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  1. I was contemplating writing a batch file, but for the life of me I can't find the appropriate ini file. The only one I've found so far is in /swtor/retailclient/client_defaults.ini, but that one a) has a huge *DO NOT EDIT* note in it and also doesn't seem to have anywhere to specify height/width/windowed mode.
  2. I put those in as arguments on the target line (after right clicking the icon and selecting properties), but they didn't seem to do anything. Is that where they should go?
  3. Hi folks, Is there anyway to have one icon launch the game at one resolution (say 800x600 windowed) and another launch the game at a more playable resolution (say 1920x1200). I'm trying to play the game on my iphone via rdp and it's working, but only at low resolutions... Cheers!
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