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    Los Angeles
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    Sleeping, yo.
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  1. Hey, I saw the post on reddit a little while back and was really interested in joining. Website is down now I think, is this project still happening? Can't seem to find a guild site on google!
  2. Nooo! As a person with social anxiety this is one of my fears when I group up for flashpoints or heroics. I'm not a big talker. At all. The extent of my communications in groups are greetings, and thank-yous at the end. Occasionally if we're stumbling or someone is new to whatever we're doing I'll help guide 'em through it, giving small encouragements along the way. Anyway, whenever I join a FP the thought in the front of my head is always, "Crap what if they think I'm an jerk because I'm not talking??". I'm not being a douchebag, I swear! I'm just weirdly freaked out by talking to others. Hell, it takes me a good thirty minutes just to muster up the courage to submit a reply in a thread! All I want is to do the dailies in peace without nearly losing my mind wondering if others are judging me for whatever reason. I wish it were easier to explain to people that even on the internet, I'm still affected by my anxiety. Don't know why I am, but I am. Thankfully I've come outta my shell a bit since I started playing back at launch. Back then I literally did not speak to anyone in-game. ^_^'"'
  3. Ahh, it took me a while, but I see 'em. Thanks! I woulda stared at it all day long and still never caught them. I circled the dolphins in red for anyone who can't find them. Here ya go.
  4. Serious question: Where are the dolphins? I tried turning and tilting my head and crossing my eyes. I don't see any dolphins. I do see the naked people though.
  5. So I stumbled upon this winner the other day.
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