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Everything posted by MantissB

  1. Yes. Based off of how legacies work. just remember the character to complete the last chapter would have to be a LvD character so you would theoretically have to level one on each server as once the character you're transferring completes it then the completed event achievements would transfer and essentially lock you out.
  2. Yes. Any tiers you complete on Harb will unlock there and you'll get the rewards in the mail on Harb. Just remember to have those rewards in your inventory and not the mail when you transfer or you will lose them. Whenever you decide to transfer back, if at all considering the cost and the noticeable population difference you're about to experience on Harb, your legacy will go back and copy over the one on the Bastion and your progress will be saved so you can complete the final tiers there if you prefer. TLDR; your progress should be exactly the same on the destination server as it was on the origin server after the transfer since the Harb legacy would now be the more progressed one.
  3. This is true! Forgot to mention that part. Thanks.
  4. This is incorrect. The event achievements are legacy bound and when you transfer from a server with an active legacy to a server with none the legacy copies over. Therefore yes if you started on the Bastion and wanted to transfer over to Harb your achievements will go with you and you will be able to complete the event there. I just did this last night and now have my Harb legacy on The Ebon Hawk both at 70% completion for the LvD event as I only need chapter 16 and the rakghoul infections to be 100% complete. Leveled the alt I copied over to 26 now and no new rewards therefore the achievements are accurate and working as intended.
  5. Hey guys, I know it's last minute but my previous commitment has seemed to fall through so are there any guilds that can offer a last minute sale run for TFB HM on the republic side? I'm wanting all the 224s + 220 head and boot pieces. Can settle for 224s only. Thanks.
  6. Hey guys. As the the title says I'm looking for a new home to hang my coat. Unfortunately I had a RL work schedule change and it doesn't coincide well with my current guild's raiding schedule. I'm LF a guild/raid group on the Republic side (preferably, but Imperial is not out of the question) anywhere between the times of 5 pm PST - 10 pm PST. I'm very active (on 5-7 nights a week) with 12 level 55 characters and the last 4 in the works to have all ACs. My main is a 36/3/7 SS ( or 5/18/23 Hybrid depending on my mood that week) Gunslinger that is in 72 (Underworld) / 78 (mostly Dread Forged/ some Oriconian) gear. For progression I am currently 4/5 DF HM and 3/5 DP HM. I am willing to do trial runs with anyone interested prior to joining to see how I "mesh" with your guild/group. If interested, PM/mail me in game on my GS ( Mântis ) or Sent ( Mantisu ). Thanks! Mantis <Rogue Alliance> The Harbinger
  7. Thank goodness you went back. Weren't you the guy on JC that was ignored by 80% of the server because you spammed fleet all day LFG but only wanted "pure" raid and FP groups of Jedi knights and consulars? May I recommend a good RP server for you?
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