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Everything posted by Mikeieveli

  1. Always the premade... Never anyone else, just the premade...
  2. The advantage would be so negligible that if your skill was better you would win. But equal skill, the person that put in more time and dedication should win with a slight gear advantage. If you cant overcome about a 5% gear advantage on the other player, then you need to work on your skill and the system wont help you with that. To over come, make 1 less error, 1 correct cc/stun/mez etc. You get my point.
  3. Yes welcome to how mercs felt since launch, how maras felt in 3.0. They may get a survivability buff, but I wouldnt count on it till next xpac.
  4. I like this idea with one tweak, let you item level scale your bolstered stats by a small percentage. So those that min/max can have some type of reward for doing so but not so much that its game breaking. Higher skill would be able to overcome that advantage easily, and if skill were equal then that min/max would be deciding factor.
  5. Personally I love Watchman currently. i have played all 3 specs since launch, mostly Watchman and Combat. I liked combat pre-5.0 better than its current state with focus gen and damage in between PS windows. Really the main issue is focus gen. If that was better then damage would also be there in between PS windows. Moral of the story, play all 3, but play what you like best. I have, and im sure others have as well, played the least popular spec at any given time better than most in the most popular spec, simply because of the enjoyment.
  6. TTK is not an issue as Watchman now that leap is out of the rotation just make sure you use snare. Problem with combat is it is too focus starved and predictable. Old combat did pressure outside of PS window, but now you have to focus on building focus and relieve that pressure that used to exist. Also, I play Watchman as single target in PvP, always do high numbers without the fluff, but more importantly I get kills. Where the real meat of watchman and skill comes from what skills you use when you got your all your dots up and MS is on CD. Watchman uses by far more keybinds in PvP than combat and will require dedication to learn to perform right. Combat is a bit simpler but still takes talent to learn. As someone who has been playing Sentinel since launch (missed founder title by 1 month), I can say, yes, all three are viable and strong. My only point was to not limit new players to thinking that they can only be effective if they are combat or fury. When played right, watchman can 1v1 any class, 1v2 most classes all the while putting up meaningful damage and kills.
  7. It appears that you quote all the games whose population decrease. Look at WoW for example the highest populated servers are PvP servers. Problem is, and was, that while people like to PvE or PvP exclusively, there are more people that do both. As population began to decline since 3.0, people had to consolidate servers, many people that hate PvE servers went to PvE servers as their population increased for WZ's and OPs. See, people can move one way but not the other. PvErs cant go to a PvP server, because getting ganked hurts them too much. PvPers can, however, give up OWPvP for faster WZ pops, and Ranked pops. Thus you have PvP servers dying as you put it. If this game had the population to support it, PvPers would leave those PvE servers so fast. OWPvP is not the main focus but a minigame. Breaks monotony and brings a real sense of Light vs Dark etc. I never understood, and will never understand, why you would be on a PvP server and get upset that you got ganked. You get ganked, when your at max level you gank someone else. When at max level that can start some of the best OWPvP in existence as other max levels come to your aid. Now, why bother, your just going to switch to a PvE instance if you havent already. Going into OW to PvP is like going to Tatooine to take a bath.
  8. Anni/Watchman will be out any combat and fury in the right hands. You have to have a mastery of DCDs and more keybinds to accomplish this. Also you need to know to use off skills, which ones to use, and in what order to really do damage.
  9. Mikeieveli

    So Bored now

    No of course, its rediculous to suggest so. But, the discrepency doesnt need to be so disparaging that its handicapping. Also, people need to feel like theres an end point to gearing in PvP. I get in PvE, the end of gearing means the end of that content, but its not that way in PvP. You should be able to gear very easily for pvp, and the person that likes to spend 25 hours to someone else's 5 hours will only have a 5-10% advantage and be min-maxed and used that as their reward.
  10. Mikeieveli

    So Bored now

    Yeah 2.0 was my favorite time as well. Ranked actually pop'd then. What bores me the most and someone that solely PvPs, is the ranked scene is dead. BW doesnt do much to promote it to get people that currently play to que or to bring new people to the game that end up queing ranked. Regs get boring after doing them for years because the ranked pops are so bad. More need to que ranked but why? To wait for 30 min for a 2 min match? I can only mount around fleet for so long. They need to focus on raising the population in the game first. I just cant do it this xpac. I have supported this game since release, i still pay sub, but its hard to justify playing this with the way gearing is and to justify BW actions. I still have hope though, the new Producer sounds like he has promise. He is a new hope... On a side note: OWPvP is dead and forever will be with the way servers are now. All those crybabies that didnt know how to google difference between PvP server and PvE server when they created their character and/or too cheap to xfer to a PvE server.
  11. Exactly. I dont understand why more people dont understand this. +10
  12. Yes were some great players. I played along side them on pubs, and even consider myself one. Still a pub to this day and still have the name in my signature. So why did they leave? The mass exodus came after removing 8v8 ranked. You can have both. Players back then wanted choices not limitations, which is why they wanted arena. Instead BW kept the same limitations and just pushed things over to arena and now those dont even pop. And they havent for a long time. I also predicted this in my posts back then on the conversations that occurred prior to the removal of 8v8. I agree with this whole heartedly. You would see more interest in PvP in general climb up. You would people come back to play the style of PvP they prefer. You would see players improve on both sides. Implement a personal MMR system, create a proper algorithm to create a team mmr from the personal mmrs and dont allow teams to face each other with a team mmr gap of X. This will ensure that teams dont face each other where it will be uncompetitive. What could possibly be the arguement against this? What, ranked ques arent going to pop? I can sit for 30 min in a ranked que and no pop. It wouldnt be any different than the current ranked scene. This also leads to why so many dont play objective for objective. They cant get their deathmatch jollys from Ranked, OWPVP is non existent before and after the PvE instances, so the only place they can get their fix is in an objective based reg. I agree with Icy +1000. Well said.
  13. LOL wow, thats bad direction. If you mark all heals and tanks, then anyone that isnt marked is DPS. Essentially marking them. By that persons logic, you should mark everyone. LOL thats pointless.
  14. I definitely dont play as much as i used to. Its not that alts arent really viable, or class balance. The gearing system is not up to par for a casual, actually, and that was part of the intention of this system. That is a factor, but the largest factor is that the population is increasingly going down. I log in, no one is one, ranked dont pop and i get tired of wzs. So i do other things. Fix the population BW. Note: I love the gameplay, I love the lore, I love the game. i still pop into forums and read and post. There are many of us out there, if BW could implement something to bring the population back, it would snowball in my opinion.
  15. Yes, there are unaware players and players that dont play objectives in WZ. I agree with that. But stop blaming BW for this. They are at least trying to get more population in PvP. You know all those dead servers out there where people dont get pops? Its due to the population not pvping that is there, then the ones that are there, say "forget this im moving to where i can get pops", worsening the problem. I am willing to bet you also log in and complain about que times. Stop crying wolf. Give BW credit when they deserve credit, and criticize them when they deserve it too. This is not a case for criticism. This single largest issue in this game is population at end game. Without ranked dies, randoms die, people complain about premades, and everything spirals. While they should be working on how to bring more people to the game and keep them here, they also need to satisfy the needs of people that are already here. For PvPers, its que pops and the system that you are discrediting has brought more people to PvP than we have seen in awhile.
  16. Mikeieveli

    PvP On Iokath

    Congrats to you. Try doing only PvP as a PvP player to get to CR 300. Good luck. To do it in a week as you say you have done, a PvP player has to do PvE. Simply put. Agree or not. Truth exists independent of your agreement. You have no simpathy from any PvP only player.
  17. I do. I was in Hoth Ski Patrol. Moved my characters when the server got empty or i would have stayed. I miss those days when servers actually had population.
  18. Mikeieveli

    MOBA style PVP

    They have this. Its called Star Wars Force Arena.
  19. Remove greens from loot table in tier 2 and remove blues from loot table in 3. Simple qualifier, IF x THEN y. The condition here would be the Tier values. This can be done and should be done. You will satisfaction go up if you enacted this.
  20. I agree with this, but I think they should take it a step further. When you grind gear it can take as long as devs want it as long as it FEELS like you are progressing. What BW should do for the RNG is this: Tier 1 Command: as is... Tier 2 Command: Remove greens from loot table Tier 3 Command: Remove blues from loot table For all tiers add unassembled components OR increase unassembled components gain AND/OR lower unassembled components cost. Removing lower gear from the loot table you will see more gear of the item level you desire thus making you feel like you are progressing. Its really bad to see green piece of gear pop up when you have all blues or purples or combination. I dont mind not needing or being able to use the gear but at least let it be on the same item level. Then I will feel like I am progressing. Unassembled component rewards and cost need to change from what they are now. I have no idea how they thought anyone could gear an alt with the system that they implemented. Also, the unassembled system is unnecessarily overly complex. I can understand why the want to make the gearing more grindy, so they have time to put quality OPs and such out, but they need to make some changes to it. IMO, those changes would greatly improve the system and would be a win for players and devs alike.
  21. Thats not what did it. It was that the game was released as a beta. Bugs that werent taken care of, class specs that were overpowered or underpowered without fine tuning, lack of end game pvp arenas and the removal of 8v8 ranked all killed the population. Yes the RNG system didnt help, but there were tokens that were available back then too to purchase more packs.
  22. Can you ask them to bring back 8v8 Ranked. The reason they removed it was to encourage more participation in 4v4, but since the only participation in ranked is primarily in solo que, it defeats the purpose. Please ask them to bring back 8v8 and justify why not if not. Thanks.
  23. PVP gear= better stats then green gear I wear green gear you wear pvp gear you versus me= unfair advantage over me due to gear discrepency solution= you must wear green gear and never get pvp gear in interest of fairness. Sound argument you got there, so is mine. I do agree with this though, its not that difficult. Group up or play well.
  24. This is so true. I left the game for the entirety of 3.0. Came back and my guild was gone and so were my friends. Fresh start. What happened? After a couple of days of pvping im getting pvp guild invites and group invites just based on my play never asking for it. Now im in a pvp guild of my choosing, and pvp with competent players. Why? Not because I looked for it but because I knew how to play. If you're not getting invites to groups or guilds, maybe some introspection would be useful. Once you do that and improve, then your pvp life might be easier.
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