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10 Good
  1. Allow Thundering Blast to be cast while moving. Problem solved, lightning viable... *bows to the cheering audience*.
  2. That's the old talent tree sir. I was looking for the 1.2 version. If there are any changes that is.
  3. Does anybody have a link to the 1.2 sorc talent tree. I'm really eager to take a look at it. Thanks.
  4. Nlites

    dps meter

    Some people just do not understand the beauty of some addons. At this point its a real pain in the neck to heal in WZ's. Having an addon that could just simply make it easier to find who is taking the dmg or CC'd would be amazing. Do you think that if healing were a part of real life that the healer would have trouble figuring out who is being attacked? No! Thanks .
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