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Posts posted by Kalispa

  1. Yep great idea, force cloak, lets drop all our threat to maintain the 4%. Oh my you guys are soooo smart. And your idea about timing, the problem is that the extra 2 seconds we have from maintaining our rotation for the 4% doesn't give us any options. When its time to move and it gets us at just the right moment, we lose the 4% of dr that is supposed to parallel us with the other tanks in armor rating.

    You keep yammering about the same crap KBN, but yet never offer any alternatives. All you seem capable of doing is shouting down everyone.

    Either give an idea on how to better play (something other than play better), or something BW can do to help us out a little. Or better yet shut up!

    Ranting over and over again to prove your ego does nothing but confuse the small minded BW employees, and the have enough issues as is.

  2. There was never any doubt on whether the Sins/ shadows have enough time to refresh the stacks. The case we seem to be making and you keep ignoring is that in most fights where the tank has more to do then stand in one spot and refresh his DR buff, the 12 seconds stack timer is a bit tight. There should be either a longer counter or something we can do to one punch reset the timer or 4%. Discharge would probably work well for that sort of idea.

    Possibly even have the first tick of Force lightning build the entire 4%.

  3. O gee could you post another video in a fight that requires almost zero situational awareness and no movement, because that would prove your point spot on KBN. They need to extend the timer, or give us something that is a one shot to reset the time on the stacks so that if we do need to move and our 4% drops off at least we will have the proc stacks up so when we can we can get the 4 back with out spending 10 second rebuilding our proc buff
  4. These premade pvpers all say the same thing, get better and don't take away our group pvp advantage.

    It is obvious that none of them can hack pvp on actual pvp servers where people actually actively compete in pvp. they only do pvp on the pve and rp servers where the more casual pvp players. All they do is ruin our experience to make up for their pathetic real lives.

    BW why not allow solo vs solo que options, and why not allow a quit cool down timer? FP and ops have a quit timer. Why not pvp? Pve has the option to join in progress ops and fps, why not allow solo vs solo option? So that those of us that don't want to deal with the premade tryhard crowd can avoid it as an option.

    BW please consider this, stop pandering to this elitist group of people. There are enough people with suggestions on how to fix this, it is well past time to implement one of them.

  5. Well Raansu let me see about the people that like to just 2 man que, they can group into the group que and get paired with others, it has been awhile but let me see 2+2+4=8. 3+3+2=8, 2+2+2+2=8. of course the basic math doesn't take into account people by themselves willing to join into a grp pvp match 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=8.

    If allowing solo vs solo que option would bring more people back into pvping, what is the problem.

    Oh I forgot you can't pvp without your group.

  6. The main issue you're going to deal with here, if solo only queue is implemented is that guild would queue sync, and if they didn't get the same pop, they'd just leave. Thus you'd have a rash of wz's starting undermanned. And that's just as bad, almost worse than what people consider the pre-made issue. Starting 4v8 is a disaster, esp in a pug. The match will be over in the 1st minute.


    The other thing you are not taking into consideration is you are talking about pulling the rug out from under them. Or in other words, you don't want them to basically play. You are therefore asking BW to alienate some of their more hardcore players, that are subbed and bring actual money to the game. How is this good. Piss off a significant amount of your hardcore players so they quit.... yeah that an intelligent business decision.....


    Anya maybe you missed the part about the quit cd timer, and the solo vs solo would only be implemented as an option the player could select, such as the join in progress option for pve fp and ops.

  7. Oh no Raansu called me a baddy, my life is over.

    You reek of fear Raansu, you don't want change because you and your grouped up pvp buddies would not do nearly so well in a solo vs solo que (your fragile ego's couldn't handle it), and if you did group que, you know your opposition would be a premade group as well.

    Anyone and everyone that thinks a SOLO vs SOLO only que (with a 2-5 minute quit match timer) could help on some of the drastically unbalance pvp on pve and rp servers, post here, post on the developer tracker forum, post every where you can think of.

    Bioware may actually get a clue if enough of us ask for it.

  8. Rannsu then my fix would cause you know issue's then would it. You can play with your group and the ones that don't want to be pug stomped when we are just casually queing in can do solo vs solo.

    Still don't get what you guys are afraid of if this were to happen.

  9. That will always be the case, there will be less skilled player, there will still be laughably good players in the match.

    If bioware would just allow solo que vs solo que only, at least its all mixed up for the more casual player and the goods and bads are random.

    We are complaining about a small group of players that exploit the way the que works currently in order to pug stomp as a team.

    Solo vs solo only que would cut the rug out from them. They would have to go at it random and at times against each other or see what they get with grouped que. Especially if you put a small quit timer on wz matches.

    Nothing significant would be required, just 2-5 minutes so we wouldn't get the small group of people quiting and requeing 10 times in a effort to keep their pug stomp team together.

    And yes the people we are complaining about are just the sorts of people to try it!

  10. Why can it not change!

    So what if a few times when I do pvp I'm on a team and we lose horribly. That okay, its bound to happen at times.

    I'm talking about the unfair advantage and disgusting feel of game play that queing into pvp for a couple of hours and all there is against me is a bunch low self esteem grouped up premade pug stomping jerks.

    Why are you grouped up pvpers so scared of giving players the option to que in solo vs solo que so much. Is it because it would level the playing field a bit.

    I want the option, and from reading a few of the post here I am not the only one. This post isn't for the premade pug stompers, it is not here for you to rage against because your fragile ego can't handle competition on a fair playing field

    As sad as it seems the post is here, because I have the slightest hope that some one that actually works at bioware, and can actually make a decision will do something to the effect.

  11. And the pug stomping try hards have spoken.

    Make matching solo only ques and option that any player can choose, what is wrong with that. Afraid your ego can't take a fair game with other grouped up players!

    The system is broken, and people do exploit to the best of their abilities. Example on the Harbringer server, there are only a few pvp try hard guilds. They all play together for the most part. I think there was some resistance to them once upon a time ago but they quit. Now all they do is pug stomp and only pug stomp. When they are tired of pug stomping one side they all switch over and start doing to the other faction.

    Queing into grouped up matches should be an option that we can avoid. And quiting and leaving a match should in act a cd timer, why not in pvp when we have a timer for quiters in pve FP and ops?

  12. Well then here is another option, give the individual player the option to group with other groups or against other groups, or to que and join and play against other/ only solo que. Something like joining in process FP in GF.

    With something like this implemented I would expect to see something like a 5 minute base CD for quiters while match is waiting for all players to join or else the pug stompers trying to make themselves feel better about RL inadequacy. With out the quit cd, you would have guilds and friends trying to coordinate their ques to get grouped together and they would quit re-que in attempts to get together. If you don't think this would happen you are delusional. There are some very try hard pug stompers with fragile egos on my server. (the Harbringer)

    I've noticed a lot of arguments against such a implement in all its different forms. I don't understand why.

    Is it because of a chance of slightly longer que's, I would think that if you are a real pvp player you would want a challenge. I could be mistaken. It seems obvious I am, and that most of the pug stompers on the pve servers don't and can't handle a challenge or their fragile egos would disintegrate.

    These are changes for the pve and rp servers that I'm suggesting. If you are on a pvp server I expect you had a fair idea of the mess you where getting in to. And there are a lot more pvp guilds to join.

    Personally I don't see why there is so much resistance to this, I am a very casual pvper at best, I usually just daily and weekly farm it while I level up a toon, or for comms for the brutalizer relics. But I can remember way back (when it was a better game experience in pvp) in the beginning and if I saw a guildy on the other side of the pvp match, it would be oh boy this should be fun. I like the matches to be close, I like having a challenge. I however do not like being against a team of try hards that are all in vent, have my entire team marked up and focus kill all one at a time with no real chance of any game play.

    So Bioware please listen to an overwhelming group of people that are very tired of the imbalance of the pvp game play on the pve servers. Give us the option to que against other groups or solo's only. Try (I know it may be difficult) to think for yourselves, and take into consideration the idea's of player that are not on your favorites/ theory crafting/ try hard list.

  13. Okay max a quick run down of what I said. It was me and 1 other guildy queing into GSF near the end of the conquest event.

    If we happened into a TDM, and recognized the premade try hard names on the opposing team, we asked in ops chat for everyone to band together in order to 1. make the match go by faster, 2. to deprive the opposing team of as many medals as we could. the trick was simple just mass suicide all our ships as fast as we can.

    I managed to get the team behind me on three occasions I think. 2 of them the high medals was 1 person at 4, another at 3 and a few at 1.

    on the last one I did for the night it was hilarious nearly the entire team joined in with me and on person did not. The match ended with 1 person with 2 medals, and zero ever where else. the match was less then 2 minutes long.

    My early statements included things such as I doubt BW will do anything considering their latest activity with people that actually real exploits, so I felt perfectly safe. I did this because some one was say he was going to report me and the bw people where going to hunt me down and ban me. Something I just felt was nothing but laughable.

    At some point it turned into a crazy discussion if we can use those words with some of the crazies that have been replying, about premades and skill level and all that.

    Its a simple tactic, if I que GSF and I'm with a bunch of new people or just farming for conquest points, and the opposing team is the crazy try hard faction, and it just happens to be TDM, get the team to mass suicide, get to a different que hopefully and deprive the opposing team of as many medals as possible.

    I say TDM because crashing your own ships in the other matches won't do a thing. For TDM its a quick way out from the opposing team and you get your conquest points.

  14. I'll say it again, if I solo que, then I only go against other solo que and I only group with other solo que.

    Its the most fair fix I can think of.

    To bad I hadn't thought of it earlier for my original post.

    And if anyone else has suggested it before hand, I am certainly not trying to steal you path to fame and glory.

    Now the question is why doesn't bioware fix it!

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