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Everything posted by Nursejenna

  1. Lol. DISENGAGE...DISENGAGE..when it doubt DISENGAGE! You're fun..and I'm glad I have a fan..thank you
  2. I'm glad you are impressed . But really it's nothing...and apparently something that some healers are not capable of. But at the end of the day..not something I said for people to be impressed with..since many many many healers can do it...just the realization that it can be done..and is being done quite easily. "I put it to you that if you can't deal with a simple tank swap that provides more margin for error and breathing room on the part of the healers, you have no business being in HM." Gosh darnit..you caught me. Afterall..tank swapping doesn't take place anywhere else during that fight that needs to be managed. And let me use your words..."it provides more margin for error and breathing room on the part of the healers". ....well.. if the healers are capable of doing it without any trouble for them or danger to the rest of the ops group...then why use a strat that...again..your words.... provides more margin for error. Seems rather illogical to me. and ouch...I don't belong in HM? aww ..but I am..and have been for quite some time. But I do owe it to my awesome Ops group. Thanks for playing
  3. It actually sounds like you are the one that has a difficult time with the "challenging" task of healing/tanking through the dreaded DoT. Lol. Why it is even enough of a concern to waste the energy of the other tank having click his taunt is beyond me. Honestly. It's nothing to tank though, nothing to heal through...even with those dreaded sage healers!. lol I'm a sage healer and I can heal through that if need be by myself...and believe me - if it was in some way irritating to do so I would let my raid know. I guess this only applies however if you possess enough common sense to bubble the tank appropriately and not use your NS as part of your healing rotation at inappropriate times. Yes - and if your DPS is really that horrid...then I guess you will need to find alternative ways to make up for where they lack. Sorry Rehneu - none of my rant was helpful to your post at all. I couldn't help myself. I hope you have better luck on your next Kephess run and that whatever strat you use works well for your raid.
  4. ...Ok. ONE - if your healer actually throws a NS into their healing rotation at a point where increased heals are needed due to an increase in damage...as opposed to the many other opportunities during the fight where it would be more logically sound to use... (because it isn't needed all the time) ..then there is nothing that can be said to fix that type of stupid. TWO - As for the rest of that..... Honestly...
  5. So...seriously.... do you eat paint? *whispers* Taunts don't miss......shhh...everything is going to be ok. Oh and allow me to add this. I have healed justcae through all of the content in this game and he is a healer's dream.
  6. Servers are back up!...Crisis is over people..shhh..everything is ok....it's all ok now.
  7. NO !..This is serious business!..I mean come on...some people didn't even get a warning! They didn't get to find a safe place to log out. There was so much blood!..soooo much bloood! Geez...at least while the servers are down this thread is keeping me very entertained. lol
  8. Unless you by chance haven't min/maxed your toon and need the willpower to up your crit, then dare I ask..why would one not choose...Oh I don't know...a power/endurance augment? It does provide more bonus healing/damage. Silly me!...that doesn't sound very logical. And once you hit....the DR for crit..which is easily done by appropriate gear choices.... *sigh*..I just realized I am arguing on the internet with someone that made that comment. Nvm. I feel for all the sages you give advice to. I'm out. Happy Gaming!
  9. Honestly..you should go try the simplest form... take a power and willpower augment..get all the buffs you want ..and swap them out. Watch the numbers carefully. This is all the help I can provide.
  10. You are so right!. And if my small mind can recognize the idiocy of this statement... and I quote "The only way to directly trade any of these for stats in another category is through augments, and those should always be Resolve augments anyway." What does that say about you? Unless you by chance haven't min/maxed your toon and need the willpower to up your crit, then dare I ask..why would one not choose...Oh I don't know...a power/endurance augment? It does provide more bonus healing/damage. Silly me!...that doesn't sound very logical.
  11. lol..oh please delete your toon. But I do thank you for giving me a good laugh today.
  12. Wait...wait...oh..what was it that I said...I can't quite remember... Oh yes.. Sure you can, as I said....get enhancements from another classes gear. You then do not have to have an enhancement with alacrity or surge....you will have stats completely useless to you, but since alacrity and surge are so traumatic to have for some, Oh well. See - I never said that it made sense to do, but it is possible. That's right..I thought I had said that. lol.. omg RAGE RAGE RAGE
  13. Sure you can, as I said....get enhancements from another classes gear. You then do not have to have an enhancement with alacrity or surge....you will have stats completely useless to you, but since alacrity and surge are so traumatic to have for some, Oh well. See - I never said that it made sense to do, but it is possible.
  14. If you are that disturbed by the alacrity you can always acquire gear from other classes and use their enhancements, while making all of your other gear power and willpower heavy. Or whatever magical combination you can come up with I believe in you!
  15. I agree with you in that it would be nice to have the ability to purchase individual mods/enhancements with a reasonable about of comms, and/or have them drop in the raids like the armorings. It is a pain to have to acquire numerous pieces to build your character as you want. I just believe that you should have to work a reasonable amount to build your character well as opposed to some that I think just want everything handed to them without doing the work.
  16. As it should be! Min/Maxing is something you should have to work towards, not be handed. Why not just be able to turn lvl 50 and have the highest tier gear handed to you fully re-moded to your needs and wants? Really!?
  17. sooo..you know you can re-mod your gear right? Because I have to say if you are sticking with Columi over the higher tier gear for the sake of dealing with your alacrity issue....Nothing can help you.
  18. Good god......the point is over there - go fetch it.
  19. And really that is all I am saying. I may not agree with your full assessment of sage healing, and you (and I'm sure others) may not agree with mine. At the end of the day I personally feel that it is a little more than slightly off-balance at the moment between healing classes in terms of resources - with sages getting the short end of the stick. That has been my experience with it in some of the content that I have healed. More specifically fights such as Kephess HM. But it is what it is and although I hope for a change, I don't hold my breath. I'll just go on dealing with it in the best way I can.
  20. Furthermore ...( I know..there is more)... Let me also add that NS takes a percentage of one's health pool, not just a set amount. So as a sage builds their character and gains more health, they have a larger chunk taken off with NS....therefore requiring more healing to counteract the use of NS. (Win!) A huge difference? no...but again...why? But it's ok because I am sure somewhere BW has a formula telling them that this all makes sense. I applaud the logic.
  21. . I'm not debating appropriate healing rotation here. I am assuming at this stage in the game that most sages know when to use their NS and how often. All I am saying is that it would be nice to have an ability to better stabilize a force pool if an issue does arise. Abilities that the other healing classes have the luxury of. Should the current state of the sage work beautifully like rainbows and unicorns under normal circumstances? Sure, why not. But in reality, rarely does everyone in your raid do everything perfect. And like you said, we are not able to cover for many mistakes on the part of the raid, especially on HM. But I as a healer try very hard to correct any mishaps that may occur and not just say.. " oh well, that's not on me."
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