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Posts posted by Raji_Lev

  1. 100% /signed.


    The PVPers will never, ever, EVER be satisfied with anything the devs do, at all. The sooner that not just Bioware, but the industry as a whole, realizes this and learns to shut out their constant kvetching, tantruming, and ineffectual threats to move on to "the next big thing" and to quit screwing up the PVE game in a vain attempt to placate those shining wits, the better off everyone will be. Except for the aforementioned PVP kiddies, of course, but hey, anything that makes them suffer can't be ENTIRELY bad.

  2. Spend forever and a day leveling up characters from scratch on the PTS only for it to get closed before I get the chance to actually test anything at the high levels? Let me think about this for a minute......


    ...still thinking...


    ...no, I think I'd rather pass.

  3. @Odan_Urr and @Alyssis: Don't give up yet, they haven't actually posted the 1.4 PTS notes yet! They might actually make full Defense worthwhile for something other than laughing at.


    (and while I'm dreaming, I'd like for a huge duffel bag full of money in small, unmarked bills to fall out of the sky and land right next to me)

  4. The current animation is way better than bending over to shoot out of your jet pack.


    Regardless, both animations delay tracer missile actually registering damage and tracer round stacks. I just made a thread about this here.


    If it's going to change at all, make it so the missile actually hits directly after the cast timer runs its course.


    I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this thread except "What he said."

  5. I've been saying for a while now that the uninterruptable energy shield talent needs moving to a lower tier, so all mercs can take it.


    Better yet, make it a passive skill you train upon unlocking the Mercenary AC like Hired Protection.


    And another random idea that, if nothing else, seems cool (which is what's important :p ): While Supercharged Gas is active, you vent heat at the maximum rate regardless of your current heat level.

  6. (forgive me if this has already been mentioned earlier in the thread)


    Maybe I'm just reading into things here, but it kind of seems to me like there's an unwritten message of "You can voluntarily transfer now and get all this cool stuff, of you can involuntarily transfer later when we start closing all the servers that barely reach double-digit populations, and not get anything for it but a swift kick in the pants."

  7. I did this a few days ago on my Guardian, got my rear end handed to me the first time. The second time, I gave Krannus a good Force Push out of the way, then mainly ignored him and jumped straight down to go for the bombs, and let him chase me around while the soldiers pumped his backside full of little green bolts. By the time I got the last bomb, he was already dead.
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