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Posts posted by Djspyder

  1. The "Green Jedi" on corellia are NPC characters... I have only seen them Wearing the All green robes....


    Both My Sage and my Guardian have Found Robes with some green trim or lining on them, but No Solid Green as the main color robes... have Found Green pants tho... so maybe I just haven't seen it yet.

  2. The difference is, if I try to commit genocide as a Sith, it's a darkside choice. When I try to help the locals, it's a lightside choice. But as a jedi, helping the locals is often a darkside choice (they need to learn their own lesson, or some idiocy like that) and rooting out corruption is often considered wrong (because they're good people at heart, or something). The Jedi are nothing but tools of an unfeeling and corrupt senate. To be a Sith is to have true freedom - I can choose not to do those things you mentioned, and in fact my characters never did. My Inquisitor fought against corruption and injustice, my bounty hunter brought justice to criminals, my Warrior fought against slavery and oppression... Meanwhile, my Jedi fights for the weak and gets darkside points for it. When I destroy a threat, it's considered wrong.



    Like i Said before can You cite specific choices... because I've Missed All of these moments You're talking about... Having completed the JK story and getting to Hoth(almost done with chapter 2) with My JC.... and the ONLY one instance where i agree with You is, on Coruscant Early on...And its not even a class quest...its a side quest... where given the choice to steal documents from the senate and expose POSSIBLE corruption OR give the "spies"

    false documents, the false documents are the light side choice...


    Other then that one instance, Helping the locals, helping others, sacrificing self have ALWAYS been Light Side choices... I know for a fact the Republic has OFTEN gotten angry(or at least displeased) with BOTH of my Knights for picking the good of the locals over the good of the republic as a whole... Or at Their idea of what would be good anyway.


    And I've had Qyzen Get pretty mad at me too, He has a thing about helping the weak... he always seems to want me to Make them do things themselves not to just do for them...

    hell he once got made at me for giving poor homeless children Credits... They were in the way of my objective... my choices were to not finish the mission, To force them to leave, or to give them credits so they could relocate to a different area, two light side choices were leave them alone, and give them credits, the ds choice Force them to leave.. I gave them credits he got pissed.



    The Only thing I can think of When You say "Destroy a threat" is Killing a captured enemy... which well You're supposed to be an enforcer of justice, NOT an executioner, Look at it like being a cop... If You capture a criminal you take them in for trial... you don't shoot them in the head after they have already been disarmed.

  3. Why people always think that EVERY MMO (including a space based one, go figure) SHOULD have a "mage type" is just beyond me.


    Lets just take off their lightsabers, replace them with staves or spellbooks and stripe them of their jedi / sith status. Oh, and keep feeding them those hideous dresses while at it...


    I love How that is the only part you responded to.


    But Anyway, I'm NOT saying IT needed a "Mage Type" class... But Of the 4 Jedi/sith Advanced Classes there is ONLY 1... that is Not saber based... I don't understand the Reason that the Sage needs to be changed... It Fits its role... Its the Choice they Made to have Sages/Sorcs Fit a specific character/role type.... There are 3 other saber Based Advanced Classes For Jedi/sith. And Some People Actually LIKE the idea of a non-saber based Jedi... Some people fully enjoy the class as is.


    Ok... I think this Conversation has gone from Light debate/disagreement to Full On circle arguing... So I'm not sure what is left to say.


    I get Where You are coming from, You Think a Jedi should use BOTH the Force and The Saber... You Feel the sage has the right look and saber style to fit that role... but wish it had more use of the saber.


    I think it makes more sense to Adjust the Shadow to Fit the "aesthetic" style you're looking for rather then Change the mechanic of the sage by making him melee as well(even if its only secondary) because the Shadow is already Built to mix both, It just does not have the "Look" you're going for.


    Truth be Told I doubt Either Of those things will happen and I really don't want to argue pointlessly, So we'll i fully get what your saying and respect you're opinion, I'm just going to have to agree to disagree and Move on.

  4. Here is the Thing...... Which IMO sums it up pretty much perfectly....





    In The JK story, You Hunt down the Emperor who has his sith going from planet to planet attempting to commit planet wide genocide so he can complete a ritual to gain his own ultimate power.... That is THE MOST EVIL THING EVER... And His Sith Lords and Extreme loyalist Imperial soldiers, Know of this plan, are aware they are going to die along with all these people, and STILL willingly do it.



    With that in Mind Pretty much no matter how Wrong the Republic may be, or how misguided the Jedi may be... The Empire is clearly the Evil one... I mean I See all the things wrong with the Republic... But i Believe the Idea here is... The Republic stands for good, Is meant For good, Has a lot of good in it, But it fails to be What it should be... which is why eventually it falls to its own fear and bad decision making.... Where as the Sith empire, has been and always will be a Selfishly Evil organization, no matter how many "Noble" characters or "honorable" characters you my encounter in its ranks... they are the few, The majority of the empire is Bad..


    So again to sum up... while The republic has its share of serious issues.... I wouldn't call the empire the Good guys... No matter how much any Imperial characters story.... may try to make you feel like you're not just pure evil... when you look at the empires goal, they just can't be defined as "the good guys" in this conflict..

  5. ]Like i said ( and some others, as well), if i wanted to play other class, i´d just play it.


    As for the legacy thing: this game needs MMO features. I don´t need a feature where i can play with a dozen of alts just to say: "Hey, thats my cousin, he´s a smugler. Since i´m a jedi, maybe he can use the force."


    BW, it seems, can´t take a hint...


    Ok but You're asking them to make the class you want to play, something different.


    Also I think you miss read what I'm saying... I didn't say to Give the Sage Legacy abilities... i said to give them melee abilities That FUNCTION similar to the legacy ones... You can only use them While In heroic Moment, against NPCS... that avoids making them PvP viable.. Hence avoiding the possibility of Balance issues.


    Oh and As For PvP already being Unbalanced.... How is that a defense Of making it MORE unbalanced... Shouldn't the idea be to progressively make it Work, Not just Go oh well since its already screwed lets just give everyone what they want and who cares if it only makes the balance issues worse....


    I Understand that you are not the only one who doesn't feel like There should be a Ranged Jedi who barely uses His saber... thats not what a Jedi is To YOU(and those who agree).... But You Also think that the game needs "MMO features".... so wouldn't having 1 out of 4 Jedi types, have an MMO standard Mage type make sense... Besides with the Mirror mechanic of the game(which yes it also needs work) The Sage Also makes sense compared to the Sorc, Albeit not a completely balanced mirror class as promised.


    Look Man ALL the classes need a little work, And I completely get your Gripe here, I just Don't see how it would work... maybe Add more Varying animations for the current abilities, Maybe Add Just one more that isn't a particularly powerful one.... But "Adding a few melee abilities" like 3 or 4 more... we'll that is too much... there is already a class that has that balance between force and martial skills. And it comes at a loss of range.... Somewhere there needs to be a trade off.

  6. First of all: ALL jedi are "iconic", and if BW has forgotten this just to fill in a so called " MMO role", well im sorry but thats a huge mistake right there.




    What "major changes" are you talking about? Do you really think that adding a couple more melee skills would make the sage a "melee and ranged class"?


    We´re not talking about armor or anything. We just want a couple more melee skills to swing our lightsabers, for fun. We don´t want, nor need anything ubber strong. Hell, make them weaker than double strike and i´m all for it. We just need something diferent.


    All Jedi Are Iconic... But within the Order... There Are iconic characters, and lesser characters.... the fact that "Sage like" characters may exist in the EU, BUT NOT be the famous or Iconic ones is what I meant.... AND eventually ALL MULTIPLAYER GAMES NEED TO BE BALANCED.... IF BW forgot THAT, it would be a huge mistake.


    As For "Major changes"... I'm saying If you want some sort of saber based attack besides the two we have... OK maybe ONE MORE... If you want to AMP up Its defensive capabilities OK ADD A LITTLE... BUT the SAGE SHOULD REMAIN A RANGED CLASS.... And Yes I DO think adding "Just a Few melee abilities" would make it a Ranged and melee class...


    The Reason "Adding Just a few more melee abilities" becomes a "Major change" is because it has the chance Of making a Sage OP... which is why sages just got a small nerfing to begin with... Sages Loose their edge Up close because of the lack of melee skill... Giving them 4 or 5 "Useful" melee skills Now takes away that disadvantage... which makes the Class OP... As it Stands Its not a fancy move, But double strike does some decent damage if you need it in a pinch, and The single strike move is there so you can whack away if you run out of force. A 3rd ability to give the Sage a little more use of the saber is OK... But anything more can be a balancing issue In PvP... which ALL MMOs MUST CONSIDER.



    I Think the Part you're missing in what I'm saying is this....


    While I do Understand that the Sage is what You Picture the "Iconic Jedi" as if he just had some more melee ability... And that For the Sake of YOUR Fun, You would like to see More Melee added to The Sage... BUT this comes at a cost of PvP balance, and That could be DISASTROUS For an MMO....


    I think More feasible solutions to your issues would be Something Like a Single saber based tree from shadows, which wouldn't gimp them if they used a single blade instead of the double sided blade. Or heroic moment only abilities that involve the saber(sort of like legacy abilities) that way they don't bleed over to PvP situations

  7. I've been working on some variation of this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RRGzd0MZsMrMrhdzz.1

    and I pretty much love the idea.. in practice I'm waffling on 2/2 Commanding Awe or 2/2 Blade Barrier. I'm too lazy to bust out the maths to see which has a better payoff, but I feel like the blade barrier wins out in 1v1 and on ease of use since I bladestorm like someone's gonna take it away from me.


    I would take the Point out of Solidified Force, It seems pointless... I would put that into commanding awe OR blade barricade.... Other than that it looks good.

  8. Just a shame the low lvl weapons don't last long, I got a legacy double bladed saber for my shadow and it was only worth using for less than a day before there were better blades available.

    I haven't bothered with the other 3 kits they're just sat in the cargohold looking pretty.


    My sage was short on cash, so i gave him all my Kits, And just had him sell back all the weapons... If nothing else the fact that they are worth over a grand each was nice :).... but yeah i haven't found much use for them...


    Some of the Legacy Moddable armor looks cool at the higher legacy lvls... kinda expensive tho.

  9. In the JC story, the option to save a single person is a LS option, doing anything for the Greater good is dark side. First example I remember is the lady in the Fire on Taris, she can die and you can save MILLIONS with the data you recover, or she can live and you can lose the data, never mind that the holocron is an easy light weight and she couldn't weigh more than a buck 30...I should be able to levitate both but NOOOOOOO


    The imperial Dogma is striving for ORDER in the Galaxy.


    The SITH are evil as evil gets. The IMPERIALS are not always so.



    Those where Jedi Holocrons and for all we know could have nothing More then some history of the Jedi on Taris... There is NO WAY to know if that information would save life or if would just be something nice to have... Where as watching a woman burn to death on the off chance this information MAY be more valuable then her life, seems pretty DS to me.



    Anyway I See the Point here... Sometimes the Jedi follow the code blindly, sometimes they Serve the Republic a little "TOO WELL" and not always for the right reason, and not always for whats best for everyone... But again, Being Wrong and Being "evil" are different... The Republic Absolutely has its share of corruption and its share of out right "Bad" going on there, Which I'm sure is what leads to its inevitable downfall, but I'm not sure I would call them the "Bad Guys".... The Empire Is IN NO WAY GOOD... not in theory, Not compared to the Jedi, NOT compared to anything... They may Not ALL be "Evil"... but I Can't see any way in which someone could view them as "Good"


    And as a player, You can just make what YOU think is the morally Correct decision... I think If you wanted to Play a True "Hero" which i would assume is the intention of any one going Full LS, You would NEVER allow 1 innocent person to die, Just to accomplish You're goals... Now If you had the certain choice Of 1 life Vs 1000 and that Was The ONLY way it could play out... yeah You would probably save the 1000 at the cost of the 1... But Thats a rare occurrence one I can't remember having the choice to make in either Jedi story. lvl 39 JC Almost finished with chapter 2, ..Lvl 50 Jedi Knight Story completed.

  10. So far, in my limited exposier to senate politics, I've seen a senator taking bribes from criminals, a senator who wanted to impose slavery, the forced relocation (see: deportation) of refugees and a political party trying to sabotage peace talks with The Empire...


    And let's not even mention the fact that the poor struggle underground while the nobels squabble in their ridiculously overblown palace. Don't forget that those refugees are being forcefully deported on the grounds that The Republic can't support them... Said by a senator in flowing robes while in a massive palace with cathedral ceilings.


    When corruption is out in the open, it's easy to see who to support and what you can do. When it's cloaked in a pretty facade, it's impossible to know who is fighting for you and who is fighting against you. At its best, it's grey and grey, at its worst The Empire is the good guy.



    ALL True.... There IS Corruption in the republic... But You're given the Choice to expose it Or to cover it up, to stop it or to help it along...


    Which Is why I say, the republic is not the Perfect protector of the people it claims to be... Which is Why it ultimately Falls.


    I just disagree what the Jedi Council itself is evil.... Their faith in the republic may be misguided, and they may at times be blind to the truth... but I don't see them as evil.... But the Republic, yeah there is some evil behind the scenes there.

  11. On the contrary; My Inquisitor showed mercy to those she defeated and worked to reform The Council for the betterment of its citizens.


    The big difference was, when I served the people, it was a lightside choice. When I served the people as a Jedi, it's a dark side choice.


    This is what I don't understand... That Has NEVER happened to me... My consular AND my Knight... Both saved Lives all the time... never once Got DS points for it....


    Anytime The choice was to kill someone or spare Someone the LS choice was to let them live.... As a consular on Taris I had the Choice to save Jedi relics or save A womans life... saving the woman was the LS choice... AS a consular, Almost every "Boss" i've defeated gave me the choice to save them or kill them... and saving them was always the LS choice... Even IF my Companion didn't like the choice It was STILL the LS choice.


    As A Knight I Spared 2 sith and a fallen Jedi... ALL LS choices...


    The Republic has asked me to kill, or do something nasty For the "Greater Good"... but 9 out of 10 times The Republics request is the DS choice, and I pretty much always take the LS choice.


    I'm not saying that The Republic does not DO some shady things too... I just have No idea where You got the Idea that the Jedi council is evil and I can't EVER ONCE remember letting people die being the LS choice... IN FACT i KNOW that on some missions by choosing to save innocent lives I've made the mission harder on my self. Which always rewarded me with LS points... and often a nice companion affection reward as well....


    EDIT:.... As a JEDI I have NEVER ONCE Left someone "suffering" while "I Hid Behind my ideals" and Between my two Jedi i only netted a grand total of 50 DS points... because One of them Took the yellow color crystal on tython early one.... other than that they have both always Done the LS choice and Both have ALWAYS helped the innocent even if it were at a personal cost or against the wishes of the "republic chain of command"


    I think what I'm getting at, is I haven't noticed what your talking about and I would love an example..

  12. I have tried all the options in this thread I could.


    I am still mincemeat and get whomped within seconds of going after him.


    Sentinal at level 25, trained to the max, etc.


    Out of curiosity, is it because I am using a pc/laptop rather than a game console?


    It shouldn't matter... I'm Currently playing on a dell laptop... Not a "Gaming PC"... as much as i want to buy a new one....


    anyway point is... as long as you have a good connection and lag is not a problem, the machine you're playing on shouldn't be much of an issue...

  13. I am well geared and it does not matter. I am on the last guys on top of the ramp and every time I wipe the guys I killed respawn. I tried to get help but they just sent me a generic messege that did not address my issue. So I decided to pretend that this is the end of the game and my Jedi's death was the final chapter. Cancelled subscription and now I am just tooling about.


    You Know there are 7 Other Classes to play right??....


    I mean If you hate the Entire Game, well then by all means cancel Your sub...


    But If you liked the game until this one specific class quest... play another class and see if you still enjoy the game, maybe come back to the consular later on....

  14. Constantly in this thread I see the erroneous "There are 3 AC that focus on lightsabre, go play one." Erroneous because there is only 1 other AC that uses a single sabre, which is what bugs many people, myself included. Many don't seem to care about aesthetics at all, which is fine as that is their prerogative. However, some of us do care significantly. I loathe the double bladed lightsabre and will never play an AC that is forced to use it. I would LOVE to play a sentinel if I could simply use a single blade.


    I suppose the problem is that I want options and choices for my characters. This game sorely lacks that in many ways.


    Which is Exactly what I'm saying.... The Sage should STAY AS IS.... It is Designed to fit a Specific MMO role... and while may not be the Most "Iconic" Jedi class, there is basis for it in the Lore of the SW EU.....


    SO what SHOULD happen is this.... Shadows and Sents Should have the option to use a Single Blade... Single saber.... that would make those who like the play style but not the look happy, while keeping those who are fine with the classes as is happy... its a win win.


    I would Go as far tho as to Add that..... IF a specific ability requires "Dual sabers"... and YOU CHOOSE to use a single, YOU forfeit that ability based on your choice...


    This seems to be the best way to go about it... It even Gives players the options of using A single blade except when they feel they "NEED" to draw the second one....


    But Other then Removing some saber restrictions I really see NO NEED for other "MAJOR" changes to the class mechanics... like making the sage a Melee AND ranged class.

  15. Yes, sacrifice... Only I'm supposed to sacrifice the lives of others for what someone outside the situation considers the greater good.


    Actually... I've found that most of the Time, When it comes to sacrificing "innocents" its a DS option... like, I can take the easy route and WIn... but innocents will die... OR i can take the Hard way and Save lives.


    I Know SOMETIMES the LS side seems like the Wrong Side For the Greater Good... But Walking the path of the Light side is about Doing the right thing ALL THE TIME... Not just when it suites your goals.


    I WILL agree that sometimes the Republic Asks a Jedi to Do the Wrong thing For the Right reasons... But again, Walking the light side of the force is always doing the "RIGHT" thing... NOT the "Practical Thing"....


    Anyway Saying the Jedi council is "Evil" is a serious stretch... Misguided possibly, Closed minded could be... But "Evil"... no way.... the Republic may be a different story....



    And saying the "Empire is Good" is also just wrong... Thats Like saying any Genocidal Dictator is good... Because You know... he kills his enemies brutally and he hates everyone who disagrees with his ideological... BUT he keeps order and safety for everyone who follows him... ya know as long as they don't ever have a thought that opposes him...Then they die a terrible death.

  16. Do you people look at the dates on these things?


    Yay! 2 month old thread rez... Oh and still no toggle btw. Dont hold your breath.


    Um... Still No toggle Because They CLEARLY stated That it would be included in an update ... AFTER 1.2.... which has not happened yet..... Now If they Don't have it In By 1.3 maybe thats the time to start doubting it.... My guess would be they will more likely slip it in, in a smaller update between 1.2 & 1.3 hopefully not to far away.


    As for the thread necro... yeah You got a point there... this is in the Q&A AND has had countless threads, no need to keep bringing this back.

  17. I found Him Pretty easy... I took him out on the first shot,


    Sage Healer, Using Qyzen... The only thing was I took my eyes Of vivicar for a second to do some heals, and he used his one shot ability on Qyzen... which i guess better him than me.


    Fortunately he was at about 1/4 hp at this point and i made sure to keep him stunned or slowed when ever possible, and to interrupt EVERYTHING he threw at me since i missed out on the name of his one shot abiltiy.


    Like Most boss Fights, Interrupts are VITAL... they usually make the difference between a big win, or a massive *** kicking.


    If Your Not Healer Spec try using Thoran, He has a few decent interrupts to help out and obviously the healing will be very helpful, as long as you stop that one-shot move.... I don't know the name, but like all of the Other Bosses its the one with the Longest Cast timer.

  18. Those Bind to Legacy... The Point is, every time One Of your characters completes Chapter 1 you are rewarded with this.... The idea is to pass it down to the Next alt you lvl so they get some good gear early on... It seems most of the current legacy gear and rewards is aimed at helping out the lower lvl characters.... but as the legacy expands you get some higher lvl abilities/gear/rewards as well.
  19. Out of the 5 Groups You need to save, I Dies On two of them.... probably do to the fact that I didn't remember to use the station and get the buff for one... and on one of them i had a strange little glitch... I Killed the "strong" sith and went for the "elite" and somehow the "strong" came back from the dead... like literally a new one spawned directly on-top of the corpse... so that kinda screwed me.


    at lvl 38 with a sage healer, Using Qyzen Generally He would Die just after taking out the second of 3 sith, then I would have to finish off the 3rd one on my own. It was Hard, Kinda Felt like a "Heroic 2+" lvl of difficulty, but sometimes those are solo-able if you know how to go at them... and once i figured out how important the buff from the aid station was it felt a little easier.


    Anyway Point is It took me something like 45 mins to solo my way through as a healer, the fights just seemed to drag on for a bit.... But I got it done. lvl 39 Now on my way to Hoth,,, Just make sure to have all Your buffs up, make sure you are geared to lvl, and make sure that You have the best companion for the job and You should be good.

  20. I LOVE WHAT UR SAYING but... the mirror decision was great... so why not actually mirror? that one blows my mind... :p


    Agreed It should work ... Hell it should have been working since beta, and right at launch, its pretty much what the entire PvP system of the game is based on.... Its my understanding that this is a problem for basically all Republic classes but I've really only noticed it with the sage...I'm just saying... The issue has been brought up...BW is aware of it, Hopefully a fix is in the works... and For me its not a game breaker... If in a few months They haven't addressed it, I'll be considerably more upset, not because its a game breaker, but because it shows a lack of service and that the dev team isn't on top of the issues.


    But i understand why this isn't on the top of their "To Do list" right now...People where complaining about sages being OP, People complained about needing content, people complained about etc.... and with all that going on, they weren't gunna get to it all by 1.2... at least not without delaying it and pissing people off some more....

  21. yeah, I'm not sure if they like "stealth" added this, OR if i just never noticed... but today I was looking at Qyzen's gear I had 3 Techblades(2 in storage 1 he was using)... and all 3 of them were moddable... The names were, Qyzen's advanced techblade, Qyzen's modified techblade and I can't remember the 3rd... But they were all moddable... Green, but moddable... Barrels For the main stat , then the other 3 standard slots..... I even bought a New Barrel for him and it worked fine.


    So At least His "mission reward blades" are moddable Now.... And like others have said there are some that can be crafted.

  22. Let us assume they have 1,000,000 subs. (generous)


    1,000,000x$15 = $15,000,000




    Yeah... they're desperate bro... :p


    So what You're saying is.... BW is Throwing away $15,000,000 because they are desperate??? that makes perfect sense...


    But moving on...


    the "Mirror abilites" are not really "Mirrored" and need to be fixed the empire clearly has at least a slight advantage in PvP, If not a big one... and Even in PvE sometimes You clearly Got the "last hit" but since it registered a little slow you died anyway... So yeah it needs to be fixed... BUT I ALSO think BW has a good game here they just need to get it worked out.. Most MMO's I've played didn't really come together until somewhere around the 9 month to a year area... So as long as BW gets it crap together for the most part by then I'll be fine.

  23. i was Using the vig/def Hybrid build all through the lvling process... but after 1.2 I switched to Straight Defense, Which has been making my fights last a little longer, but with a Very well geared Doc as a companion, I win almost every Fight in a PVE situation.... Threat generation is still lacking a bit IMO, so tanking For Groups is a little tough especially at the higher lvls.


    But if your looking for a solid Build To Lvl with Defense tree with some points in the lower lvls of Vig Should work.


    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500hMGkudrdrzZdrR.1 This is the build I'm currently using, I'm thinking about trying a respec back to a hybrid... but for now this is working for me.

  24. I skipped the spoilers In this thread... but based On the few class/companion quests that come after the "Main JK story" i assumed that somewhere in the near future this was going to come back around... The "Current emperor" may be dead(maybe not like i said skipped the spoilers).... but somehow his voice still infects the minds of the Sith and The "Sith empire" still exists... so somehow this is not over yet.
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