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10 Good

1 Follower

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  • Location
    Pacific NW
  • Interests
    Paintball, video games
  • Occupation
    Combat Medic
  1. It's because of people like you that want everything handed to them on a platter that this game is so dang nerfed. Now, the biggest challenge is having to deal with noobs in group finder. Like the guy that queued for dps... while in tank gear and stance...
  2. Sweet. Thank you for the advice. Will be giving these two (above me) a go.
  3. Cool. Thank you all for your input. Will be trying a few different things, now.
  4. Ok, I can't seem to break 600k on my vengeance jugg. Any suggestions? I'm in full pvp gear. I'm sure anything will help.
  5. Or, perhaps you're like me and should have you're coffee before reading/thinking/posting. I pull crap like that all the time.
  6. I agree. I'm just glad that I sold those orange wrists that I found last week. BTW, they sold for about twice what the orange wrists sell for at the vendor. I'm also very happy that we can now get a belt that I don't have to do a bunch of space battles for. Not so thrilled with that aspect of the game. Thats why I
  7. Yeah, you can be a lazy guy, like me, and buy it. Besides, what are you going to do with so many races? Make a bunch of lowbies that you will never accomplish anything on?
  8. Interesting, to say the least. I rarely do the bonus quests, ever rarer to do the heroic quests, and zero fp's under my belt and have been at least at level for everything planet I hit.
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