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Everything posted by eyecrityou

  1. Well I know this game isn't wow and comparing it to a game that has been around for 8 years and many many updates is not right.. but still HOLY CRAP!!! I mean come on how long has bioware been working on this game.. do they not check out other MMO's and see what works for them and doesn't... I mean they got 8 years of history from wow to work with even.. they should have had all this crap figured out and ready to roll on launch day if they hoped to compete with other MMO's who are smooth running. This is one of the worst Pay to Play MMO's ive ever played.. im ashamed of myself for buying this game at all.. Had they a trial of the game I wouldnt have bought it all.. If your thinking of buying this game.. DONT unless you just love star wars and are all about only questing and story. The PVP and End game content is garbage. Even casual gamers can easily hit the level cap in a month or less of gameplay. This game promises alot but fails to deliver on anything but story... They would need to do alot of revamping of this game with patch 1.2 for me to play it ever again... maybe I should wait about another 7 years and try it again ????
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