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Posts posted by StarryCiel

  1. Humm, some pretty cute chicks up in huur.... Here's me.


    2010 - DC (I'm the dude)



    2011 - Chillin at home



    2012 - Infamous b-room mirror pic



    2012 - Self snappy snap



    Those sideburns <3

  2. Am I the only person who thinks this game is to linear with nothin to do I often find myself bored of pvp, lving, and flashpoint (raids included). I really hope they come out with things to do besides those three . I know there are crew skills but its not like you even have to do them I mean they're done for you. I often find myself running around the fleet on my speeder cause I'm bored and I'm sure many of you do it too. But what kinda activities do you think they can bring so this game isnt about straight lving with nothing else to do besides pvp and flashpoints? :o


    You could just go if you're bored..


    Bye ~

  3. I notice that players plan on doing heroics when its convenient FOR THEM, even if there is already a group available.


    Yep. That's how it goes. And once that group that was LFM fills up, the players who were thinking in the back of their minds "they'll still be there when I'm at that point" end up spamming the chat with "LFG LFG LFG".


    That's what I like to see in my chatbox <.<


    Maybe server populations are a factor too? Night owls won't see as many other players on to play group quests.


    I usually get on in the morning before I head off to work at 5 p.m., and again at 1 a.m. The population is pretty constant on my server. I can't relate to those who complain about unpopulated servers because, frankly, I was never dumb enough to choose a LIGHT server.


    That or because at least in my experience it's a lot easier to get quick credits through PvP than to bother with doing every group quest :p.


    It's not about credits and who is the richest -_- It's an MMORPG. Where you're supposed to play with friends and let camaraderie happen..

  4. Is it dead in here? :jawa_redface:


    I see it says you're currently closed for requests, but you didn't mention that in any recent posts. I'd like to make a request if you're open, but if not, I can wait. I'm not going anywhere. Might even end up going for a commission..who knows.


    Love the art!

  5. I find it really funny when one person will come to a new world that has a dead chat and say "X amount of people here, no one is talking". And right after that the entire populace partakes in good conversation.

    ..at least for a while.

    Until the one who initiated it leaves. Then we're back to radio silence.


    Do they haz no backbone? Afraid to talk when their shining social butterfly is gone?


    It's sad :jawa_frown:

  6. I as female gamer still wonder why some people still feel the urge to make these kinda threads.


    Majority of the female gamers dont feel the need to go "im female, lets make a thread about female gamers". We're gamers like everyone else and making a threads like these is pointless.


    If there are boys having issues with female gamers, ow look ignore function. There's no need for again another thread with "so called female gamer facts". We're not a rare species nor do we need a thread to point out we're not so rare.


    Dont take this as offensive but making threads like these is what making some male gamers being reluctant towards the female gaming community and go like : *Ow look another female that wants attention".


    99% of the players I meet ingame will never know whom plays the char and I might hope you dont go like "hi im female" to every person you meet ingame...they should not care so should not even need that info. Only people that know what I am is guild/friends. I could not care less about other gamers, they dont need to know what I am, where I am from, etc etc. The only thing they need to know is how I play no matter what's in between my legs.


    My thoughts exactly.

    Silly need to say "Hey, I'm a girl! I play games." is silly.

    I just wanna play SWTOR -- leave me alone.

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