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Posts posted by PinkiePiePower

  1. Bump.


    This is still an issue lots of people are having. It was funny at first but honestly, now it's grating on my nerves a bit. It breaks immersion in a serious way, and I (personally) think that immersion is important in this game. I play mostly for story anyway.


    Is it bugging anyone else that the "known bugs" sticky isn't being updated with all the bugs we keep bringing up? :/

  2. I'll agree with you on one of your points, at least, it's ridiculous that there are still quests that have bugged for years that Bioware still hasn't patched. One quest that springs to mind is the Secret Passages quest, which won't let you click the required area at all unless you switch instances (though this doesn't work for some). You're out of luck unless you have enough people on your server to have a second instance, as well. It's been like that since 2012. 2012! That's unacceptable.


    There's another heroic quest I can't recall the name of that has you pick items up off of dead NPCs, but a lot of the times the item you need just flat out doesn't register or it won't let you pick it up. If you keep killing enemies more and more yellow bars will pop out of their corpses but it won't let you pick any of it up. Lots of people had solutions for this (log out, reset quest, exit and return), however none of these solutions worked for me.


    They really need to fix this stuff. It isn't some kind of obscure bug that hardly anybody runs into, a ton of people run into it during their normal leveling. I've seen quite a few people running around confused on the Secret Passages quests and had to tell them to switch instances to complete it. They really shouldn't have to.

  3. I have not heard one complaint on the game about it. I take the complaints on the forums with a grain of salt. I have learn to do that since launch. I pay more attention to the people on the game and my guild than I do to people in the forums as I don't care what the issue is there will always be someone complaining.

    You haven't heard one people in game say how OP the companions are now? I've seen it like 10 times and I am NOT exaggerating.

  4. The Combat in SWTOR has always been brainless button mashing, with ability bloat to boot. Bioware simply removed the annoyance of it, by making companions useful.

    Nah. It used to matter when I used my cooldowns, such as interrupts, and stuns, on heroic and elite mobs. I remember many bosses for class stories I couldn't beat until I properly understood my skills and used them when needed.


    But look, I'm all for a difficulty decrease from what there was before, and most companion changes I'm fine with. However, there's a difference between easy and so-easy-a-toddler-can-play-it. And this game is DEFINITELY the latter right now.

  5. I'm not saying it's "NOT a problem"...I am, however, saying that you are making it a problem for yourself.


    I believe that you can still play the game and have fun with companions being the way there are now.


    The only way for anyone to realize that companions can do it all themselves...is for said person to allow the companions to do it all themselves.


    So, my point is, that sitting back and letting the companions do it all themselves, and then complaining that your companions are doing it all themselves, is absurd.


    To say that the companions need to be tuned down is one thing...but to come here complaining that they do it all themselves is another thing entirely.


    Jump in, fight along side them, and have fun. If they are really deemed too overpowered, then a change will happen.

    I do not sit back and let companions do it all themselves and it's ridiculous you assume I do. However, the way the system is now pressing 1111111111111 feels exactly the same as using your combos. How is that fun? It's brainless button mashing. Also, do you understand that the reason that people are bringing up the fact that this game doesn't require gameplay BECAUSE it perfectly illustrates how desperately this game NEEDS to be tuned down? It's a symptom of the underlying problem.


    Competing against your companion for kills is not fun, by the way, other poster. Also, it's not a solution for the actual problem. I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of people in here who seemingly want this game to play like a game for four year olds.

  6. This is the thing you're not understanding...


    ...if you actually WANTED to play, then the companion wouldn't be doing all the work. You would be in there fighting right along side them.


    Do you understand?

    The point is that it doesn't MATTER if you fight with them or not. Are you seriously denying that never having to heal, fight, stun, interrupt, or disengage is NOT a problem? The game is not nearly as engaging when everything you do doesn't matter.

  7. Don't be so sure.


    I leveled a toon from 1-60 completely solo without ever having a companion out at all. Kept them running crew missions so they wouldn't automatically re-appear after transitions and such.


    It was quite fun. Certainly not easy, but not overly difficult either. I suddenly found myself having to pay attention to things. Use CC (particularly attacks with short-term weak mob CCs). Interrupts. Etc. Etc.


    I wouldn't be surprised if the game was balanced around NOT using your companions. At least as far as a "challenge during solo content" goes.

    The game is balanced around using your companion, though, bioware has said as much many, many times.

  8. Here's a simple fix, dismiss the companion and solo everything and don't forget to remove your armor.


    Why can't people just do that instead of demanding changes for them.

    The game is balanced around using your companion. "Do not use your companion" is not a solution, it is a bandaid.

  9. You sure cry a lot -looks through whole thread and keeps seeing your crying comments-.


    Seems more like you just don't want other players running around enjoying the now useful and powerful companions so instead of making the game challenging for yourself, you want everyone else to suffer and throw hissyfits, rationalizing this and that, on and on for pages.


    How about you actually make counterpoints instead of calling everything people say that you don't agree with "crying"? How immature. :rolleyes:

  10. So everything below i can kill afk bosses is gimp ? Great :)



    I'm not asking for this game to be hard. I'm asking for this game to be at least a little bit balanced. I don't care if the balance is pretty heavy in "player" camp. I just care that the "enemy" camp has even the smallest chance, even if they only get that chance if you massively misplay. That doesn't happen now.


    Also the fact that your computer setup/internet setup has disconnection issues honestly is your own issue that you need to fix, it's not a good reason to make the game so easy a baby could play it.

  11. It is only part of the Alliance system, nothing else uses the system, no it is not possible to turn off, and no it is not going to change.


    and remmeber 16 DIFFERENT VA's have to be used, with all the other dialogue in the xpac, they probably did it to save money, because VA's are probably a massive amount of the budget.

    also.....must be impossible to be immersed for you in RPGs, since that is how most RPG used to do their chat system

    While I have no problem doing both voiced RPGs and unvoiced RPGs, it IS a bit jarring for one game to switch between the two.

  12. Well, let's see now, who put in the option to make companions passive? Oh I know, the devs!


    Sounds like they intended it for it to be used, optionally, by anyone who wanted it; if thy wanted companions never to behave like spectators, I guarantee they never would've had a passive option for them.


    Easy repulses you, I get that, but then there are as many difficulties to this game as there are players; I think that because you and everyone else complaining about this can't stand ease of content, you hate that there are other people here enjoying the content. So, to feel better, and to strike against people you feel are undeserving, you lot go on a nerf herding forum rampage.


    You want to talk balance issues? Have you even bothered to try the group content of late? You'd not say that had balance issues, at least, not favouring the players.


    Oh I know, solo player, or, solo-my-way-or-the-highway-I-should-wipe-99.99%-of-the-time-mode player.



    Okay, you're obviously not understanding what I'm saying. I don't care what the group content is like now, it DOESN'T MATTER. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with solo play balance. Which is abysmal. I don't hate easy play. I wouldn't care if this game was easy. It's not, because with easy games you actually have to play the game. This is game is beyond easy. This game, right now, is a game that a baby could play if it hit the keys enough.


    Also, this idea that the people who dislike the game's changed are just striking out? Ridiculous. We are all paying customers and I SURE will provide my feedback for a service I PAY FOR. You're the one who seems more bothered that other people would dare to disagree with your opinion. This is a change, by the way, so it makes sense that a lot of people who liked it the way it was before wants it back that way. What makes your way right?


    More points to you not understanding what I'm saying, you think I want content so hard that I want to die 99% of the time. NO. I literally said nothing even close to that. I just want the possibility to die when I pull 12 mobs and AFK. I want my interrupts to actually mean something when I'm fighting an elite mob. I want this GAME to require actual GAMEPLAY. Like literally every other popular MMO out there.


    Bioware has said this game is balanced around companions so, so many times. I will not gimp myself for this game to play correctly. That does not fix the underlying problem.

  13. This may be true, but I think it should be pretty clear now that the main focus of this game moving forward is the KOTFE content, and what comes after.


    Not directing this towards anyone in particular, but the irony here is that so many people go so butthurt over level sync being introduced because "the lower level planets will be too hard and I don't want to die on low level planets." Now a lot of those same people are complaining because "with companions now, the lower level content is too easy."


    Can't win I guess :cool:

    A lot of people who didn't want level sync then and those who want the possibility of death now are different people. Also, even if they're the same people I'm willing to bet it's just that they want low level content to be difficult when they're actually at that level, not when they're 30 levels above it.


    Personally I couldn't care less about level sync.

  14. Well then, make your companion passive, no-one's stopping you.

    No. I will not play the game in a way that is not intended to make it playable. That just speaks to how broken the current difficulty level is.


    This game is balanced around companions, telling people to remove them if it's a faceroll is ridiculous. The fact that it's a faceroll means this game has HUGE BALANCE ISSUES.

  15. Here's a thought, try PUGing for GF content, Ops for instance. A challenge you want, a challenge I guarantee you'll get.

    No. I play solo. I want to have the slightest possibility of ACTUALLY dying when I'm leveling. It's just silly to say that being able to AFK with 12 NPCs attacking you, without dying, is not broken. There isn't a single other big MMO I've played that is so easy my cat can walk on my keyboard and still win all the fights thrown at it.

  16. Companions are not overpowered, they are working as intended (in my opinion). For those that haven't played KOTFE yet...without giving any spoilers...there are quite a few scenarios where you're battling wave after wave of mobs. The heroic version of the new flashpoint is particularly difficult in this regard, and at times you are battling wave after wave of elite/champion mobs. At times I found this stuff quite difficult...and I had tier 1 gear right out of the gate, along with datacrons, presence boosts, and other stims. For a newer player without access to all of those things, I expect that some of the content in KOTFE will be extremely difficult. Even with companions being as powerful as they are now.

    It's pre-KOTFE companions that are OP, which is frankly undeniable. You do not under any circumstances have a fear of death so long as you have your heal comp out (other comps as well, from what I've heard).

  17. Are you guys SERIOUSLY trying to say that this game doesn't need to be a bit harder? If I have out a heal comp, pull like 6 heroic mobs, and AFK for 3 hours I'd come back to me STILL being alive. That's ridiculous. That's broken. That's not fun, at all.


    No one is asking that the original starting planets become Dark Souls level of difficulty. No one. At all. However, you need to be punished when you make the bad decision of pulling 3 heroic mobs when you're 2 levels under all of them. You're not supposed to be some kind of an unstoppable god, which is why none of the other quality MMOs I've played makes you one. Sure, make the starting planets easier, and make leveling faster. It shouldn't take an extremely long amount of time to get to endgame content. However, do not ruin the challenge altogether.


    Also, stop telling people to play the game in the wrong way to get said challenge. If they have to do that in order to get even the slightest, SLIGHTEST whiff of danger then that just speaks to how broken the game is.

  18. This is a very minor thing, ruining your day because you play SWTOR? ...


    If you had a good internet connection then the download would have been completed rather shortly. If you don't, that's not bioware's fault. I would personally much rather have to set aside an hour to download an update than be bothered with updates 4 or 5 days in a row.

  19. I just don't understand why they didn't give us an option for the NPC models in particular. I mostly solo and haven't run into many draw distance issues, but man do the NPCs look bad, bad, bad. It's actually really distracting, they're at a completely different framerate from everything else in the environment. It doesn't matter what graphics settings I'm at, it's the same. My computer could handle the models before, so why can't I keep using them?
  20. It's a game. And more than that, it's an MMO. Experienced MMO' ers are only going to laugh at you if you get upset cause someone pipped you to the clicky:)

    I'm an "experienced MMO'er", and I still think it's really crappy behavior.


    Still, it's better now than it was before. Just run up to it before you do anything else and click it. Even better, I'm pretty sure you can do that to everything now. I remember I couldn't do it to chests previously, but now I can! No more grinding my teeth when some jerk takes something I was obviously fighting for.

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