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  1. Hello, A few months ago, I spent money on in game Cartel Coins, and used those coins to buy packs. In these packs I received numerous armor sets, and they have been sitting in my cargo hold, unopened, untouched, ever since. I logged in to go sell my sets on the GTN only to find that EVERY one of my armor sets (again, unopened, untouched) are now bound to me. I filed a ticket with support, and all they did was tell me "nothing we can do. Sorry about that." I'm very frustrated, because I spent my own money that I earned to both subscribe to SWTOR, and to buy these packs and get the armor sets. I don't understand why they are bound, I don't understand why there's "nothing they can do," and I don't understand how something like this warrants a simple "sorry about that." It's not just a handful of armor sets, it's upwards of 40 full sets that I now cannot do anything with.
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