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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by thendrix

  1. I want to start off by saying that I have been playing rogue dps classes in MMOs for over a decade, so I am not coming from an inexperienced place.


    Pre-1.2 scrapper scoundrels were definitely a very useful and viable class for both PVP and PVE. The nerf was not necessarily unwarranted, however subsequent updates have continued to raise dps for other classes and not the scoundrel. Dirty fighting has been almost the only spec that can create a large and consistent amount of dps.


    The expac is once more addressing areas outside of DPS for the scrapper, and parsing dps on a dummy is incredibly misleading compared to the requirements of gameplay during pve or pvp.


    In SWTOR when it comes to dps the scoundrel is just not up to par. The gameplay is as exciting and versatile as any rogue class in an MMO, but unfortunately the dps is rather lacking. BW wanted to push the dps burst of the scrapper spec down because it frustrated so many other players, but if you have played since pre-launch you would know that the mindset of BW on this matter is not going to change.


    It took me a full year to finally just respec into heals. I initially planned to run Sawbones for just a week, because I wanted to actually get into ranked wzs with actual good teammates. I have not had a desire to go back to dps with my main because Sawbones is such a better thought out spec, and it is not getting the blind eye that the dps specs are getting.


    I sincerely recommend that all of you reevaluate your stance on dps scoundrels. THe double xp weekends are providing all of us to level up more potent dps classes that are the attention of BW. If you want to be a top dps player then you should look into a different class and just use scoundrels as healers.


    THAT BEING SAID. If you just want to play a class that you enjoy and pug around then scoundrels are a very fun and engaging class to play. Just dont expect to constantly be the top dps player, and dont ever expect to be used in ranked wzs by any serious teams.

  2. Atm im "only" 42 on my scoundrel. I am healspecced and mostly I do wz's.


    My targets are dying! lol. what kind of rotation would you use to keep 1-2 persons healed?

    mostly I do slow-medpack twice --> underworld medicine - kolto cloud --> kolto pack, then maybe underwolrd medicin or emergency pack... if cool head are up I can spam underworld a few times again, but then im totally out of energy and we are instant gibbed.. is diagnostic scan any good? the heal delve is sooo low ><

    ^^ Will it be more balanced when I hit 50 or will I suck as bad as im doing now? I just see tons of awsome scoundrels/operatives doing high healing in warzones ><


    Anyways - if anyone have some sort of advice I would be happy ;)


    Thx in advice


    It sounds like you are seriously mismanaging your energy. Try to follow this basic rotation:


    slow-release medpack

    UW healing

    Emergency medpac


    Every other rotation drop kolto cloud, and occasionaly sub diagnostic scan for sr medpac. This should keep your energy above 60-65 at all times with pugnacity. If your target drops below 30% spam emergency medpac until you have a chance to get back in your rotation.


    I find it usefull to try and constantly be in this rotation even if there is nobody to heal. You want to get yourself in such a habit that you can mainly just stare at your raid panel.


    Also, I recommend trying to also use LOS (line of sight) as much as possible both offensively and defensively. Evading enemy focus is key.

  3. Okay, I thought that was the case as far as the leap goes.


    I'll go mess around in pve to practice that cover/sab charge/leave cover. I did remember trying it when I first rolled but gave up because it didn't seem smooth to me.


    Apparently people are saying scroundrels get leap immunity in cover, sorry for the misinfo. However, this may be glitchy because I know I have been leaped to while in cover. At least it appeared that way.


    I did the same thing with sab charge when I started playing. You will be able to learn how to make the transition smooth though. You can practice in both pve and pvp which will help a lot.


    I strongly recommend moving to sawbones at level 50.

  4. Leap immunity in cover is just for snipers/gunslingers.


    If you are rolling dps scrapper you still need to have cover bound. You can go into cover and then throw sab charge without losing anytime on your ability cooldown. This is very important to figure out how to do efficiently in a wz.

  5. Since you are able to max the scrapper tree out yet, then I recommend using your shoot first with backblast following in your rotation. Moving backblast further down the rotation is only needed once you have flechette round which does not stack.


    Do not ignore your sabotage charge, it can produce much higher dps.


    Once you hit 50 I recommend looking into Sawbones, it will benefit you a lot more in endgame and moving into the expansion. That rotation is super simple: time released med pac, uw healing, emergency medpac.... Change out the hot for a diagnostic scan when your energy is dropping, and keep kolto cloud on cool.

  6. I believe that for leveling it may be easiest to run scrapper spec or sawbones. When i leveled last year it was rather expedient to roll scrapper, however that was pre 1.2 nerfs. Running sawbones can help expedite lower levels until you gain Gus after finishing storylines on Hoth. After that it is pretty easy to have him heal while you dps. However, many of the prime abilities of the scrapp spec are hard to execute on quest line bosses, due to the need to be behind a foe.


    In all honesty though, scoundrels really only get far in endgame modes as sawbones healers. Dps has been nerfed a few times already for scrapper, and dirty fighting is decent but at that point you may as well just role a gunslinger.


    I have been a hardcore DPS rogue class for over a decade in multiple MMOs, and the scoundrel is fun but it just doesn't match up to other DPS roles in SWTOR. In the endgame you will be hardpress to find a ranked warzone or end game raid group as DPS.


    However, sawbones is a well balanced and versatile healing option. If you want to DPS in the endgame then I recommend rolling a gunslinger or sentinel. It took me almost 6 months to swallow that pill post 1.2, but it has been great since i rerolled. Now, I am going to have a sent and gunslinger to endgame DPS instead which suits me just fine.

  7. I just started my journey as a level 50 healing scoundrel and i have a tad different build I'd like to share - simply because I didn't see it mentioned before.


    Power Hog


    Why such name? Generally I play Scoundrel as a kiting style class - that means a lot of running around and precasting HoT on people - since Kolto Cloud is eating through power like old lady through cheesecake I dropped it to get Street Tough - It now changes Pugnacity to smaller version of coolhead so even if i will drop on my Energy to around 30% i can quickly raise it to 50% again and go on healing - without a break and to be honest - without a moment of thought - this cuts my healing ability - since kolto cloud is not available, but on the other hand it is not very usefull when it comes to pulling out your allies from below 30% of total hp.


    As you can see I also dropped the Med Screen which theoretically grants You 15% healing bonus when under your own bubble - truth be told this effect should be very useful when someone decideds to hammer you with damage and you need to immediatelly heal yourself bursting with green light. To be honest - so far I used this bubble in two different scenarios:


    1) Evac - Your enemies just opened nuclear weaponry silos and pull out everything best they can use to kill You so You just need to vanish in thin air to not get killed - this is useful when You have no time to think and need to disappear right here and right now without moment or two to use Triage. This prevents You from leaving stealth due to dots or some of weaker AoE skills.


    2) Long Range/Damage Over Time - Enemy decided they will annoy you with their damaging abilities - annoy is a good word because You can outheal dealt damage, but You need to stop Healing your allies to do so. Poping bubble in such moment allows You to continue healing others while being under attack.


    Usually Defense Screen does not work well against Marauders, Burst Juggernauts and power hungry sorcs - not mentioning stalking operatives which will be threat to You.


    Everything else including stats priories is the same - because having 65% to crit with UDM and Kolto Pack is neat when in need of burst - It sure does not get You to the top of board when it comes to the end of Warzone - but it allows You to be effective single target healer with ability to maintain his service even in very demanding conditions. Also: Dirty Escape kicks ***!.



    So since you just started your sawbones and you think you should make a post on how to heal? Losing KC is the dumbest move you can make. It is the heart of healing for scoundrels. Also at no point should you be going under 60% energy unless there is a moment that requires spamming uw, but those moments are usually pretty far apart and should be complemented with cool head. As any spec of scoundrel you are useless if you dont know how to manage energy. IF you parse more than 500 HPS with your build I will be astounded.


    Also KC is extremely effective at pulling teammates up from low health. Do some math.


    Sawbones is also not a kiting class. If you want to kite with a scoundrel then use the Scrapper tree. Scrapper is very good at controlling enemy players. Sawbones is relatively useless as a kite model.

  8. I should also add that you should be using a program like MOX to parse your logs. MOX will track your total heals done, not just what part of a health bar was filled for your teammate like the pvp sheet displays. If you have a large discrepancy between the swtor sheet and your mox then you will know that you are over healing. Of course sometimes there is not that much available to heal if you are playing bads, but I would say that 90% of wz rounds you can get close to 1mill heals if you just mind your rotations and stick with your team.
  9. 700k healing in a WZ is not bad. Reaching an HPS higher that 1k is pretty feasible, unlike the poster stated above.


    The key is to make sure you are in a constant state of healing. This can be more difficult if you get focused, but as a scoundrel healer you should be able to get around these issues without dropping much lower in HPS.


    Basically you want to just use 3 abilites on rotation, slow-release medpac, uw heal, emergency medpac. Every two rotations your kolto pack should be used. And if you energy drops below 65 then use diagnostic scan.... Basically I usually go two rotations, drop my kolto and then use diagnostic scan. If you maintain a rotation like this you will heal for very high HPS.


    As for the above poster... getting 1300 hps is not that difficult while still moving and dealing with opposing players. If I get to spam heals unnoticed then i am parsing 2.5k-3k HPS... so yeah ****

  10. You don't realize what your asking, Yoda is one of the last REAL mysteries of StarWars. Very little is known about his people and their past and George Lucas insists on keeping that way. By shrouding Yoda and his people in mysteries you create a character that keeps peoples attention. The moment you tell all about his people and their history the mystery is gone and so is the a lure of the Character. it's not a perfect comparison but, you could compare Yoda to J.R. Tolken Tom Bombadil from Lord of the Ring's. Tom has amazing powers but one stands out above the rest. He is able to wield the Ring of POWER. the One Ring has no power over Bombadil; he can see Frodo when the Ring makes him invisible to others, and can wear it himself with no effect. He even tosses the Ring in the air and makes it disappear, but then produces it from his other hand and returns it to Frodo. This seems to demonstrate that he has a unique and mysterious power over the Ring. This is the kind of mystery that keep people wondering about Tom and its the same idea with Yoda.


    Tom Bombadil is definitely an anomaly in LOTR. However, most Tolkien fanatics and researchers have found that the character of Tom Bombadil is probably the closest thing to a manefestation of Tolkien's "God" of the world he created. If you look at it that way, it is rather nice Tom's role was not as a deus ex machina, and played a rather aloof and side role.


    Yoda plays a similar role, but is directly involved in the Star Wars story arc. However, the veil of mystery around him makes his character essential. I did hear once that many people believe him to not be a separate race but just an incredibly ancient and shrunken human being.

  11. I began playing in March of 2012, at that point most of the entry worlds were already barren as many players had already powered to the level 50 cap to find a general lack of endgame polish. This was a result akin to many MMOs that launch before they are ready.


    In fact for all of you WoW fans, WoW was delayed an additional 2 years after they realized they need to make a litany of changes. However, the first year of WoW was rather tumultuous with a rather undeveloped end game experience. Blizzard took the time to bolster and make that portion of the game more robust.


    SWTOR came at a time that many gamers already expected this type of consideration, so as more updates and attempted fixes rolled out in spring and summer of 2012, the subs became rather disillusioned. The improvements made this fall with F2P and continued rigor in updates has brought new life to the game. Entry level planets are full of new players, as well as other players who see value in creating additional toons.


    I expect that the expansion will finally bring a more stable SWTOR to the MMO forefront. BW appears to have learned from many of their mistakes, and the new level 55 endgame will hopefully amount to what the endgame experience should have been at launch. But, we will have to wait and see.


    Either way it is incredibly nice to have a more consistent player base now. There were times before server merges that I was 1 of 5 people on the fleet, and q times for PVP were an hour sometimes with no hope of PVE groups. Now with a more consistent player base, content is more readily available to get involved in which should keep most players happy. Only time will tell, but I think SWTOR is here to stay for a while. Especially since there does not seem to be any MMOs coming in the near future that could "kill" WoW or SWTOR. The MMOs gaming industry is becoming more and more niche, and it will still be quite a while until we see a revolutionary MMO type IMO. However, you never know.

  12. I dont understand why you think this thread is about nerfing operatives.


    The op wrote an excellent summary about why smash and bubble stun need to be fixed right away, and you focused on nerfing operatives. There is no good reason why we have had NO communication regarding these two abilities from BW. There is no good reason why, even though the pvp playerbase obviously do not approve of them, they have not been addressed at all.


    +1 for this thread for sure.





    I wrote back on a post that spoke to a nerf to scoundrels/ops due to previous posts. Just because I did not write another few paragraphs in a agreement on nerfing smashing and bubbling does not make the post impertinent. This thread is in general about the state of PVP and class issues. I focused on one in order to avoid writing a book. The OP is spot on and is obviously well versed in MMOs so I don't have much to add to what he has already stated.


    To appease you:

    There has been little attention to PVP class balance since 1.2. The turnover at Bioware has created a divide between current and previous game design. Evening out the gear gap by providing affordable WH gear and a rather minuscule upgrade with EWH has actually made the class imbalances even more apparent. While many thought this would level the playing field to be based around skill, it is now based around which FOTM class to choose next. I would not be surprised to see nerfs and buffs before Makeb(wishful thinking), but I have little hope that it will nullify this constant FOTM class rotation.


    We are also all ignoring the fact that it is our community that makes these issues even worse. It is unfortunate that there is such a huge player base that will reroll simply to play whatever class or spec is overpowered. Pre 1.2 I was dropping into rounds with 4 or more DPS scrappers, post 1.2 it was pyrotech mania, and now it is smash or bubble. In all honesty I have pretty much given up on PVP in SWTOR and for the first time in an MMO actually enjoying more PVE. The constant imbalance issues are really just too much to deal with, and making SWTOR fall further and further down my priority list of gaming. PVP has always been my main focus and it is rather sad to lose interest in a game due to the rather inane player base and lack of developer attention.

  13. Wrong. You seem to think marauder/sent was the first class I leveled, or that it is the only class I played, or that I don't enjoy playing carnage as well as annihilation.


    I played a scoundrel/op as well. Liu-kang on the fatman server. I absolutely wrecked kids on my scoundrel. The most "broken" part of the class was adrenal/biochem/warzone stacking. Any burst class could so the same, it is just that most good sub rogues from WoW gravitated to the "sub rogue class", and actually started min/maxing long before everyone else, and at that point people had no idea that sniper's weren't that bad, or that PT pyro could single target burst your face off.


    Am I saying that it didn't need a nerf? Not at all. I could solo cap against 4 people. They gave the class more control and toned down the burst. That was fine. Where scoundrels/ops got completely screwed, was when bubble stun was added. A class that relies on control/stunlocking being auto stunned on their opener? Defeats the whole purpose of a "rogue class", which is WHY team bubble stun was such an awful change. OP/scoundrel viability would go up 10 fold if bubblestun was removed, as would dps sins.


    ATM it is hyrbid sins/smash/bubblesorc/other healer (usually scoundrel/op) and a carnage/combat marauder to run them around at 80 percent speed. No other classes really need apply. You can get by with other comps, but you are just outplaying the people who go the easy route. Just because you can succeed with an inferior comp, doesn't mean that another comp is not imbalanced. Hell I got a stupidly high arena ranking in WoW with a Elemental Shaman/Ret Pally at one point. We were the only people even playing the comp (2's mattered in that expansion). It was garbage. It was my friend though and I wanted to get him ranking weapons.


    What we have here in SWTOR was a bad move in buffing the rage tree (when both SW trees were perfectly viable). and then trying to fix that by adding more CC to a game that has plenty of cc already. Both are wrong, both shouldn't be in the game. It is asinine that a target switch after "setting up singularity" (which is easy), hits harder then a stealth opener. What makes it even stupider is that it is an aoe. It also requires no positional requirement (being behind the target).


    This is the easiest fix in the world...revert the changes. This isn't asking for a new game engine or anything. It is obvious that darn near the entire player base wants this fixed pronto. The only people that want to keep it, either A) have never played a melee, and don't realize just how stupid bubble stun is, or B) play the melee spec that bubble stun was supposed to help slow down.


    There is nothing for Bioware/EA to lose from fixing this, and they risk alienating the hardcores who have stayed with them if they don't. The PVE Crowd? They could care less as long as the abilities work in a raid, and...noone raids as focus/rage anyways in any guild who has decent progression.


    You are right on with your analysis of the pre-1.2 scoundrel/op situation. Most of the players playing that class from launch already knew what it would take to min/max their stats to create a ridiculous burst. Of course this created a great deal of issues as the majority of the player base did not have the hp or gearing experience to deal with a rogue class.


    The shame of it all is that as gear and hp has drastically increased there has not been a single buff back to the scrapper spec in terms of DPS. While the controlling abilities and speed buff were nice, they truly pale in comparison to almost all of the other class buffs that were thrown out there. Now, I rarely roll around in a DPS spec because it is simply beyond anyone players skill to be truly effective in a WZ compared to other DPS classes.


    This however is not all that new of a situation in MMOs. Usually a rogue class will get nerfed once the skilled players get their gear fine tuned. We always know how to turn a raw DPS class into something ridiculous even though we sacrifice a great deal of survivability. However, the scrapper nerfs in SWTOR have by far been the the most drastic I have ever seen done to a rogue class. Thankfully I can just respec to an OP healing spec in order to maintain some semblance of sanity.

  14. What'd I'd like to see for either the scrapper or dirty fighting tree is that channeled ability called Pump Action that some NPCs use. I believe an ability like that would give a scrapper the much needed sustained DPS and fill in that annoying gap that sometimes happens in our rotation. I'd like to see tie into our abilities somehow (Like adding an additional second to flechette round every time pump action ticks)


    Thank you for being the first person in this thread to not be an imbecile and ask for more burst. The burst is fine it is the sustained and aoe that needs to be addressed.


    For those of you who werent here from launch Scrapper got nerfed into this sorry state because there was too much burst potential which led to way to much QQing. I would much rather have a consistent DPS spec rather than go from FOTM to nerfed into the dust again.

  15. For normal WZs, you guys are fine. People don't taunt or guard so you'll pretty much burst someone down really quick.


    TK sages are definitely the worst, followed closely by lethality ops, and then gunnery commandos.


    False, only good players can burst totally undergeared people, but it is not as easy as some believe. You are the first person in this thread to say that Scrapp/Lethality is not broken.

  16. my set has utilized ripping mods from wh enforcer, medic, and tech gear... probably have bought over 20 pieces by now. Do your own homework and figure out how you like your set best. If you can't figure it out then just go heals. Scrapper scoundrel is the hardest class to play well in the game. if you can't even figure out the gear, just learn how to heal instead because you will never figure out your rotations either.
  17. They should just make Flechette round free (no energy)


    The attacks that apply flechette have cooldowns( shoot first = 7.5s, Back blast 15s)


    so this change would only benefit us from an energy standpoint (substained)


    It used to be free based on your build, that was nerfed with 1.2 if i remember correctly.

  18. Definitely possible to break 500k with both DF or Scrapper, which i have done.


    However, as I have become more knowledgeable and geared out I find myself consistently hitting around 300k total damage with around 75-100k heals. If you playing your Scrapper based on objectives then you will not be maxing out your potential damage. A scrapper should either be solo fighing for a node or pulling healers away from a group fight. This leads to less total damage than if you spammed your aoe in group fight and stuck close to your team's healers, but in general it does not maximize the benefits of the class for objectives. Of course, Voidstar allows for both your dps and objective utility to be maximized.

  19. Well at the very least if players form an ops group then they should be only be able to que for ranked warzones. This will prevent the war heroes, warlords and conquerors from just ridiculously farming the lower geared toons. Yeah it may cause que times to be a little longer, but it will be alot more balanced on both sides. If it'll give both sides a fighting chance then so be it.


    uhhh since when can an ops group Q for reg wzs?


    The most a premade can make is 4 people, which equals half the team. This definitely can help a lot, but it doesn't necessarily determine how the wz will go.


    The huge issue here is not that people have high valor, or premades... it is the gear. SWTOR has taught too much instant gratification with it's theme park mechanics. It should take a hell of a long time to gear up full PVP gear. This would keep the spread further, so that new 50s and casual gamers would not have such a huge barrier..


    This being said, I do enjoy being full WH and going through additional pieces in order to pull mods out and fine tune my gear. But, it definitely does not make me invincible. Objective bases PVP is about OBJECTIVES. If a team plays with their heads in the game it is easy to upset almost any enemy team. Maybe it is time to stop worrying about premades and gear, and start thinking about how to work as a team. This is not Solo Wars.

  20. in BH/campaign gear you want to go 120 accuracy and 180 crit, the rest in surge and power respectivly. there has been mention of using crit/power 22 enhancements rather than the power/surge enhancements at higher gear levels due to surge hitting such a hard cap once you are near 400 (which you will be if you only put 120 point in accuracy, which is all u need sicne 95% of damage is coming from tech attacks).


    here is what i think might be BiS right now:




    this is for PvE, my bad


    you are correct on keeping accuracy at 120 in order to keep tech accuracy at the appropriate level. However, I think your gear set makes relatively no sense. It is a PVE set, so why would you have PVP relics? And, I am pretty sure this thread has been mostly dedicated to PVP gear sets. Expertise is a must for scoundrels in ranked PVP. I am not on board with trying to hit 1200 as many scrappers mistakenly do, however sitting at just over 100 expertise is crippling.


    Your gear is good for PVE, but why WH relics and not Campaign? The usable abilities on Campaign relics, far outweight the stat boost from the WH relics IMO

  21. I should also add that it is most likely intended. As with the majority of the gear in the game it is about mixing and matching to create the most viable pieces of equipment. In other words it is not just about filling out a WH set, the best PVP set may take 2 or 3 times the amount of WH pieces purchased in order to pull out the best mods
  22. There is armoring on an offhand weapon? Also the elite pieces and OH mods seem to be different. Not in front of my comp until tonight, but I believe they have made sub categories to match up with the original unmoddifiable stats.
  23. It should be noted that cunning is much more important to keep track of than power... Which can be greatly affected by using shells as well.


    Having a crit at 31% is pretty awful in the long run. Currently my main is sitting at 42% crit, and my main power is still tops out at 1100. This means over the course of a round and in important 1v1 fights the damage I put out is much greater.


    Also, Surge was nerfed quite a while ago. I am in the process of moving my gear around to increase both my power and crit but basically only dropping some Endurance and Surge. In my mind this will be well worth it. Especially if it puts me over the 5k crit mark on the regular.


    Side note: try to get campaign gear, rakata works, but the tier 4 armor carries the armor set bonus in the armoring piece only. This way your toon can be exactly the way you want it to look

  24. The game isn't balanced around 1v1 that has been stated over 100 times by BioWare (from a 1v1 point of view I would even go as far as saying pyro powertech is underpowered, but that's not what we're discussing), and the damage output from a pyro powertech is too high compared to other classes because of 1. high crit chance 2. easy resource management 3. powerful dots 4. hard hitting abilities. A pyro powertech can replace and do a better job than any dps class in the game, together with marauder and sniper.


    This is a great point. Of course VG and PT players want to claim that they are not op in anyway. However, it consistently blows my mind that a heavy armor class can have has a dps spec that produces some of the highest dps numbers in pvp, consistently. There is a reason why RWZs are filled with these pyro spec classes. Sure, the utility is lower, but that does not account for the incredibly easy dps capacity of the class. And, the survivability during direct combat is out of control.


    I have played dps classes for almost 20 years now in MMORPGS, and VG and PT have been the absolute easiest to push insane DPS. It is laughable that anyone would argue differently, so L2P. That being said, I will still stick with my broken scrapper scoundrel because it is a consistent challenge to produce the dps I desire.

  25. I am surprised that so many scrapper scoundrels seem to be very excited about this rather small change to the class which still does not address the dps issues that are currently arising during ranked pvp and end game pve. Addressing the lack of a jump or movement increase is definitely something that has been needed within the class, but I still am not convinced this will solve much of what has been broken in the class.


    It was mentioned earlier that the single target dps of the scrapper is underrated, and I completely agree. However, these abilities are contained within a very very small rotation of burst damage. There still needs to be a fix which addresses sustaining damage.


    I am happy to know that I we will be able to boost our speed, but this update in noway "fixes" the rather inane nerfs to the class. Previous to 1.2 it was incredibly easy to burst many classes down way too fast within a simple rotation, which needed to be addressed for game play mechanics. However, as the dps was taken from burst abilities it still needs to be spread into separate abilities.


    I do not believe that these very simple changes will make a scrapper scoundrel any more attractive to a RWZ squad as the dps still does not stack up to anything very impressive. Being able to escape quickly may help with the constant focus brought onto a class which is easily focused down, but scrappers still need a more adaptable skill set. BW needs to get creative on how to boost scrapper dps numbers without creating the ***** storm that forced previous nerfs. It is exhausting to constantly see other dps classes produce numbers that are consistently larger than was a scrapper can produce.


    That being said, I will always play the scrapper skill tree because I find it enjoyable even though it still appears to be broken. I have been playing mmos for so long that I will play a class which I find fun rather than overpowered.

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