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10 Good
  1. How's the pop size on bastion
  2. US. East coast is preferred but not really a requirement.
  3. Title kinda says it all. Just came back to the game and looking for a sever where the pubs do reasonably well in pvp. Doesn't necessarily have to be a pvp server as I care more about organized pvp(arenas and wz) over random world ganking, but a server with a good pub population and where they don't constantly get roflstomped in WZs all day.
  4. Hi, I just hit 50 on my shadow a few days ago, currently 31/0/10 spec. I have been hearing alot of mixed things about what pvp set to gear first. I like the idea of being able to do decent damage but still being able to live more then 3 seconds(this is why I didn't go infil.) though I heard after the changes in 1.2 kinetic shadows in dps gear are no longer viable. Is this true or is the stalker set still the way to go for kinetic shadows?
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