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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by thendrix

  1. Guys they explained this in previous posts. They are transferring low pops to high pops and evening out the populations. The server linked to fatman is the lowest population server in the game. They are maybe only getting 40-50 new people along with all their alts. You will see the lowest pop servers going to the highest pops.



    Of course, but that still doesn't give any positive reasoning for choosing The Fatman. The Swiftsure would be a more logical choice for a higher pop PVP server that could use 40-50 people I presume. Because BW needs to make an immediate positive impact, period.


    Essentially the only people being helped are the "40-50" people from the low pop, because the current subs on The Fatman are happy and staying rather even. However, if they chose the 2nd highest pop PVP server they would have made the "40-50" players from the low pop server, and all of the destination server players happy as well.... So do you think a business would want 40-50 people to get excited about a game again with one quick move cuz the people on The Fatman could care less.? or would it be better to have earned the trust and loyalty of 40-50 people plus the 100-200 on a mid-high server... cuz the people on The Fatman could care less.


    Yes, there is an ordered system in place. But does that mean that the system is correct? I am talking business here, and I doubt many people here can match me, so don't even try.

  2. The problem isn't exactly lack of communication...Swtor has one of the more active CM teams I've seen. The problem is they always must spin the message. They're still constantly trying to sell me a game I've already bought, constantly putting an excessively positive spin and hype on new features, patches and announcements. It leads to to high expectations followed by a crash of disappointment....I still remember 1.2 being though of as a "Jesus patch" based largely on the massive hard sell.




    However, I believe they know they have to continue to "sell" the game to active subscribers because they are worried that if they don't, all the subscribers will start to realize that they have purchased multiple months of a game just waiting for a patch to release.

  3. to anyone thinking the communication of this was messed up: it wasn't. all the post regarding this day stated pretty much exactly what was going to happen. so get over that issue.


    the size of the roll out is a legitimate issue to complain about...10 servers out of 200something has got to be a some kind of joke that i don't get. i understand the necessity to get it done gradually, but to start with the smallest possible number after hyping a delayed response to overwhelming criticism that much is just stupid.


    i'm not really raging because i didn't expect to transfer today but this dumb move triggers bad memories from cryptics STO "overpromise/underdeliver" policy ... which made me quit that game without any chance of ever buying anything fromthem again.


    The communication for BW/EA definitely said it would be a gradual process, but the lack of identifying the amount of servers actually being affected immediately was misleading. And I agree that affecting 10 servers of 200, 5% of servers, is a joke. Even more ridiculous is that 6 of the 10 servers are in the EU.


    ALSO I am absolutely on the line of not re-subbing due to the continued idiocy of the BW ignoramuses. I honestly could care less if my server was available for transfer, or if there were even only 2 US servers being effected. BUT IT IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE THAT THE IDIOTS OF BW WOULD THINK THAT ONE OF THE FIRST DESTINATION SERVERS WOULD BE THE FATMAN! This is the single stupidest decision I have seen in my entire life. It defies all logic. So, the single US server that has maintained a large active player population would need more

    players!?!?!?!?! Congrats BW I want nothing to do with you idiots ever again.


    And for all you fanboys that will defend BW til the end, because they have a game which you have created an alterego that makes you feel like you have a real life. Just look at this website and tell me The Fatman is a US PVP server that deserves to have a larger population at this time. http://www.torstatus.net/the-maw/history/7d#!/the-fatman/history/7d


    BW learn how to do some simple math, and hire somebody with strong pragmatic reasoning soon.

  4. After reading through this entire thread I would like to say that it shows a very dynamic discussion. There are definitely many pro's and con's to the current state of SWTOR that many users are invested in. That being said, I think that the list of con's to this MMO are only increasing and will continue to grow.


    I have been playing MMO's for over a decade, beginning with Ultima Online. Since then I have experienced a very wide display of gaming types and models. What I love about SWTOR was the creation of a very in depth leveling storyline and a whole new take on class dynamics.


    However, what has been a growing frustration for me, and I see voiced in many of these threads is that SWTOR had not really had much differentiation from other recent MMORPGs. It is growing more and more frustrating to see this game follow much of the same issues that I saw over a decade ago with MMOs. All of those games either made changes that killed them or pushed them to further success. But, it is frightening that I am playing a game that is in apparently in noway actually taking any quantitative research in them MMO market to address recurring issues. It has also not truly created any viable differentiation point for end game viability for players. In fact it is a little depressing to see that most of the development money went into creating an in-depth(but excruciatingly easy) leveling storyline. But, once you hit 50......everything is just repetitive theme park gameplay. I mean honestly DOTA holds my attention more for this type of gameplay.


    10 years ago this game would be the beesknees, but it is not up to par with the MMO industry and it is frustrating to see the priority of the developers. The legacy system is a waste of time. This is something that gets implemented much later into a game... not 4 months after launch. Nerfs to operatives and smugglers is absurd due to the veritably small user base here. And, I would like to apologize to all the whiners that just hit 50 and got ***** by a battlemaster geared op or scoundrel. But, if you take down the dps burst, then make the character not a burst only char. Now we have ops and scoundrels all moving to a heal spec because they cannot come close to holding their own in a group melee situation.(this is one example of misprioritization)


    Another issue I am very concerned about that I have not seen mentioned is the amount of server downtime due to re-patching after the release of 1.2. Never in my gaming experience I have been in a situation where I see a game servers going down so frequently to patches. It is also rather infuriating to see that latest patch time move up the time-frame so that any person who works an evening shift has zero time to log on during those days.


    My last point, which I have seen posted in numerous unanswered posts has to do with that large amount of people already dropping this game. I did not have the game at launch and had to grind hard to hit 50 to play with many of my friends. However, by the time i hit 50, which many experienced players had already been at for a couple months, they were already dropping the game. WHY? because there are too many issues with the end game that any players with serious MMO experience find unbearable. And subsequently all of the players that have undying belief that this game can make something of itself are left high and dry with unbelievably infrequent and long wz qeues as well as a lack of any kind of pve raids existing outside of guilds. These issues were solved in countless MMOs in the past 5-10 years! How in the world does a game get millions of dollars thrown at it and not consider this collective experience? The game is not going to live off of people new to MMOs. And the players with the greatest depth of experience, that can offer an insurmountable depth to a game, are just looking for the next option.


    but, hey, whatever.... I had fun waiting years for Shadowbane to be released to watch it fail in under 6 months. And, this situation honestly does not seem any different at all. Thanks for the extra 30days, so i can have the satisfaction of being fully geared before letting my sub lapse out of boredom.

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