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  • Location
    Pale Blue Dot
  • Interests
    Space, Science, Engineering, Technology, Humanitarian Concern, Star Wars Cosplay
  • Occupation
    Um...see above. lol
  1. Hello, This was apparently thought of a few years ago, but no replies and nothing seems to have been noted about it, so I'm bringing it up again. Many players of SWTOR spend a lot of time, and sometimes money, outfitting their toon to look a certain way, yet the only way we can show how "awesome" we look is with a low res lame screen capture. It would be great to be able to enter a photo booth and "pose" your toon, and companion if so desired, for a better hi res picture. Something along the lines of what we see during cut scenes or at the character selection screen when we log in would be nice. This would enable us to show off our look via social media, which would be basically free advertising and promotion for SWTOR. Thanks for your time and consideration.
  2. I had a female Juggernaut, running the Vette story where we go to Nar Shadda to meet her sister Tivva... Tivva: no women, no couples. Sith warrior: wait a moment. Why this "no women" policy. Vette: Shut up, please? Crazy Sith channel turned to mute? lmao at the innuendo and the lines.
  3. Thank you to all who are watching and helping this video go viral. We've jumped a few thousand views in just 24 hours. Always nice to get more Star Wars stuff out there...and hopefully this video makes people smile too.
  4. I think that's one of the appealing parts. Under what other circumstance would you...as you mentioned...lol at the words, "Okay die," other than in this song? lol
  5. Thank you. Was fun to make. Oh...and this goes for everyone...feel free to share this around however you wish.
  6. It's pretty simple...Star Wars + Frozen "Snowman" Parody = Awesome. Some may think this isn't SWTOR related, but there is a very nice Sith Inquisitor Cosplay in the video, so there. And besides, it's Star Wars themed, so I'd like to think most people here are fans enough to appreciate that.
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