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Everything posted by Kenzaan

  1. <Quality Control> Will send some representatives. Looking forward to hanging out and meeting some other players!
  2. Hello, <Quality Control> A Republic Guild is currently seeking ACTIVE players to replace 2 members who had to leave due to RL issues. We are currently seeking 1 full time healer, and 1 full time DPS. Let me stress that these positions would be a part of our MAIN Ops group, you will not be sidelined, because someone's friend decided to log in for the first time in a week. We want players who are willing to run ops together, as we know from experience that this builds cohesion, and running with the same group every week is conducive to making progress easier. A Little bit about <Quality Control> The core of our group has been playing various MMO's together for 5 Year's, and we are simply a fun group of people to be involved with. I guarantee that you will enjoy some good laughs on vent, or mumble while running ops, while at the same time getting the job done!!! We also understand that with bringing in 2 (or possibly 3) new members, that our schedule for Ops my cause some conflicts with the new players. This guild is, and always will be, a democracy. We have monthly meetings to discuss progress, how happy everyone is with how the guild is progressing, and even if there are any problems with how the leaders are running the guild! (although this has never been an issue in years!) The GM also does some unique and cool things to rewards players who show up for Ops regularly, such as give away game time cards at monthly meetings, or rare cartel items, or just other cool stuff that he buys on ebay or amazon. it's our way of rewarding your dedication to the guild. All that said, all of our members put the guild first, and it makes for one incredible place to find a home in this galaxy far, far, away! (Sorry I couldn't resist) Lastly, I am sorry for the novella regarding a recruitment thread, but personally I would rather reply to a post like this compared to "Hey! were recruiting. Whisper "I'm too lazy to post a good recruit thread" in game We like to talk to all interested parties on Vent or Mumble prior to any decision regarding joining the guild being made by both parties. This allows us to get to know each other a little better, and helps in all of us making a qualified decision. If you are tired of PuGing ops, and are looking for a great group of people. Then /w Kenzaan in game, or send an in game email. We would love to see if you would fit in with us! Looking forward to hearing from you! Kenzaan
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