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10 Good
  1. When do I get to slaughter younglings. Where do they hide the little bastages? I'd also really like to off some furry little ewoks if that's not too much to ask.
  2. Thanx for the tips, I'll give it a try.
  3. I had the same problem. Im a new player, picked Biochem, bioanalysis and diplomacy. While I was at the Biochem trainer, one skill was highlighted as trainable, clicked it every way imaginable and nothing, woudn't let me learn it.
  4. The prequels were crap for all the reasons mentioned in the redletter review, which is actually more entertaining than the films themselves. The biggest disappointments are the characters and the story. The characters have no character, they're like robots on screen. The dialogue is completely mind numbing. The story is senseless in the extreme. It just seems like Lucas thought if I throw enough visual crap out there and have really cool fight scenes no one will notice how much the other aspects are lacking. And, as the redletter guy said in regard to the light sabers, "more is less." They were a lot cooler and more interesting when everyone and their brother didn't have one and have it out all the damn time.
  5. I'm only level 12, but I would like to know what rotation I should use. When I jump a group, I usually charge then smash. I see a lot of people saying second move should be scream, but is that for higher levels. Also, I see a lot of threads about people soloing heroics, I can't, am I doing something wrong?
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