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Everything posted by Artemiokil

  1. hello to all last night I went to the operation, i joined with her ​​from the chat channel /1. Ops leadergroup did not warn about the rules of production, BUT before killing the first boss rule was established to collect production only leader. all made /roll in the end OPS (after killing last boss) and results obtained throw things. and here are some things (mass manipulator gen, exotic element & others token) have not been played between players. Ops leadergroup said that he would put it in the bank . so...it was a violation? or so you can do? - ____ - PS forgive me my bad english
  2. We are looking for the following players for his roles : - Heal - rdps/dps (offsrec tank pref.) raid time req. : - good gear, actual for HM - knowledge of your class - 18+ years old - voice communications (knowledge russian or english language)
  3. -_- im open 15 grade 6 crafting box from the pvp vendor. no ED... where belsavis daily area ?
  4. guyz! double XP bonus stack with XP Boost?
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