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  1. i personally find it a ******** thing to ask me why i replied to a post that's over a year old. people will continue to research this despite your comments. my post was intended for anyone that wanted to know the best outcome for acquiring these components
  2. i am a cybertech and the most success i have had with mk-9 components is by re'ing droid parts. every time i have made anything for a droid and re'ed it i have gotten 1 for 1 components hope that helps
  3. im currently playing a jedi sentinel and so far have been choosing dark side chat options.. im now at dark side tier 2 but have made a few light side choices because i have discoverd the companion bonus that u get from it. im now light side 400 points and about 200 points from dark side tier 3. im noticing that on certain quest turn ins that the light side gear is pretty sweet but rquires to have light side atunement tier 1. my question is is it possible to have light side tier 1 for the gear and weapons u can equip but stay and continue to be dark side..?
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