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Posts posted by BurningDT

  1. Just to provide an update, I was told I’m basically SOL.


    At least I got them to change the description on the items themselves and possibly regarding the “account unlock” label so people don’t make the same mistake in the future.


    As I have reviewed your case, I can see that we have already provided you with the best possible resolution of this case that would have loved to transfer the items to your character Silyun or the items unlock account wide. Sadly as the items are unlocked on the character we do not have the option to move or remove them anymore or can be used as account wide.. Apologies but unfortunately there are no further options available in the given situation and no further investigation will be performed.


    As we have already completed our investigation and confirmed everything, unfortunately we would not be able to proceed ahead with query and wwe will not be replying to any of the tickets related to this query. You may always contact us for other issues or problems and we will be more than happy to help you again.

  2. This is such a great example of what Star Wars' community should be like, that I'm giving you my saved up "link click."


    Well done.


    Very true. Everyone has been very understanding and great about it. Someone on SWTOR Reddit also offered me the same, of which I also politely declined.


    It is a real good look for the SWTOR community. I'd have been laughed off the WoW forums for a post like this, haha.

  3. What server are you on Burning??

    While I may not be able to help with some of that, I can give you boosts for the toon you're leveling if you're on my server.



    I truly appreciate the offer but I wouldn't feel right taking something from others over this. I'm just hoping the ticket will accomplish something.


    Thank you very much for the offer though!

  4. I actually tried playing an agent character on a ftp account without any extra leveling perks beyond the quest rewards. Very time consuming and cannot level on just class quests alone and be level appropriate for the next planet in class series. A subscriber can get through all the class stories without those perks.


    To the OP, that really bites, and I have made similar purchasing errors, but in the end it falls on looking closely at everything. For example, the Ultimate Leveling Bundle's Show Details tab has one line description that says, "This bundle contains Character Perk Unlocks", which refers to the Character Perks tab of the Legacy Window. That doesn't readily make it apparent that it means character only until you see the tab for Global Unlocks has a sub set called Other that is for Legacy wide unlocks (not to be confused with account wide unlocks).


    That bundle you purchased, though was something that could have been transferred to the other character, either as one solid bundle or in piecemeal before application, so it is doubtful that In-Game support will transfer that but doesn't hurt to ask them.


    Depending on how much you have in your Legacy Bank, assuming you have been transferring credits to it, it is possible for your new character to purchase all the unlocks using credits alone, and you can find the XP boosts for sale all the time on GTN.


    In the end, you were not an idiot. Just unaware of those minor details, aka small print.


    Unfortunately the description "this bundle contains character perk unlocks" is not descriptive enough to people who are new/returning. I would have never even realized to look into the Legacy, especially because the filter I was using in the store was called "account unlocks." The other stuff I purchased on the account unlocks was account wide, like a hair style etc.


    The newly added description, added after my ticket and subsequent tickets is descriptive enough, you would think they would make the exception since I was the one who brought it to light. The new description says "the items in this bundle are for a single character." Which if that was the case when I purchased it, I would have known and not used them on a character I have no intention currently of leveling.


    Oh well, at least I am glad my ticket made BioWare take action to further label the pack and other similar packs, and hopefully it prevents someone in the future from making the same mistake I did. I do have some gold saved, so I'll just unlock some with that, thanks for the tip.


    I just wanted to level through purely my story without having to do the zone sidequests. :(

  5. I recently returned after not having played in many years and figured I'd purchase a few things to make my leveling quicker as I am playing mostly single player to experience the stories, specifically the Imperial Agent story as I heard it was great. I searched under the account unlock section of the store and purchased the "Ultimate Leveling Bundle." I used the bundle on my old main, not thinking anything of it, since it was under the account unlock section.


    Apparently that unlocks stuff for the legacy on that specific character, so now its unlocked on my level 50 and not the character I wanted, let alone account wide like I expected.


    Before I submitted my ticket, I triple checked where the pack was located, under account unlocks and the description of the item. Nowhere did it say unlocks for an individual character. I wish I would have screenshotted it, but unfortunately I didn't.


    However, you can see on the swtordata site showing the bullets as listed exactly how they were shown in the store.




    They came back saying they're BOE and once I wait the requisite three days I can transfer them. Which I had clearly explained in the ticket that I had used them.


    Since that time, they've added a bullet to them saying "The items in this bundle are available for a single character."


    I understand I am an idiot for not understanding how the legacy system works before buying it. I am just wondering, is there anywhere else I can reach out to? I am not looking for a refund, I'll deal with it on one character, I'd just like the unlocks to be on my Imperial Agent that I am trying to level.

  6. Maybe its the legacy speed boost? It's a 110% speed boost that lasts for 12 seconds and its on a 20 second cooldown I believe so it can be used often. I just recently purchased it so i haven't tried it in a warzone yet, but from the descriptions you guys are giving it sounds exactly like that.
  7. The largest open world game I've played was Asheron's Call.


    Except for a couple of small islands which you have to zone into, the whole world is one location.


    You see those mountains, you can run around on them.


    You see that volcano or valley WAY off in the distance? You can run there.


    You see that ocean... ok you were kind of stuck to just the shore line as they didn't have real swimming.


    But the way AC's world worked was that zones would shut down if no one was in them.


    AC's whole world zone was awesome. The bad thing was that it could only support about 30 people in any one location, anymore than that and you got teleported to an adjacent area.


    Portal storms still exist, but the threshold for portal storms are MUCH higher than when you last played.


    AC was a great game and also had amazing PvP. I played again last year and we had fights upwards of 50-60 people.


    AC was also massive, and you could just run and find random things all over, little huts here and there, vendors, random lifestones etc.

  8. I do get the issue with opening my character sheet and on alderaan. BUT when i'm not being stupid and have some settings turned down the stutters stops imagine that!


    Apparently I am being stupid, because even with my settings on the absolute LOWEST settings, on a computer that can run RIFT, Lotro etc at max graphics(40+ fps at max), I cannot get above 10 FPS when fighting in the Alderaan warzone.


    Image that!

  9. As I say when they let me on, I will have a look, and I will get some monitoring on my graphics card and CPU.


    But while I am offline, Do you play with fullscreen or windowed mode? does it happen in both?

    How much memory do you have on you graphics card?


    From the product page:


    GPU Clock MHz 880 MHzBus Type PCI-E 2.1Performance StandardMemory Interface Bus (bit)256Memory Type DDR5Memory Size 2048 MB(MB)


    I mistyped earlier, it isn't the 6870, it is the 6970.



    I typically play windowed fullscreen, however I still get the frame drop in regular full screen.

  10. I would love to logon and try, but someone has anoyingly taken the game down during the time most people might be logging on in the UK :( its 6pm and now I have no choice but talk to the wife.


    When not moving it is subtle so you may not have ever noticed it, but it is there. I really wouldn't be surprised if you saw it while running and trying.


    I'm eager to hear the results.

  11. The freeze happens when other things take place as well. Like any quest updates also cause a momentary freeze. If that's occurring, then perhaps other hidden things are causing their own small hitches with the client.


    Yup, I also have it when I dismount and my companion loads, also when I level and the leveling graphic displays. Opening vendors etc.


    Basically anything to do with the UI.

  12. I see this posted every few days. "Run while opening and closing a UI feature and you will see the problem".


    It's a silly argument. Why on earth would you run aournd while opening and closing A UI window? There is nothing in game play that requires you to do this. So it's an artificial test at best, and an irrelevant condition.


    As for your self admitting that you don't see the problem when standing still, you invalidate the complaint. If you are standing still, and can open and close inventory without any frame lag, then there is not a problem. You are saying it is, but you just don't see it because you are not moving is silly.


    NOW, there clearly is a server-client transaction taking place when you are opening and closing some windows, and that transaction in some cases freezes frame draw for whatever reason, but that is entirely different then other frame lag issues reported by some players. Yes, they need to investigate it, and remedy it.... but it's a server-client transaction issue, NOT a graphics performance issue. SO PLEASE STOP USING IT AS AN ARTIFICIAL REPRESENTATION OF GRAPHICS PERFORMANCE.


    People really need to start parsing symptioms/causes instead of constantly finding artificial conditions to develop complaints around and yelling GRAPIHCS SUCKS.


    Are you serious? You always stop when interacting with the UI? Lets see, I run while opening my map, looking through my inventory, finding the quest item needed for the quest I am running towards.


    The problem most definitely happens when standing still, the reason people are saying to run is because it is most visual, your character actually jumps. Ask anyone that says it affects them while running, they will tell you it also affects them stationary.


    Now please, post a video, we have yet to see a naysayer give any proof it doesn't happen to them.


    Also, this is a completely separate issue, many of us are having significant graphics issues. Framing on computers that than more than handle every single other high end MMO/game out definitely points towards bioware's code and not our computers.


    It is also a massive difference in quality, I am framing on the lowest settings, when I can run the other games on absolute max and have 30-40+ fps.

  13. I'm not sure. I get 20fps average in Fleet which isn't a big issue to me. I do play it in windowed full screen. I also have Spotify playing music and my Outlook open.


    At home on my 3.5ghz AM2 Phenom x4 w/4 gbs of ram and a Nvidia GTX 285, the game is on max settings with low shadows and it runs like a dream. I also stream tv shows or Antenna through my cable card onto a second monitor when I play.


    Granted, Rift ran better on both machines, but this is about SWTOR.


    I'm sure the engine needs to be modified to fix the 10% of people who are having issues. But I think we have a disparity between people who need help and people who need to help themselves.


    So you're saying I need to help myself? That it is my issue? So it is also my friends issues and all these people in this post?


    I've already done everything possible to the extent of my knowledge, which is way more than your average layman and nothing has fixed my fps issues, on any of my three computers.


    Obviously all my evidence is anecdotal but it seems like a significant number of people are having issues, as evidenced by this post and many others.



    Why can't people accept that is may be on Bioware's end? Everyone is so quick to shoot down a legitimate concern just because it doesn't affect you.

  14. You may want to adjust your video settings. You're not going to max graphics and run around fleet with it.


    Oh really so why do I drop below 10 fps on the absolute lowest settings in alderaan?


    I play on a Radeon 6870 2 gig, quad core oced to 2.7 ghz, 8 gigs of 1600 mhz ram. Freshly formatted and all drivers are up to date.


    My computer handles Rift battlegrounds on absolute max, handles LOTRO directx11 on absolute max, but it cannot handle the lowest settings on SWTOR, which is inferior to both in the graphics department.


    Why is that? Why are my friends also experiencing the same issues with similar computers?

  15. Is it only the inventory window, have you bought more inventory slots, have you a full or empty inventory? is there any items in the mission tab ?

    Could it be class related, side related?


    As I say it does not happen to me, but I am not denying it doesnt happen to others. I just would say that people need to get into detail what is happening.


    It happens on all my characters, of different races, with or without more inventory purchased. It also happens on all three of my computers of varying hardware. I've done it with and without missions being present.




    If it doesn't happen to you, please post a video of you opening and closing the inventory.


    I have yet to see anyone say that and actually provide proof that they can open the bag and closing without a short, significant framerate drop.


    Literally every single person I know has a framefrate drop when they open their bags.

  16. To find a software problem you have to reproduce it, it is all well and good people complaining about what the problem is, they need to pass on information


    I have never had a freeze opening an inventory, but then i read on and it happens in Illium, is there more, everyone in a certain guild gets it.. so could it be republic/imperial orientated to fix these issues the developers need as much info as possible.


    And not on these forums they cannot sit here and read this sort of thing they need it in the bug logs. I have worked in IT for many years, and I quite often see bugs reported as simply "Screen Locks Up" ... can you imagine how helpful that is?


    I am by no way saying there are no problems, but you have to encourage everyone who has a fault to report it, with as much detail as possible, as soon as possible and via the right means.


    It is not just happening in illum, the inventory framing happens everywhere for most people.

  17. Is that supposed to mean something? Who's Drewser? Forum celebrities do not concern me.


    You know what, keep complaining about it. It will either eventually get fixed, or you guys will continue your tirade on the forums looking for justification, or you will quit and the rest of us will go on about our business.


    I'll be playing the game and enjoying it. This thread is going nowhere fast.


    Some of us cannot enjoy it because of bioware's engine. I want to enjoy this game I really do, but if I cannot play PvP because of an awful framerate.


    Like I said previously I have a more than adequate computer and I drop below 10 FPS on the absolute lowest settings in Alderaan(the wz).


    It is not my computer as I freshly formatted it and recently updated the drivers.


    Is it so hard to believe that their engine isn't optimized for every hardware configuration? Yours may be fine, but their engine is somehow interacting awfully with my system.


    I run EVERY SINGLE other MMO and game that I have played on high/ultra(games with better graphics like Rift, LOTRO, which use directx11) and never experience less than 30 fps, now I get less than 10 on the lowest settings.

  18. remember, this thread is about


    having fps issues in warzones although your rig meets/exceeds the recommended specs and you can play EVERY other game flawlessly.


    This. Why are all these people here just to say their computer is fine?




    Some of us are having legitimate issues with more than adequate PCs. My computer hanles every single other game on high/ultra in full PvP sessions.


    But I drop to below 10 FPS on the absolute lowest settings in battles on Alderaan, so like I asked earlier in the thread, if it is on my end what am I doing wrong?


    Freshly formmated, all drivers are up to date.


    AMD HD 6870 2 gigs, Quad Core 2.1(2.7 overclocked) Processor, 8 gigs of 1600mhz ram.

  19. So in the end, the game is playable for me, with the same card as you, but only barely, and the introduction of high res textures in 1.2 worries me. I want them, but can I run them? We'll see.



    Damn, I am surprised you even have issues with that nice of a computer.


    It seems clear to me that my bottleneck is my processor, it is a dated computer and being a poor college student I unfortunately cannot afford a new one for a little while. It is not overclocked so I'll probably do that soon because I definitely need a performance gain.


    Still though, there has to be some other issue when a freshly formatted, mid range computer cannot even play the game at the absolute lowest settings without framing hardcore.

  20. My specs: AMD Radeon 6970, 2gigs. Quad core 2.1 Processor, and 8 gigs of ram, freshly formatted.


    When I enter alderaan I put it on the absolute lowest settings and I still drop below 10 fps in fights. I manage to play LOTRO, Rift and many other games on absolute max or near max and maintain 30 fps, here I cannot handle the lowest settings in PvP.


    Since many of you're saying it is not bioware's fault and it is my computer, please tell me what am I doing wrong so I can fix it? I seem to run every other game fine.


    I also experience the inventory hiccups, opening my bag etc has delay/framing.



    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



  21. If SWTOR was going to have any effect on ...well ANY MMO it would have happened by now.


    OP you need to understand some people do not like to read. Now this is not a put down all you have to do is open a book and (I will lose some here) alot of good books have more then 3-6 lines in a paragraph. And if we go back to older texts to some great reading.. you are readying pages of "I can't read that, wall of text".


    I guess you can just hi-light it and have MAC read it to you?


    HAHA its a game no more no less. Your posting on a gaming forum that you can't read what 11 lines.


    Want a truth? Your paying for a game where they have made it clear from the start its all about MONEY not players. No I am not.. no I don't post this has been the ONLY one for weeks.


    Great game just not enough people in zones for ME. And patch 1.2 will not fix it.


    People are perfectly fine with reading as long as it uses a reasonable amount of formatting and grammar.


    However, no one will read the ramblings of what seems to be an illiterate twelve year old, it is beneath most of us.

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