some other way to balance ) - More titles related to PvP - More maps for each Warzone, 4-5 different maps per warzone increases replayability. - Ops group queing - PvP games like Huttball and not the bland conquest games - PvP and PvE gear to share common tiers so neither is better then the other in it's field. Not saying make th identical just slightly better in the respective field. - More endgame planets other then Illum coz snow is to white. Deserts rainforest oceans etc etc - Cross server ques for flashpoints / Operations / PvP Certainly tweaking to be done but a few base ideas.
  2. Then what kind of PvP'er are you?
  3. Layed down the truth on that one. AMEN.
  4. Agreed. But when you are given lemons make lemonade. Or a steak and use the lemons as dressing... if so inclined. Come on people smile it doesnt hurt, christ.
  5. Umm... dont let people change gear in a warzone?
  6. Why do you want to do all this **** to gain an unfair advantage over others? Fear of being beaten? Seriously... lame. Though I have a new one. - NAKED WARZONE!!!! Suggestions and ideas, do I need to detail every single variation and possibility for the thought starved junkies that need to be spoon fed by details outlining every variation and possibility. Turn brain on, think... /slitwrist. Go ahead mod up level 10 gear with all ya high end mods, in fact use mods as a guideline to determine the brackets. Well thought out there mate, glad you had an suggestion. Kudos.
  7. - Gear related PvP brackets. That is to say people with a certain amount of BM gear or WH gear or even Recruit gear are all pooled into individual brackets. This keeps the overall 'fairness' of PvP where it should be. Honestly anybody should be able to kill anybody at any time, skill should always determine the outcome, not being outgeared. The gear bracket would solve this problem and keep players leveled out across the field. PvPer's are an egotistical bunch and if they want bragging rights then they will fight in the highest tier. For those that seek more casual encounters they can choose their tier depending on their mood. - To make above viable, cross server PvP matchups. Pretty self explanatory. - More god damned maps for PvP. Honestly how an MMO releases these days without the concept of 50/50 PvE/PvP is astounding. Huttball is a stroke of genious for PvP. The bland conquest hold 2 of 3 points has been done to death. - Each Warzone requires 3-5 differing maps. This will greatly increase replayability. And I dont mean a little random thing here and there, I mean a whole new map with the same objectives. - DEATHMATCH.... honestly make a square room, wall it in, drop 16 players in it and tell them last man standing wins a cookie, BAM. Its that easy. - More trackable achievments and titles from PvP'ing, not as in rank but as in skill related. Like Defender, Assault, Murderer, Destroyer, Runningback, Ball-Handler ( for obvious lol reasons ), Quaterback, Orange Peeler and so on and on. - MORE PVP. PvE is bland after playing so many grind to level games, who gives a rabbits arsehole. Story is good yes, but the fourth time through I'm breaking my space bar. More Maps, Events, Warzones, BATTLES. - 8v8 is MEH... give me 50v50 NOW THATS A WARZONE!!!!!
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