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Posts posted by AGx-Spike

  1. healing medals are easy to get? 2.5k. 5k, 75k, 300k...those are the only ones. and 300k isnt even easy to get when u constantly have dps bashing u with the damage buffs and ur constantly needing to run back. so i have no idea how u think healing medals are easy to get. least as a dps u get killing blow, assassin one on one, 2.5k, 5k, 75k, 300k also much easier to get with damage buffed...


    so u tell me who can easily get more medals..


    Yeah too easy. If you want 4 medals, which is all you "need", 2.5k and 5k are EASY. Cap that off with the relatively easy to get Damage and defender medals and the oh so easy "get a killing blow" medal and acquiring medals is just waaay too easy. All of them are too easy but the topic was about healers and you see my point. Besides 75k is easy too if you're focused on healing. Healing classes in my guild regularly walk out of VS and Civil War with 200k or more when they are just healing.


    And just to make a point at how easy medals are to get, look at this screenshot from some other guy;s post: http://i.imgur.com/Y32nv.jpg


    15 medals and that was a Shadow, two of which are from healing. Shadow's aren't even healers.

  2. Only thing I noticed about Sorc/Sage is that they spent far more time in the rezz spawn then the rest of the team...one fellow I saw actually lasted a whole 4 seconds to a Mara- he almost casted something at the Mara too...I was impressed.


    Are you sure you are playing the same game?


    Bad example. Say the same thing when you see that Soc/Sage fail against a Guardian/Jugg, Assassin/Shadow or a Smug. Marauder's are simply brutal DPS. I've been murdering healers ever since I got one. Can't say the same about my Guardian (44) and Shadow (50). I can kill one, sure, but only with careful use of interrupts and stuns. Marauder, I simply mash damage abilities and floor them. Why? Because they panic after I break that bubble and start eating their health.


    DPS classes/specs are certainly not within 5% of each other, and they say Marauder is hard because of rotation and all the CD's. Nooooo its not.

  3. So just did a warzone (alderaan) with my operative, having completed the entire game, we lost due to fighting a melee heavy team (they had nothing but knights and sentinels) the game ended and these were the results.


    Notice how one of my team mates defended the turret on snow the entire match, did no damage and less than 10k healing yet actually got rewarded more than everyone else who were actively fighting in order to win.


    Myself getting only 2 medals despite having done almost 30k damage and 230k healing while attacking the middle turret.


    This is seriously broken and has basically mean the entire 10-15 minute battle was a waste of my time as I got nothing at all despite active participation.




    Well, they only had 4 Knights (which were either Guardians or Sent's) and 3 Conuslar's (either Shadow's or Sages). So unless all those Consular's were Shadow's they had a fairly balanced team and not really "melee heavy" at all. That's besides the point though.


    I get the same grief in hutball. Me and a guildie or two can usually finish a match 6-0 in just a few minutes because we grab, pass, score really quickly. We get nothing for this because there's no medal for passing or scoring. So we either prolong the match by medal farming or waste time because we're not getting enough rewards for being efficient and useful.


    What they need to do is either remove or hide the medals. If we don't know when or how many medals we have, we have no choice but to try to be useful in order to get them. Make the medals for healing harder to get (becasue they are a bit too low and some healers wont "heal" more than enough for a medal and give bonuses to people who attack enemy turrets (not just medals). Maybe remove the cap on medals. I can get 4 in no time then all i have to do is stand around.

  4. What next? Republic gets Sith and Empire gets Jedi? Maybe we can choose which fleet we want to hang out in too. Star Wars, Street Fighter? What is the point of even having a story where the two sides are at war?


    I don't like to be one to just complain about developments, but this is just sad.




    Why? The simple fact that there's very little open world PvP going on and what PvP we do have we have to fight our own faction?! What's the point of picking a faction? What's the point of even having factions?


    This is highly annoying. I like killing my enemies. It's not so much fun when you're pissing off people you might potentially play with. I could deal with it in hutball but Voidstar I play like an ******e (I wont go into detail) and I piss people off bad. I don't want to do that with allies. It's just not fun.

  5. ^^ This


    Sorc healers were never weak. Simply put, they can solo (or at least escape) almost every class. Marauder/Sent tear through them but that's what, 1:8? I don't think they were "overpowered". In PvE sure they were pretty balanced but in PvP they were a bit much. It simply wasn't fair that any class that came up against a Sorc 1v1 would lose if the battle went on long enough (there just aren't enough interrupts for a single class). I know the game isn't balanced around 1v1 but you also had a class/spec that was overpopulated so too many of them made even group encounters difficult if you ended up with a bad lineup.


    They should have probably gave the weaker DPS classes a buff rather than nerf the healers (because it affects PvE too much).

  6. Half of this thread is people who rolled easy mode classes complaining they are going to be getting punched in the face by Mard/sents. Really that's about all Sents and Marauders are good for, off objective DPS/Damage in public matches. Good pre made groups are not 3 sents and a pocket healer. The melee DPS classes have very little utility in objective based PVP.


    There are really two kinds of PVP . 1. Playing for Scoreboard E-peen and 2. playing to win matches. They are in fact mutually exclusive styles of play. A good winning Hutt Ball and Void Star team may often have lower damage totals than the losing the team because they are playing for the objectives, not the kills.


    Ever been in a civil war where your whole team rushed the middle? I bet those sents/maruds really helped you kill the one guy from the enemy team who rushed mid fast. But it wasn't fast enough to stop the other team from capturing both side turrets. Then your down two turrents and sent/marudr aren't that good at base caps, especially if they have blown their defense cool downs.


    When PVP'ing as team Rage/focus Dps are a much better choice than Watchmen/Annihilation because at least they can play some defense by AOE'ing people off the objectives, and provide a nice movement buff. I would rather have two Defense/Immortal Guards/Jugs than 2 Sents/Maruds in any objective based pvp.


    The only thing that frustrates me is there's no way to recognize certain contributions in hutball. I can't tell you how many matches my team has won 6-0 (or 6-2, etc) where me and a guildie or even pugs just do a lot of passing and score really quickly and easily and walk out with 1 medal.


    I played a match where 3/6 points were me grabbing the ball and walking it there myself while everyone fought and the other 3/6 was me passing to someone who passed to someone else and I had 0 medals. I try my best to play to win, especially in hutball but there is a severe lack of point to it. Accomplishment sure. My guild always invites me to PvP with them because we work so well together but I end up lacking in the points I want/need because of it. This also applies to Civil War when I'm guarding a turret alone. If no one attacks I just sit there and get 2 defender medals (idk if there are more because I've never gotten anything else).

  7. Ive been having a horrible weekend in single queue WZ's this weekend. 0-19 :(




    Whats your worst?


    I've never had a "traditional" bad streak where there were just back to back losses but I did have an 0-18 streak in Hutball when I first started playing. I absoloutly HATED Hutball. Even rounds that we started out winning it was like people got lazy and we'd lose. Eventually I got the hang of it better and started scoring myself (still losing) before I rolled a Shadow and now its more of a 50/50.


    Btw the streak was on my guardian. From about Lv30 to 44 where I left it, there was nothing but losses. Didn't do a whole ton of PvP but damn.

  8. Agreed.


    This week i tried to pug some operations. The ops leader told me that 'operative DPS is so low that he would prefer to take 2VR8 over any operative DPS.


    You know there is a problem when stuff like this happens and they nerf dps even more. We know that some players whine about how 'good we are', but the single most obvious indicator of class balance is class representation. Operatives are the least represented class on my server. (Sorcs and assassins, on the other hand, are everywhere to be found).


    I understand that BW is trying to make changes to reduce our immediate out-of-stealth burst and stun capabilities, but they need to understand that is pretty much the ONLY thing we could do well.


    The problem is they are going about it the wrong way. They are just flat-out killing their viability in PVE.


    I think one possible solution would be to turn hidden strike into a soft hitting move with bleeding DOT+stun, but increase its overall damage. This could reduce our burst and increase our sustained DPS. You could do the same with backstab too.


    I don't know squat about your class but you make a good point. They are focusing too much on PvP and ignoring the fact that some people don't do that at all and PvE players are going to suffer.

  9. Hello, I recently started a SW and was wondering, before i reject or accept her requests to remove her slave collar, whether or not her story will progress if i continue to raise affection with her, and whether or not she will give me affection quests and whatnot.


    Anyone here who has not removed the collar: did the story progress normally or stop after a couple conversations when you refused to take it off?


    Why would any person give you affection when you're forcing them to wear something like that? Dont call stupid design (as some people have) thats just plain logic there.

  10. DPS operatives ARE NOT FINE, in pvp or pve in their current iteration. The reason classes are "getting owned by operatives during the stun" is based on the fact that A)they are using biochem stims/relics/adrenals before the hidden strike to get you down or B) they are playing like vultures, picking on the weak, finishing people off who ran away.


    We are sub par in the damage in pve even under "optimal" settings compared to all the other melee dps classes, and they have closing mechanisms. *point's to 1.2 tests on the smuggler/operative forums of dps compared to Marauders*


    In pvp, I'm in full bm, valor rank 80, optimal gearing and I even have trouble vs a sorc one on one if they too are in full BM gear because of their defensive cooldowns and force speed.

    I'm having to play like a vulture or stabbing with someone attacking my target, or going after the half health people and yes, it's caused people on my server to hate me, but that's what we are forced to do in pvp as it stands now, and even more so in pvp when 1.2 comes out in it's current iteration.


    I have also never seen over a 5.2k hit as of late, yet Mercenaries and Jugs are hitting that mark without breaking a sweat, and with the buffs to the marauder class in 1.2 Marauders can kill anyone within 6 seconds with bleeds, and ravage.


    Ask your servers high level pvp operatives/smugglers if you have them, they will agree with me on all points.


    NO class that can turn invisible needs to hit that damn hard. Period. (and I play one of them). I think the play style you described is exactly what was intended for the class. I hate it too when a Smug gets the jump on me but I know thats how their class is played and its not something they can continuously do (once they get caught out of stealth they have a problem). I'd say, roll a different class or play a spec that doesn't rely on Stealth/backstab so much. I won't pretend to know Smug and its probably fun but it just seems like you picked a class that isn't what you hoped it would be. Not flaming you but I feel the same about a lot of the classes in the game.

  11. We cater too much to the dimwitted as it is now in the society.

    Let's not help them any more. If you're not smart enough to not let the door slap you in the face, then you deserve to be smacked by it. We don't need to encourage these type of people.


    If thats your argument then healer classes need to be harder to play. You can be an absoloutly terrible player but in the right spec be damn near unkillable as a healer (depending on class) but in order to kill a healer not only do you need multiple people but those people need to be able to time and control interrupts and stuns.

  12. Marking Healers in PvP I think is bad over all , Our healer stoped playing Healer because of it . He says if feels like Grief killing . He pokes his head out and Bam 6 ppl on him instantly, We need ppl to want to play healers.


    I kind of see your point but I don't think it should be removed. A good group should be able to say "go kill that guy first" and everyone know who they mean. Its not always easy to see names (not every sorc is a healer) so its pretty vital in strategy. I do think that the mark should dissapear after the player dies but during combat, if I point you out, the fact that I designated you the target of the assault doesn't change whether there's a marker on you or not.

  13. I would say that the only class that is truly broken is the Merc/Commando hybrid healer/damage build. I don't know the exact spec but it goes just far enough up the healing tree that they can single target heal themselves pretty much forever and they can do just enough damage that they will eventually kill anyone who they fight against solo. You need at least 2 players with perfect interrupts to take one down but solo they're impossible to beat.


    And that's the problem with healers in this game.


    Sage/Sorc's are just as bad. They go down much easier but the fact is they can outlast most classes 1v1 unless you are a real good player and its not fair that you have to be excellent to take down a healer but the healer can be an absoloute moron and still probably beat you.

  14. /signed


    People don't realize that things like pins, roots, and movement imparing effects can still be applied while under full resolve. Only loss of ALL character abilities are effected -> Mezz and stuns.


    I fully understand that and I still think resolve is broken.


    The biggest gripe people have with PvP is that its not so much a match of skill but rather who gets their stuns off first and if you've ever had a Smuggler sneak up on you then you know this is true.


    Once you factor in 2-3 stuns (which lock you in place), a root (which locks you in place) and a snare (which might as well lock you in place but is forgivable) you're talking about an entire encounter where you cant fight back or run while you're just getting smashed. PvP encounters boil down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


    If they want to fix anything they need to lower the duration on these stuns (some have 6 seconds or more which is a long time) and make the CD's longer. I'm not being class specific either. ALL OF THEM. This forces players to actually play with some sort of skill or strategy rather than stun and attack a target dummy.


    I play a Shadow and I often forget I have a stun as I only use it to interrupt. Against classes I don't have much to interrupt on (like Marauders) I spend the fight jumping around them, using the terrain or dragging them into groups of allies.


    I wish they kept a tally on the time you spent Stunned, Snared, or Rooted. You'd be pissed when you saw that you spent hours just standing there getting bashed on.

  15. People need to stop calling 31/0/10 hybrids.


    ^This because technically its a full on tank spec. What should we do with the other 10 points? Dump them into (arguably) uselss or less preferred skills we skipped to begin with?


    Anyway, for anyone saying any class is OP, I urge you, go play it. Shadow was my first 50, followed by Guardian. Right now, I'm working on a Sage and Sentinal (to round out Jedi classes). I don't feel that Shadow is OP. For one reason, I know the metrics of the class from playing it and I know how and when to take advantage of a Shadow when I'm on my guardian.


    Honestly, my guardian was 44 before I even started my Shadow and when Shadows/Sins tried to 1v1 me I used to laugh because I almost always won that fight easily. Once I played a Shadow I found out why but also learned how to combat guardians (having been one). I'm not saying there aren't balance issues, even in Shadow/Assassin but "overpowered" is a bit of a stretch.

  16. and you must be really bad if you've ever lost to a jugg in pvp


    On my server there's are two Jugg players who are in the top 3 in DPS and Medals every round. How effective they actually are, idk because as a Shadow I'm not getting killed by those two particularly but I imagine they must be doing something right sice we're not steam rolling the Emp's.

  17. you can't kite a melee class in this game who's focused on killing you. even in full BM gear i have a tough time surviving the first 3 seconds of an attack by a marauder/sent or an operative/smuggler. a caster can either buy a few seconds and hope help comes, or choose to die running or fighting for the few seconds of life he has left.


    but then you already knew that.


    Well if you gave Ranged classes as much defensive's as Melee then they would be OP. Think about it. Melee classes have to suffer through CC's, snares, roots, damage, and obstacles (especially in Hutball) just to GET to that ranged class. Can you imagine if after all that they were slashing at bricks?


    You have knockbacks. You have CC's. Use them when you're in melee range not before they get there. You can complain about closers, like the Assassin/Shadow pull but thats DEEP in the TANK spec, a spec that has horrible damage output (compared to other melee classes and the dps specs).


    I constantly get outplayed by ranged classes, especially in Hutball. I have to run around to get up on a ledge just to get knocked back by one person or another. Once Im on the ground Im at the mercy of all those bullets. I just have to run away sometimes.


    There's balance issues all over the place.

  18. Sorc is superior in every way because when they say INSTANT on an ability it is... it isn't some sort of joke, with a *snicker* Foooled you it isn't quite instant ...


    I'd rather they straight tell me that its not instant than give me what they have given me. It's just annoying.


    You know what else I noticed, in PvE when I do Project, the mob's health (bar) will drop even before the rock hits them although the numbers wont fly accross the screen until it does. In PvP, they wont lost a drop of health until that rock hits them.

  19. I have experienced a similar problem on my Sith Sorcerer. To be frank it

    looks pretty silly. I can haz proper graphics plz?


    Maybe when you finish sentences with proper English.


    I've noticed the same thing a lot on my Shadow. I thought it was just me. While I can't say I'm glad to hear its not just me (I'm not one to wish bad on others) I am relieved to know that it might get fixed. I mean, my one complaint probably got ignored.

  20. Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


    Why you don't want to ding 50:

    - Ilum is terrible

    - Warzone queues take ages to pop.

    - Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

    - You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

    - You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


    OP makes one good point. I've already PvP'd enough to get mostly Champion stuff, so while I'm not as strong as those BM players, I can usually outplay the bad ones and not get squashed but going from 49 to 50 is such a brick wall. I didn't enjoy PvP at all while getting gear because I couldn't kill ****. I literally slashed at other characters who ignored me because my grits were doing like 200. THAT is frustrating. Highly frustrating. Idk what can be done about it but as this game starts to get older and older, new players getting into PvP are really going to hate it.

  21. So, recently in WZs I have noticed a significant delay between clicking Force Wave the actual knockback effect.


    Scenario: I will cast Force Wave only to be knocked back by another class (such as a Commando) while my toon is going through the little jump animation for the ability. My knock back effect does nothing (Commando still standing there) while Force Wave is now on cool down.


    I have this happen to me all the time. I have looked and the other players, including the one that knocked me back, and they don't have full resolve bars. Is this a lag issue or does it have something to do with the animation. To note: my latency is normally around 45-55ms.


    This annoys me to no end, especially since it seems like whenever I want to do it someone else is doing a knockback as well. So what ends up happening is 9/10 I waste Force Wave because while I'm doing some lame *** flip, other classes have a more "instant" feeling knockback and I wasted time as well as an ability. This is on my shadow.


    I'm now leveling a Sage and I'm noticing problems with that as well. Sorc is superior in many ways due to the travel times in a lot of our abilities.

  22. The worst part about Hutball is the clear advantage it gives to ranged classes. Vantage points everywhere and not enough ways to get to them. Complaining about grapling? How about getting up to a ranged player only to be knocked off. Get back up there and knocked off again. Between all the CC's and trouble it takes to get up there its completely unfair to melee classes. Sure, we have our tools but for a shadow we're defenseless.


    We can't grapple while they're in cover, cant stealth in combat (except once every few minutes). Warrior/Knight fares better with its leap abilities though. I'm not saying Shadow is underpowered because its not. I'm not saying ranged classes are over powered because their not but Hutball gives the rangers an advantage.



    1vs1 =/= group pvp


    warzones=group pvp


    warzones =/= 1vs1



    I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic. There is absoloutly no reason why you should have to have every single DPS in your group on a single healer to kill it. At most, MOST, I'd say 3 DPS should smash a healer, 2 should be able to beat it without much difficulty and 1 dps should be able to kill a healer given enough time

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