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Everything posted by Therangerboy

  1. Great news! I love that MMO's is one of the few things in life that us mere mortals are allowed to play with paid professionals. Its an amazing thing. But we know in the end though we have no chance against you. I have however been working on some sort of exploits and hacks to use for the next week or so. Be on the lookout
  2. Tuesday we lose all our GREAT players and the GREAT trolls of this server. You will be missed by few (errr I mean many). But feel free to come back and tell us how bad we all are anytime!!!! Good luck on Bastion.
  3. http://shenaniganz.enjin.com/gallery/m/11138419/detail/114976#pid=1252324 Here it is. Hope this counts. Thanks for the advice worked like a charm
  4. To all my other fellow veterans and current military members I say Happy Memorial Day to you.
  5. Saw this thread so our guild started clearing HM content. We aren't on the level of the guilds here but we did clear first 2 bosses of HM TFB. We were so geeked out by actually killing them( only our mara survived both fights with 1% health) that no one took any screen shots. After reading the rules we will for sure next time. Hopefully we will be able to finish it next weekend. ShenaniganZ 8 man Dread Masters No pic no count!
  6. We are currently looking for a tank, a healer, and a dps to fill our 16 man raid roster. Raid times are Friday and Saturday at 7 pm. Also looking for an op healer for our ranked pvp team. Apply at shenaniganz.enjin.com
  7. ShenaniganZ is an imperial side guild recruiting people for our PVP and PVE teams Who we are for PVE: As a guild we are new to running progression ops on a regular basis, however since the expansion a lot of us have found this to be very fun and have started clearing PVE content. On the weekends we usually have a couple 4 man HM FP teams going or an OP running. We run ops Friday night through Sunday afternoon. We are currently gearing up for the new operation. Who we are for PVP: We are casual PVPers looking to become better. We will throw a ranked team together a couple times a week. We usually have a good time PVPing and if you have a republic toon check out our sister guild TOP GUN. What we are looking for: A fun and casual gamer who likes to clear content and PVP! What we are not looking for: Not interested in a troll or a know it all. We play to have fun. Will we wipe???Yes Will we win most of our PVP matches...Nope. If this interest you please check out our website shenaniganz.enjin.com or look up anyone sporting the ShenaniganZ logo and we can talk. See you all around
  8. Thought I would give this a bump. Still looking for some good people for the 2.0 content
  9. We used to stay queued for several matches. You and some of the other people you play with are fun to get steam rolled by. However, its when people start to taunt you that we lose interest. This is a game for most people. Some people take it to far. Its not that we don't want to get better its that some of the guilds don't want to get beat AND talked down to by a premade of the 8 best people in the game. Other guilds are doing rated they are just doing it against other teams who are trying to have fun as well.
  10. I am also in if anyone thinks my sniper or sorc can help.
  11. Looking for another healer for our ranked team. Not geared enough for ranked don't worry we will help. Get you there
  12. Still looking for more people to lowbie and 50 PVP with. Trying to fill a second ranked team as well!
  13. Yeah this maybe copy right enfringement. Hope to see you all in some PVP later
  14. If PvP/ PVE is your endgame focus, we are the guild for you! We are: We’re a newer, growing Imperial guild with valor ranks ranging from Warlord, Conqueror and War Hero down to sub-50s. We run daily pre and post 50 war zone groups, plus ranked matches. We hve TS3 for our chat server where must of have good conversations. We have a guild bank and master crafters of almost every kind to help you get geared. We believe in being inclusive and helping our own. We also have a scheduled OPS night for people who still enjoy the PVE side of the game. We are a social guild first and foremost and we enjoy having fun. We may not win all of our matches in PVP and we may wipe a few times in a PVE ops. But, I promise we have alot of fun while we are doing it! We are looking for: Mature Imperial players of any level or skill level who want to improve their PvP or their PVE game. Please be 18+ and have TS3 and a headset. If you’re a new transfer, or your current guild is dead or dying, check us out. We are not: We are not elitist or exclusive. We’ll give almost anyone a chance to prove themselves. We have precious little tolerance for drama and hope you don’t either. Time is the currency you spend playing this game and we want to make the most of it. So if you are looking for good people to enjoy a game with please check us out. Post here, send me a pst, or send me a pst in game.
  15. ShenaniganZ will have a team up and running on the weekends. Most of us are new to the ranked scene and are really excited to just play as a guild. I know we don't have a competitive team atm, but we are trying. I would like to thank squirtal squad and apex for playing us this past weekend. It was fun for us, I hope you all enjoyed it as well. Is anyone up for something this weekend. If we get a team together would anyone like to go against us. We aren't a min/max team but we don't care if your team is as long as we get to play. Anyway, thanks again to the guilds that played us and thanks for your feedback on what we should do to fix our comp. see you all this weekend.
  16. I agree that the line thing is a bit much. I enjoy going in and sniping away or cutting in front, entrenching and taking it. I however don't think its a l2p issue all the time. I think some people run in their groups of 4 and have a bit of fun and then do the quest. To have someone sit on top of the objective...make an alliance (thought it was FFA so BW made you only able to group in 4's) just takes the spirit out of it. So before you accuse all the people sitting in a line of borderline breaking tos you should look at what these alliances are. If they sit in a line then I guess they all made an alliance. People could group up and try to kill the 7 to 10 people watching over the node but, why bother. There are far to many instances running to worry about that. Anyway, see you all around. I do enjoy pvping with most of you...and I have gotten my face kicked in on ilum by some of these groups. Hope to get payback soon! Enjoy your sunday
  17. We are still recruiting players who are looking for a friendly ops group as well as a pvp group. Our raid times are Friday and Saturday night at 7pm cst. We are looking to add Sunday to the mix as well. We are also starting to put together our ranked PVP team. If you are looking for a mature gaming guild come and test us out. Contact an officer for more details!
  18. Shenanigans???????? Ooooooooooooooooooooooo Thanks. Glad you like the name
  19. I totally know that I will take a ton of flack for this but I wanted to warn others in the community about a player. I gave someone Aznsrcoming mats for 2 27 commando armorings. I know this is where I take responsblity for my action, I trusted that they would make it and mail the armorings to my toon when complete. I know I know...trust is something that you can't have in this game, however, they didn't follow through what they were supposed to do. I wanted to warn others who may make this mistake not to do it. Thanks for reading. Have a great day!
  20. Hello everyone. We are now looking to fill our second raid group and finish off our ranked PVP team. If you are someone interested please check out our website: shenaniganz.enjin.com. Or look me up in game and I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
  21. Hello. We currently are looking for more people for our raid team. We have several healers already which would allow some of us to play with our alts. If you are more interested please send me a pst in game to any of the toons in my signature page. We also have pub toons and real life issues. We are not a hard core group but we are a casual raiding group with raids occuring on Friday and Saturday evenings.
  22. We currently looking for 3 more dps for our Friday and Saturday ops group. If you are a fresh 50 or experienced raider we invite you to come and raid with us. You can look for me in game or check out our website at shenaniganz.enjin.com.
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