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Posts posted by Spankky

  1. These posts urk me. Not in the sense that I disagree with you. More in the sense that i agree with you. it urks me that the game has yet to progress for the PVP community. ... le sigh.


    Literally, Maniac and I went to a cantina tour in SF in 2012-13, and EVERYONE and their mom was asking for guild ships. What does maniac say thats right on the money?


    Where's the love for PVP?


    Where are the new maps?


    Where is the incentive for people to play ranked and not troll? (this asked back in the 8v8 days)


    (piggyback off incentive) Where are the credit rewards for PVPers? (Lets be real, PVP is like the life of a college student. we're all broke lol)


    It's now almost 2016 and most if not all of these have not been addressed. Incentive won't really be there until 3.3. THAT fix should've been in the game during the 8v8 scene. hello two thousand and late (fergie reference).


    New maps? Why not have a new map for every planet already IN GAME. new expansion? new planets? NEW MAPS. easy mode. (givin maniac credit on this again. he's the brains of the operation. I'm just a keyboard warrior).


    In terms of who you can watch stream krea, I'll post a selfless plug: twitch.tv/zarrac312


    I'm workin on my internet. hopefully I can start streamin ranked, regs, and raids more often. If you want to watch someone good, ha. You'll be sorely disappointed ;P


    My stream won't have drama in it. I don't like that. I also don't read the forums enough to know about the drama you're referring to. :]

  2. So now is the time to queue since the high rated players left?




    I was q'in b4 people left. lol


    Just tryin to get the people that don't normally queue, and the rest of the players that are left to queue.



    I'm also not a huge fan of goin to an east coast server.

  3. Here's the thing. Regardless of whether you think it is harassment or not, it is for sure bad behavior.


    Not everyone that plays this game has thick skin. Do some people have thinner skin than others? Absolutely. BUT, that doesn't excuse the jerks from being just that: jerks.


    There is a reason the ranked scene is so dead atm on certain servers (and how pvp servers go to die). I could list the obvious reasons (ie. trolls and win traders) but instead I will just stick with the simple truth that negativity DOES effect the pvp community especially hard.


    Why is that? Because after very little content over the years for our pvp community, who the heck would want to stay and play with a bunch of jerks? Because they're for sure not staying for the content.


    So, when people tell others to stop queuing because their bad and what not, yes, the pvp community gets hit pretty hard. Because these people are essentially killing the ranked scene with their ****titudes (****+attitude). People want other players to queue solo ranked, but they don't want people to queue solo ranked. See the situation we run into? It makes no sense.


    Do I think its a ban-able offense? Absolutely. If I think that one less jerk is going to help the pvp community by getting rid of the cancer, then for sure i will report for inappropriate behavior. Will anything happen? I doubt it.


    Now, if this game had some sort of tribunal or quick response time from the devs on issues like this, we might have a significantly less toxic pvp community. There is a simple answer: short time bans that get worse after several occurrences.


    you may say to me, "But then our pvp community will be getting banned constantly and we will run into the same problem with long queue times."


    You may be correct, but in the long run, I believe we'll have a greater change for the better.


    Lastly, telling people not to queue because they don't have the gear is an entirely different story. but I digress, 3.3 will fix that problem.

  4. After a long hiatus, I finally had a chance to do some grouped ranked warzones tonight. Thanks Quii Qon Jin and Juice for fielding a team, was a ton of fun and good games. I look forward to seeing more ranked teams throughout the week.


    That is all.



  5. So far I've been able to get Yort and Maniac to resub from Crits and Giggles.


    Stealthkilla as well. Baugles apparently still plays as his job allows him (I have yet to see him online).


    Also, I see BondingAgent pub side time to time. (I think he mostly plays imp side).


    oh ya, and Fivez plays from time to time. He's pretty busy gettin swoll tho ;P

  6. You spent time and money making a tribute to me because i trolled you for losing so pathetically in arenas to us

    You care.


    ^this. you're right i cared so much about losing an unofficial 4v4 on tat on the pts that i stalked you to find out about ur small child of a gf just so that I could make a new char, lvl it to 55 and create a guild.




    wrong. i dont even know who the heck ur soon to be teenage pregnancy is except that her name is Elizabeth. why do i know this? everyone on the Bastion knows this. You're right. I worked so hard to get within earshot of that information.


    food for thought: i wasted 0 time on making that char except to pay 5k on the guild name. already had the 55 Pt.

    how much did I spend on the rename? 0$ what? bioware released free renames?

  7. I'm glad I could pwn a reg star to the point he renamed a character and made a guild about me


    You will, like, totally be missed man.


    edit: looks like I made TWO people leave the server now :3


    it was a joke. acid. i really dont give a crap about you. you are really annoying tho.

  8. peace out yo. unsubbed last night due to:


    -my lack of interest in the game

    -too much solo q rage on my part

    -crits and giggles friendlies are all extinct. (cept for that maniac scrub)

    -nobody to que with in groups

    -acidropper talks too much poop.

    -not very interested in starfighter (mostly because i'm too stubborn to interrupt my endless loops of frustration)

    -My dewback is restless and wants to go traveling

    -and maniac sucks <3



    fare le well all. its been a time and a half

    you can find me on xboxlive: Spanky312 or LoL: Jellystone Park




    PS. Acidpøøper <Underage Girls are BIS> was me. ;]

  9. Waaait... Ash, you were going to the SF cantina? K'ain and I might have tried to cancel raid to go to that, had we known....


    What happened to that King we used to know? *sniff*


    le sigh. didn't even think about the fact that you two are super close. bummer. i'm super down to go to the next one in redwood city again.

  10. Maniac and I are goin, anyone else?


    now is your chance to talk ish to our face! and by talk ish to our face I mean cuddle time with adult beverages and qq tales of why we're all baddies for continuing to play this game >.<




  11. you dont compare bad specs to worst specs for balance, so too you wouldnt compare op lethality to sin madness. fact is neither have any place in competitive 4s, so something is obviously off. like i said, defenses. they have very little for being a squishy class.


    and yeah id agree smash is basically balanced, forgot about that one. the one thing i dont like about it is that its the only tree with the undying reduced cd. that just seems dumb to me, heaped on top of the fact that it always has rage. but yeah the actual damage output is ok. im a little hesitant to add it tho


    imho move the undying reduced cd to watchman (left tree) and make dots only purge-able every now and then just like madness. with the ramp up time watchman takes, its not even viable in pve anymore.

    (madness as in 2.5)

    as much fun as it is to play, be honest. watchman wont last in fours, esp with an op/scoundrel healer cleansing every two seconds.


    with aoe> single target dmg in competitive arenas, a single target ramp up dot spec def doesnt work

  12. Brought up repeatedly by the community and turned down repeatedly\.

    The code just doesn't cut it without significant overhaul. My guess is it's prohibitively expensive with the number of coders they have, it would be like rewriting a new game, and considering how long it took to write this one in the first place...


    i'm pretty sure they be doin fine with their marketing techniques.


    have you seen all of the pumpkin vader chambers out and about already?

  13. With season 1 coming up you'd think people would be focused on the biggest problems with pvp/arenas.

    Mainly, the biggest problems are stuff like:


    1. Assassins/operatives being able to autowin every game by abusing acid mechanics. Game-breaking, completely ignored by everyone. No comment from bioware and no QQ threads from the players.

    2. Classes with obvious and well-known bugs in critical places. Warriors not reaching leap targets, sin shroud/phase walk not working, and so forth. Even had a video of my mara killing a sorc through his bubble (can't really tell which bug it is, but in either case the bug is important). Evasion on snipers/ops allowing hits to go through. There are lots of these bugs that can change the outcome of a game in critical moments by dev-programmer RNG and they go largely unnoticed and/or ignored.

    3. No cross-server queue - it's been two years now and it's been brought up repeatedly. This game will never have competitive pvp if there are only three teams that are ever in the queue. One way or another bioware is going to have to address this if it wants a pvp community.

    4. Classes not being queued appropriately in solo queue. Why can't there just be "hybrid" slots when classes have more than 10 points in a tree that isn't the highest tree? If I have 23 points in darkness and 23 in dps, I should be queued as a hybrid, not as a full dps or as a full tank. Or it could just, you know, force people into the appropriate roles via the methods discussed in that other thread. Gets some attention, but is on the bottom of my list as it only affects solo queue and not team queue. Still needs to be addressed and should be a prime concern for the players who do solo queue arenas.

    5. I'm sure I missed other critical stuff, let me know.


    I'm sure the reason this stuff gets ignored is because there's nobody arguing creating a five-hundred page thread. If everyone sees it, agrees it's stupid, the thread just moves on down the list, while arguments over operative and mara QQ go for twenty pages. But this is the stuff people need to be vocal about, these are critical issues.

    Anyways... yeah I'd like to see some balance in this game but seriously, how about we make the game playable while we're at it/first?


    I agree wholeheartedly!


    the leap issue is game breaking. (i mean this has been happening since the middle of 8v8 preseason in huttball with guardians not being able to leap to friendlies)


    skipped global cooldowns is game breaking. (this is ALL AROUND game breaking... not even pvp centered either. you're also talking about people who are trying to parse competitively on the server to push the top tier raids, but skipped global cds srsly effects dps/heals alike)

    ^pvp is even worse because anything and everything can come down to... that's right, ONE GCD. especially when you're also talking about arenas.


    i mean cmon, *** HAPPENED TO GUILD CAPITAL SHIPS?!


    on a more serious note: cross server que probably isn't even enough to save this game. :'[



  14. I have had many assassins try this, but they have never been successful. I don't understand how the assassin didn't die at the same time as you.


    Edit: seems like resilience or his defensive CD's are not working as intended. He was at almost 50% hp when you guys died. I was also under the assumption that once a stealth hits the green, they are removed from acid. Every time an assassin tried this, I and my team put down every aoe we had (while spamming the frame to target him when he is out of stealth), stunned him, he phasewalked out, but he was in a hp deficit.


    a super easy way to fix this would be for the acid to hurt more the further you go out? i mean, the acid did start on the outside and work its way in...


    /end phasewalk to outside of midfight in OT= instadeath

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