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    Cold Lake, AB
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    Aviations System Tech
  1. No you don't: http://i40.tinypic.com/2djcq37.jpg I tried finding the guide that had a slightly better chart, but this still works. Each of the blue items can be RE'd into any of the purple ones, they just have different names. Also, if you didn't know
  2. How about: http://steelseries.com/products/keyboards/steelseries-merc-stealth They have put a lot of the gaming keys separate on the left hand side.
  3. So you guys are saying that Chaff Flare is more of a preventative skill than a reactionary one. I'll have to give it a try the next time we play together. Thanks
  4. I've only used mine while grouping with my buddy, and I have yet to have it work. He's the tank and I usually open with Tracer Missilex3, then Heatseeker, Unload and Rail Shot. By the end of that he still has aggro. Then I fire another Tracer. Sometimes that's enough to pull the mob off him. I figure that the Tracer was just enough to bypass my buddy in threat level, I pop Chaff Flare and ..........nothing, just pretty lights and sounds. According to Torhead (I don't know where they get there data from, but...) Chaff Flare = ModifyThreat: AmountPercent=>-0.25 This indicates it should be a 25% threat decrease. Now I'm pretty sure that my last Heatseeker doesn't put my up the threat range so high that a 25% decrease couldn't put my under his aggro. *shrug* I guess we'll see if Bioware addresses this with either a post letting us know it's working fine and we are doing something wrong, or they patch it.
  5. You may be able to RE it, but you cannot learn schematics for an item by REing it, you can only learn the upgrade version and even at that, I don't know if you can learn the upgraded versions from loot.
  6. You'll have to retrain it from the skills trainer and start over Even with lag, how did you accidentally unlearn it? You have to click the little "x", then the confirmation/warning window pops up which you would have to accept.
  7. AFAIK purple (artifact) is the highest level that can be crafted at this time.
  8. Check your targeting key bindings, there is an unassigned option for toggle target of target.
  9. Maybe try posting this on the Customer Service forum.
  10. Solmyr


    "The reverse engineering return rate is not currently working as intended. In an upcoming patch, we are improving the reverse engineering rates – especially for the higher-level items. We are also looking into the issue where a player receives "You already know that schematic" instead of learning a new research variation. Patrick Malott Systems Designer 02.07.2012 12:30 PM"
  11. Then you go in tell us your experiences. What makes what you are telling us any more or less made up than anyone elses (including my own) results? Just because some of us haven't had the bad luck you have in slicing doesn't make us lairs or "fanbois".
  12. Read the patch notes, they only changed one thing, and that wasn't it.
  13. First off this point is server dependent. Secondly, sure you can set them at a price that is above what they cost you to get, however that doesn't mean people will buy them at that price. I can do a scavenge mission for 300 credits and get 6 mats which only sell for 30 each on the GTN. My math says I just lost credits. *EDIT* FYI, I've ground Slicing to 400 (95% doing missions) and overall I gained, not just straight up credits, but also in selling the blues I got on the GTN. The longest "losing" streak I had was about 3 in a row.
  14. Excellent, thanks for the info Carlseth.
  15. Good questions. I know I have a crazy number due to this as well. I'm less than 1000 from Light V, but it should affect getting there. My Light Side points have been maxed for a little while now (not at V yet due to a couple thousand Dark Side points), however I continue to gain overall alignment when gaining LS points. So I imagine hitting V with a decimal is still possible.
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