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Everything posted by Tarixian

  1. Hello all. Casual Elitist is putting together new raid teams for our members. I do have a couple holes in two raid groups that will start hopefully this week/next week. If this is something you are interested in doing send me a message in-game to Tarixx. You may go to our guild website and apply as well: Casual Elitist You must use Mumble in order to raid. You must be able to use Parsec or Mox. You must be able to work with a team and communicate any issues you have. There will be no rage quitting. Thursday 6-8pm Server Time (pacific) - Second day will be determined by raiders that join this group. Monday & Thursday 9-11pm Server Time (pacific) Both raid groups are flexible with roles needed. Most of our members have more than one character they could bring. Thank you for your time and attention. Good luck.
  2. Hey. Casual Elitist is putting together new raid teams for our members. I do have a couple holes in two raid groups that will start hopefully this week/next week. If this is something you are interested in doing send me a message in-game to Tarixx. You may go look at our guild website and apply as well: Casual Elitist
  3. Kand should know where to find me if you need me. Fallon/Tarixx. Right now I do raid on Sunday from 6-9 server. If it doesn't pan out and you guys become an actual group I will move her over.
  4. Hello. If you are still looking for a Pub guild; for guilds that still teach ops. We are putting together new raid groups. Some of the players will be on the same learning path you are. If you are interested contact me in-game; Tarixx. Some of our members do PvP in Casual Elitist, but we do not have ranked teams setup.
  5. Edit: Found a Raid. Thanks! Hello. Thanks for clicking, let's see if you are what I'm looking for. Looking for a guild with a website, organized raid groups, static teams (or building additional teams). It does not matter if you use Mumble or Teamspeak, but that you use it. Republic or Empire, doesn't matter. Content Progression: (Healer - Republic) 10/10 HM DF and DP, 4/5 DF NiM, EC NiM title run (Tank and DPS- Empire) SVN HM - quit during SNV progression. (Tank and DPS- Empire) TFB HM (Healer and DPS - Empire) EC HM, KP NiM, EV NiM; all old raid during their progression time. You may inspect my achievements for dates. Characters: Tarixx - Scoudrel Healer (NiM locked) Tarixian - Commando Healer (NiM and HM Locked) Omnipresence - Sentinel (HM ready) Fàllon - Mercenary Healer/RDPS (NiM locked) Tarix - Juggernaut Tank (SM ready only - prefer not to play as tank) Anyone interested in recruiting my characters please contact me in-game or in this forum. Thanks for you time.
  6. It takes 2 minutes of their time. My subscription alone should cover their "salary" for 2 minutes. They log into the game, type /sysmessage Servers will be going down in 2 minutes. Please check the forums for updates. (Or whatever the command entry is for this game's backend) When you enter a system message in you can tell it how often to repeat the message. They only have to type it ONCE then. I spent more than 2 minutes trying to get back into the game thinking I disconnected.
  7. The Bastion ~ No system message saying this server was being taken down. It was not planned from what I witnessed while in the middle of a flashpoint. I understand that Harbinger was having issues.. However, your current message says, "Servers Unavaible: The Harbinger, The Bastion, Begeren Colony We are currently investigating issues that have caused the Harbinger server to become unavailable, and have taken The Bastion and Begeren Colony servers offline. We have no ETA for when the servers will be available again. We will update this thread with new information as it becomes available." 1. Warn your community that the server is being taken down. (Even if it is 2 minutes noticed, it's polite) 2. The community will appreciate the fixes, once they are done. 3. That message you have altered slightly, you added "..and have taken The Bastion and Begeren Colony servers offline." You point us all to the same forum thread that still has not been updated. These issues will cause people to leave. I don't want this game to die off again.. Please fix it and stop acting like we are all oblivious that something is wrong with the servers/code/backend.
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