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Posts posted by irishfino

  1. You can ask in general if there are people looking for the HK part and try to form an OPS group for it.


    If that doesn't work on Taris, try Fleet. Another option is queuing up for the HM Foundry and False Emperor and, when you get in a group, ask if anyone needs the Taris part. That is, of course, if you haven't completed those flashpoints for the HK parts.

  2. What you're asking for is like going into the Monsterplay zone in LOTRO and then saying you don't want to PvP. :confused:


    I have no idea what your LOTRO example is, I simply don't want to go into a PvP area to get PvE rewards. I don't like PvP outside of warzones and, even then, I don't go into warzones anymore. Haven't for months and have absolutely no desire to.


    Again, if it's PvE content in an auto-flagging PvP area, I'll skip it, but I will not be happy about it.

  3. This.


    It is a PvP event (supposedly an RvR of sorts relauch).



    Why on earth would they have a non-PvP PvP event? :confused:


    It may be on the Western Shelf, but that doesn't mean it's a PvP event. It's also coming in with the reputation system, which is generally geared toward PvE'rs. The reputation system pictures I have seen includes the Gree and Voss.


    With the HK event, I waited weeks until the rush was over to go to the Outlaw's Den to get what I needed. HK is an on-going quest with no end time. This Gree event will have a hard end-time meaning, if there is PvE content in the PvP area, I'll have to skip this event. This bothers me, because I enjoy PvE content and have long since stopped going into warzones. I've had players try to initiate open world fighting by jumping into my mobs and hoping I click on their companion or my companion attacks. It is really, really annoying when I'm trying to complete my PvE quests. If I wanted to PvP, I would flag myself.


    In short, with the information at hand, it's hard to know with one-hundred percent certainty that is PvE content in a PvP area or a purely PvP event. If this is purely a PvP event, then I can skip it quite happily. If it's PvE content in an auto-flagging PvP area, I will skip the event, but I will not be happy about it.

  4. ***

    Cerrill’s quarters were nice enough all things considered, but they weren’t here to admire the décor, they were here to talk about the experiments. And Cerrill was more than happy to provide that information. They sat around a small coffee table and drank tea while they chatted. The tea would provide motion in case of awkward silence. She did know Quinn oddly well.


    “As you know, you were the test subject in a set of experiments to create Force sensitives. Had they succeeded, you wouldn’t be the only one like you wandering around,” Cerrill explained. She smiled when Quinn shivered faintly and sipped his tea. “Jadus was the one who ordered the experiments, the death of every staff member who was ever involved, and the end of your torment.”


    “What was Baras’ role in all this?” Quinn asked. He sipped his tea again. He didn’t really want to know any of this. His past was best left buried, but the memories, the dreams were escalating in intensity. He could ignore them no longer.


    “Baras, as you should know by now, is your biological father. I forget the name of the man you considered your father, but he wasn’t the man your mother married. I remember that much. As for Baras’ intentions, I don’t know much. I do remember overhearing him speaking with Jadus about a Child of the Emperor, but I never cared to find out what that was.”


    “A Child of the Emperor is a Force sensitive who is raised in the Emperor’s shadow. They are his eyes and ears wherever they go.” He paused and shivered faintly. He remembered the room of screams, the dark shadows reaching for him, dragging him into darkness and pain.


    Cerrill’s eyes narrowed slightly. “How do you know this?”


    “The part of me that was sealed away, the experiment, is free now. And he’s controlled.”




    “In part. I went on a strange journey that, by all appearances, was real and took two and a half years. In reality, I was unconscious on Tatooine after Barnabus used one of my keywords. This state of unconsciousness lasted two seconds according to Jaesa and Barnabus.”


    “And, yet, you remain,” she paused and gestured with her hand, “like this. Weak. Unfulfilled.”


    Quinn bristled and felt Jaesa stiffened next to him.


    “You may have the answers I seek on my past, but you will not insult me,” Quinn said stiffly.


    “You need to be… devolvat,” Cerrill said, completely unfazed by his anger.


    “No,” Quinn said fiercely. “Those don’t work on me anymore. Never again.”


    “You’ve been reprogrammed?” Cerrill asked calmly.


    “You tried to use a keyword?” Jaesa asked incredulously.


    “I’ve been ‘unleashed.’ You’d be better served not trying to control me,” he said calmly. Then he spat her name as if it were acid on his tongue. “Cerrill.”


    Cerrill smiled warmly. “I was testing something for someone,” she said calmly. “I have to follow his orders.” Her holoterminal beeped. “And he’s calling now. Shall we?”


    Quinn and Jaesa stayed seated, both eyeing her warily as she moved from her seat to the holoterminal. She activated it and bowed to the blue image that appeared.


    “My Lord,” she said respectfully. “I have found Malavai Quinn. And he has been healed.”


    Quinn stood and swiftly walked to the holoterminal. He bowed to the masked figure and reigned in his emotions. He did not want to seem unbalanced. Not in front of him.


    “Captain Malavai Quinn,” the figure said evenly. “It has been far too long.”


    “I agree, my Lord,” Quinn said.


    “Cerrill, take the girl and leave us. We have much to discuss,” the figure ordered.


    Cerrill nodded and walked toward the door. Jaesa stood and hesitated, looking to Quinn for confirmation that it was okay to leave his side. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and nodded. She didn’t want to leave, but the man on holo managed to drop the temperature in the room by five degrees and if Malavai – Captain Quinn said it was okay then it was okay. Right? She left with Cerrill and regretted leaving as soon as the door slid shut and locked.


    “I have heard of your recent difficulties regarding the Emperor’s Wrath,” the holo said. “I offer you a chance to leave her service without repercussion.”


    “That would suit me just fine, my Lord,” Quinn replied dutifully.


    “Then meet me on Dromund Kaas. From there we shall travel to my flagship, the Dominator. Do this and you shall have your answers.”


    “As you decree, Lord Jadus.”










  5. She's insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane.


    ... Not that I would know, of course. :D:rolleyes:

    She's about to show a little of her crazy and the man who may or may not control that crazy. Mauhaahaahahaah!


    Ain't no party like a Chiss party. On Hoth. Possibly with very sharp knives. Looking forward to seeing where this (further) strangeness goes!

    It's going to get really weird when we take a trip into Quinn's experiments. So, so weird, lol.



    Thanks for reading everyone!!

  6. That’s a New One




    Alderaan was rather nice. Temperate climate, Empire friendly in some areas, and this suite was downright palatial. Naturally, the first thing they examined in any form of detail was the bedroom. And the bed. Afterwards, they sat down at the table for tea, nibbles and conversation.


    “I noticed your adoptive aunt is named Aldriana,” Malavai said conversationally. He poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip. Still a bit hot and a tad too sweet, but it would work.


    “Yes,” Ald replied. He took a rather large bite of scone and grinned. Delicious and fruity and sweet. He was in heaven.


    “Your name is Aldrdinar and your daughter is named Aldra. She mentioned someone named Aldria coming to heal me after that Jedi tried to quarter me. Is there some sort of reason for that?”


    Ald choked on his bite of scone then grabbed his teacup and gulped it down. Oh, stars that was hot! After flailing about for a few moments, and trying to avoid the very amused gaze of Malavai, Ald cleared his throat.


    “My master, Lord Inusitus, was rather attached to his sister, Aldriana. It’s where he got the idea for my name. Aldra is named after me, at least in part.” He paused and sipped his tea. “So is Aldria.”


    Malavai spat out his tea. “When did you start having children!?”


    Ald blushed. “It’s not what you think, I swear.”


    “Please explain. In great detail.”


    “Have you heard of Lord Abaron?”


    “The fanatical Pureblood who wants to increase the Pureblood population and weed out those of non-Pureblood descent?”


    “Yes, him. He sought out any Purebloods who could produce – ah – genetic material for – for breeding.”




    “It was good money!”


    “He paid you!? That’s insane!”


    “He really wants to increase the Pureblood population,” Ald said with a small sigh. “I was very young at the time, fresh from the jungles and not used to attention that wasn’t negative. And credits. A lot of credits per – ah – sample.”


    “I can see the appeal, though I am a tad confused about the ages of your children,” Malavai said. He took a sip of tea. “Aldria looked near twenty. You are far too close in age for that to be possible.”


    “Ah, that,” Ald said quietly. “I might be older than I originally thought. It was difficult determining my own age.”


    “We could run a scan to check,” Malavai supplied helpfully.


    “It’s not an issue, is it?”


    “For curiosity’s sake.”


    “Meaning you.”


    “Yes, meaning me.”


    Ald chuckled. “You’re adorable.”


    Malavai sat up a little straighter. “I have no idea what you mean, my Lord,” he said stiffly.


    “Well, get on with it then,” Ald sighed.


    “I don’t have my scanner on me, my Lord. I’m quite naked at the moment.”


    Ald laughed. “How could I have forgotten?”


    Malavai grinned and shook his head. “I haven’t the slightest, my Lord.”


    “We’ll run the scan later.”


    “As you decree, my Lord.”






    Ald's age: I'm going to blame being traumatized by being ditched in the jungle at six and having to learn a new way of life on Ald's age discrepancy. >.> <.< That works.


    As for Abaron, it made sense to me that this man would create some sort of Pureblood breeding program. So much sense I wrote a small blurb about it: Lord Abaron is the head of a division to create more blood purity within the walls of the Sith academy on Korriban. Ald signs up and donates his genetic material to Abaron’s goals. This produces several children, all of whom Ald knows and contacts frequently.


    Ald's legacy in-fic is a bit different than it is in-game, but that has more to do with the weird legacy system and me changing a few things around than anything else. I'm indecisive. :D


  7. That really is a ferocious appetite. And what experience! Quinn hasn't had Cipher training, has he?

    Ald and Quinn are in their honeymoon stage it seems... they're not even engaged yet! >.< Darn it guys!


    As for Quinn, he is trained in infiltration. Maybe there's a little Cipher training in there. Plus, as a medic, he would know all the bed tricks.





    Ok, I totally snorted there. Totally, lol.



    As intended!! XD


    As for this one, d'awww. Loved the little moment there about first times, it's a sweet sort of promise about the future, in less words.

    Ald and Quinn will likely have a very long and happy life together. As long as I'm not evil. :rak_03:



    Thanks for reading everyone!!

  8. Hoth



    Hoth was a cold, miserable wasteland of ice, freezing winds, and wind chapped sensitive parts. It didn’t matter how much one wore while on Hoth, it was cold, it was miserable and it was a place of answers for one particular Imperial. Hoth suited him just fine in personality according to some of the lesser members of Imperial society. Plebeians.


    Tracking down Cerrill had its share of challenges, but he was ready for them. They both were. They being he and Jaesa. She was with him, of course, following him, ensuring he was okay. She didn’t fully understand what happened to him on Tatooine. He didn’t speak on it. Not much, but it was enough to drive a spike of fear into her heart. She couldn’t shake the feeling that Hoth was the end; of what, she wasn’t sure, but it was an end to something and she couldn’t leave well enough alone. It bothered him on two levels. One level was best left alone, but the other was much more confusing. Really, they both were. They had him absolutely stumped. He liked her, to be sure, but as a friend, which, naturally, stumped him more than his budding romantic feelings for her. And those didn’t make a damn bit of sense either. Focus. Focus on the task at hand. Find Cerrill, find answers, and get the hell off this frostbitten ice ball before going mad from the cold.


    As frozen and terrible as this place was, Cerrill was oddly easy to find. She was right at Dorn Base when they landed. It seemed too easy, too convenient, too much like Barnabus making a call while Quinn and Jaesa were en route. Damn that old man. She noticed him right away and smiled in greeting. This surprised him, though it really shouldn’t have and she seemed warm enough. He put himself on high alert and analyzed her movements. She wouldn’t try anything here, not in front of others. She’d want privacy. First step was to get rid of Jaesa. Cerrill walked toward them with a confident gait that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. This woman knew something, possibly everything, about him and his past. Things that he might not be able to recover without her. What would she want for that information?


    “Jaesa, you are to stay by my side at all times,” Quinn said firmly. “Understood?”


    “I had no desire to leave,” Jaesa replied.


    “Did you understand or not?”


    Jaesa nodded the affirmative then put on her best warm greeting face. Cerrill paid her little mind and that was just as well. It was a little hard to tell at first who she was focusing on, but it was obvious her red orbs were locked on Quinn.


    “Malavai Quinn,” Cerrill said in greeting. “It’s been a long time.”


    “You must be Cerrill,” Quinn said stiffly.


    “I am, yes.”


    “Barnabus contact you?”


    “I can’t lie to you, Malavai. He did contact me.”


    “Captain,” he said firmly, “Quinn.”


    “Only Captain? I thought you would be a Moff by now,” Cerrill said with a frown.


    “There were complications.”




    “Among other things I was previously unaware of, yes.”


    “And I’m to help with that,” Cerrill said with a smile.


    “What’s your price?” he asked suspiciously.


    “For you? Nothing, but your company. I’ve missed you, you know. After the facility was shut down, after everyone was dead and gone, it was just me. Just me and my memories. I wanted to contact you when I heard you were on Hoth those years ago, but I – I couldn’t. I wanted to, but my restrictions are very clear and very nearly complete. Until ol’ Barnabus contacted me, of course.” She laughed quietly then turned to Jaesa and offered her hand. “Hello there, you may call me Cerrill.”


    Jaesa smiled and shook her hand. A spike of cold wariness shot into her chest, but she ignored it. At least for now.


    “Is that your core name?” Jaesa asked curiously.


    “You know about core names?” Cerrill asked in astonishment. At Jaesa’s nod, she beamed. “Smart girl. No, it’s not my core name. I am not a traditional Chiss. Neither was my sister, Pemeri.”


    Quinn shivered subconsciously. That name put him on edge. He hoped to find out why, find out more of what was done to him.


    “I have private quarters if you would like to accompany me,” Cerrill said with a smile. Quinn idly wonder if she always smiled.


    “We would yes,” Jaesa replied.


    Cerrill focused her eyes on Jaesa, her smile never wavering.


    “Come along then. No time like the present!”


    Jaesa and Quinn shivered in unison as Cerrill turned and marched away. There was just something so strange about this woman. So, so strange.







    Just a short bit on the start of the Hoth mission. Oh, the things I have in store. Assuming I can get them out of my skull and into a document.


  9. I hope your "soon" is not a developer "soon". It's already been a long wait!


    NSP refused to be written after that last piece finishing up the mission on Tatooine. I've finally broken through parts of the NSP writing block, but I can't guarantee constant updates.


    And my "soons" are usually within two days. Life not included, of course.



    Thanks for reading everyone!

  10. Cross-post from the Short Fic Thread

    The Story So Far – NSP - Featuring Sith!Quinn in all his unholy glory




    I am not “unholy,” madam.

    Narrate our adventure, you evil creature!

    I’ll narrate your face.

    That didn’t make any sense. :D

    …our journey began after a thoroughly brutal beating that most Warriors wish they had the ability to unleash upon the man known as Malavai Quinn. It departs severely from canon after this.



    In Ninety Seven Percent, Malavai Quinn suffers from PTSD after being beaten to near-death by the Emperor’s Wrath, Lord Syla. Adding super insult to brutal injuries, Syla dumps him in a hangar on Balmorra. After three months in a Kolto tank, Quinn is released into the wilds of Balmorra to languish in career hell for the rest of his days. Luckily for him, he is picked up by Major Ovech within weeks. Unluckily for him, Syla shows up looking for a replacement for him. Pierce had been running the ship in the interim and things were slowly going to hell in a handbasket. Because fate really hates Quinn (and parts of Fino do as well, it seems), Quinn encounters Syla during her Meet and Greet with Ovech. He very nearly has a heart attack as he flashes back to the Transponder Station. Foolishly determined to prove his worth and redeem himself, he rejoins Syla’s crew. His first few weeks back are pure hell. He makes it his task to speak with the crew on an individual basis. He first speaks to Pierce who is oddly knowledgeable about Quinn having a keyword. He then attempts to speak with Jaesa who is oddly icy. Jaesa’s iciness later gives way as she finds Quinn suffers from nightmares from which he cannot wake himself. Things take a strange turn when the pair head to Tatooine to speak with Quinn’s dying grandfather, Barnabus Quinn.


    During his time on Tatooine, Quinn rediscovers himself. He was purposely kept unaware of the shattering of self, but manages to piece himself together again. After spending what felt like years on Tatooine, Jaesa and Quinn head to Hoth to find a lead on Quinn’s freshly revealed past. A Chiss named Cerrill awaits with questions and answers and an impossibly sharp set of knives.



    I’m still around, though, right?

    Sort of.

    So much hate.







    Quinn's story will pick up on Hoth and introduce the lovely Cerrill. Look for it soon.


  11. Quinn reminds me of a gps system with outdated maps. Recalculating!


    He can run seventeen different calculations simultaneously without flailing and bursting into flames. At least, that's what I think he can do. I'm sure he can do more. Because his brain is magic or something.



    Thanks for reading everyone!!

  12. This is part one of my "Rebirth" short story series, which consists of 5 short stories. I hope you'll enjoy, and if that is the case I'll be posting the 4 other parts later:


    This thread is for prompts and prompt responses. If your stories would fit into one of the prompts, then by all means post them. If not, you are more than welcome to create your own thread.


    If you are going to submit these for prompt responses, please hide the content under the spoiler tags.

  13. Pillow Talk



    Ald was right, it was a few hours before anyone checked on him. Malavai idly wondered if he had bribed the staff to leave him in peace for a while. He could ask outright though Ald was more likely to chuckle at him than say anything. He smiled at the thought and snuggled closer to Ald. Ald chuckled and wiggled back a little. They fit together quite nicely, spooned like this.


    “You know, I’d be inclined to think you had never done this before,” Ald murmured quietly. Then he chuckled quietly. “Right until you released the brakes on the wheels and moved the bed from the wall.” He chuckled some more. “Am I ever going to be your first experience at something?”


    Malavai shuffled back as far as he could and tugged Ald toward him until he turned around to face him.


    “You will be,” Malavai said, his voice firm, but light and full of meaning. “I hope to put this place behind us soon.”


    “There are a lot of things to put behind us,” Ald murmured forlornly.


    “We’ll get through them, Ald,” he insisted.


    “We need a vacation.”


    “Yes, somewhere nice and quiet.”




    “As long as it doesn’t blow up anytime soon, that would work nicely. Shall I make the arrangements?”


    “I already have,” Ald said with a lopsided grin.


    Malavai chuckled quietly. “You are quite the schemer, my Lord.”


    “I prefer the term planner. Much more dignified,” Ald said with false uppityness.


    “Are you mocking me?” Malavai asked with faux seriousness.


    “Who, me?” Ald asked playfully.


    Malavai smiled then leaned forward and captured Ald’s lips. When he pulled back, Ald was blushing furiously.


    “Already?” Ald asked quietly.


    Malavai’s response was a deep chuckle.








    Just a short today, lol.


  14. A Different Kind of Hunger



    Ald's fever broke two days later. Malavai rarely left his side and, when he did, Lokin was there chattering away about Malavai’s condition and the progress he was making. He was glad there was progress in such a short amount of time, but that meant he would plateau sooner rather than later. He wanted Malavai to return to his prior form. To be normal. To be sharp and cool and calculating. He was a selfish creature and he couldn’t stop himself. Memories of Vette haunted his dreams, her ghost stalked his waking hours. He had used her and he felt guilty. He was still Sith, wasn’t he? Sith didn’t feel guilt, but he was different. Until he used Vette for his own ends. He was no better than Baras, using people then throwing them away as soon as he was done. Baras. If not for him, he would not have come this far. If not for him, Malavai would have stayed. If not for him – no. This was his own doing. He didn’t want to think about this anymore, but he couldn’t pretend nothing happened. The results were right in front of him. He was laid up in a hospital bed while Malavai was – changed. He was different. He was still Malavai, but there was a new, animalistic element to him that he couldn’t suppress. He prided himself on his control and now – now he was off-kilter. There were times when he would stare. Just… stare at whatever crossed his path. He was tearing them down, examining them in his mind for weaknesses. He was hunting. Even here, even now he was on the hunt. It was unnerving, to say the least.


    When a staff member entered the room to check on Ald, Malavai moved from his chair to the window. He stood at parade rest and waited for them to leave. It always took too long. It didn’t matter if it was a head popping in for a few seconds or someone staying for a few minutes to chat. It was too long. It put him on edge and he couldn’t figure out why. Or, rather, he ignored why. It sickened him to even think about it. He didn’t need it to survive. He wasn’t a beast. He was a man. He was a man, dammit, and he would not change. But he had. He had changed and he needed to come to terms with that, but he couldn’t. It was improper. It was unrefined. It was dirty. But it felt so good. So, so good. The thrill of the hunt, of the kill. The splattering of blood upon his face, warm and thick. Fresh flesh. He was hungry. It sickened him.


    The staff member finally left after what seemed like ages. Malavai moved from the window, rotated his chair, and sat down. It was unlikely Ald would notice, he was in his own world, but no one needed to see him like this. No one needed to see him so desperate. No one needed to watch him devour raw meat with a joyful vigor that made him cringe after. Even still his hunger went unsated. Oh, he tried the meat, he really did. But it only seemed to make matters worse. It invigorated him and he hated the effects on his body. He tried to relieve the pressure on his own. Honestly, that rarely worked at the best of times. It was wholly unsatisfactory now. He ground his teeth and growled quietly. And that! That – that frustration, that growling. That wasn’t him. That wasn’t him on any level! He couldn’t help himself and growled again.


    “I can hear you growling, Malavai,” Ald said calmly.


    “It’s nothing, my Lord,” Malavai replied stiffly.


    “I can feel your tension through the Force.”


    Malavai sighed. “It’s these… changes, my Lord.” He rose from the chair and approached the bed. “I have prided myself on my control. I’m sure it’s preferable to death or fully transforming, but I… cannot reconcile this new side of my bubbling personality.”


    Ald smiled in spite of himself. Malavai’s face relaxed slightly.


    “I find myself struggling with this new part of myself. There are… primal desires I am not used to dealing with.”


    “Like what?”


    “The desire to stalk prey and kill it. And… other desires.” He rolled his tongue around the word other. It sent a shiver down Ald’s spine.


    “I don’t think they’ll come to bother me for a few hours.”


    “Only a few?” Malavai asked lowly. Another shiver. “It will have to do, I suppose.”

  15. Bravo Quinn (gah, these words, they are strange) for recognizing the selfishness of both of their actions. There were reasons it happened, but that doesn't make it right. So guilt and remorse is very much needed. Well done. (Ok, get this Quinn-fanclub sticker off me, I am not that far gone yet!)

    [puts down the Quinn sash and hides the badges; coughs] Anyway... Quinn is a very brilliant tactician. Given the right data he can give out an accurate assessment even if it means slapping Ald in the feels a little bit. There's still much to deal with when it comes to Vette and what happened, but, ah, Quinn's a bit hard pressed to care at the moment... you'll see why. [giggles]


    *hides Quinn Apologist t-shirt behind her back, looking disappointed*


    I liked this latest entry--oh, who am I kidding, I've liked all the entries. :D It was interesting to see Quinn being the voice of truth, so to speak. It'll be even more interesting to see how Ald deals with all of this emotional turmoil in the future.

    Entry love! That sounds naughty! XD. I imagine Quinn tears down people's feels for fun. See: Jillins. [snickers] Frothing at the mouth, indeed.



    Thanks for reading everyone!!

  16. What You Learn Now That It’s Over...



    “Wake him up!” a voice shouted in through the fog in his mind. Where was he? He could smell chemicals and smoke and… and blood? Something jabbed him in the neck. His skin puckered and burned as he was injected with something.


    “Why isn’t he waking up!?” the voice demanded. It – it was female. Jaesa? No, too squeaky. Vette. It was Vette. Goddammit, it was Vette!


    “You nearly overdosed him, Twi’lek,” a male voice spat. He was close. In – in front of him. Pierce? No. No, too stiff. Stiff. Malavai. F**k. F**k, f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k.


    He struggled against the heaviness that had settled in each limb, in his head, in his mind. He willed his eyes to open. He pulled and tugged and struggled trying to wake himself from this nightmare.


    “Do it, Broonie,” Vette spat viciously. “Do it and cleanse the clan!”


    A grunt. A splatter of warmth. His eyes finally opened to the scene in front of him. Malavai skewered, Broonmark behind him, Vette just to the right of Broonmark. Malavai met his eyes for a brief moment until the vibrosword was torn from his chest. He sank to his knees, tried to speak, tried to gasp and coughed up blood instead. Then he fell. He fell to his side and stayed there. Vette laughed.


    “There it is,” she whispered cruelly, “there’s the pain of separation. The pain of having someone ripped from you in front of your very eyes and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it. How does it feel, Ald?” She stepped forward and grinned evilly. “Tell me, baby, how does it feel?”


    She ran the back of her hand down his cheek, smearing Malavai’s blood. Rage. He struggled against the bonds, reached to the Force and came up empty. Helpless. He howled at Vette as he struggled. Then a click, a clank, the sound of metal hitting metal. Freedom. He rocketed from the chair, screaming with rage, fists flying, the Force suffusing every muscle in his body.


    “Wake up,” a voice insisted through the rage, the grief, the haze. “You’re dreaming, my Lord. Wake up.”


    Ald slowly opened his eyes and squinted. His vision was hazy and the face of whoever was hovering over his head wobbled to and fro. Where was he? Who was this?


    “There you are,” the voice piped happily. A male. He flashed a penlight in each of Ald’s eyes. “Your fever peaked. We had to move you to a different facility with more equipment and help on hand.”




    “Got it in one!” Lokin said jovially. “And, before you ask, your Captain is perfectly fine. I believe he’s tying up some loose ends with your apprentice and the Lieutenant. Said he’d be back this evening when his mission was complete.”


    “Wake me when he returns,” Ald said quietly.


    “Of course. Get some rest, lad.”




    “You seem unsettled, my Lord,” Malavai said quietly. He had returned an hour ago, but Ald remained silent after greeting him. The silence bothered him. He could tell Ald was thinking and he didn’t want to interrupt that, but something told him to pry. Well, not pry, but ask nicely. By not asking specifically and hoping Ald would open up.


    “I had a dream while you were gone,” Ald murmured quietly. His face pinched with rage before his expression went lax. “Or experienced a memory.”


    “I am here if you need me, my Lord.”


    “Thank the stars for that mercy,” Ald whispered hoarsely. “We were… we were back on the transport. Vette was there and… twisted with rage and grief. I was bound. In a chair. You were – she had Broonmark – and the blood – then you fell and I screamed. She mocked me. Rubbed your blood into my cheek. Then I was free and she was dead and Broonmark was dead and you were somewhere and I woke up. I woke up and you weren’t here.”


    “I see,” Malavai said quietly. “I wasn’t sure if you would remember what happened or not. She drugged you quite heavily, very nearly killed you with that alone. She also drugged the Lieutenant, but not quite as heavily. I’m not one hundred percent sure on how he did it in his drugged state, but he managed to slip me the remote for your cuffs.” He paused and swallowed roughly. “I – I knew what she was going to do. I hoped I would have the chance to free you. And to see you… one last time. I fully expected to die. I suppose the universe had other plans.”


    “It never should have come to that,” Ald said fiercely. “I should have killed that foul creature the first chance I had.”


    Malavai tilted his head and considered Ald for a few long moments before speaking again.


    “No, my Lord,” Malavai said gently. “There are reasons you didn’t to begin with. I did not like Vette, at all, but, in the end, I understood her. I understood her feelings for you and I understood the desire to do anything to be with the one she loved. I left before and things were fine. Things got better for her. Were I to leave again, no matter the means, it made sense to her that things would return to the way they were when I left the first time. She was desperate and grieving and I was all too real an obstacle between the two of you. She was… pitiable.”


    “I used her,” Ald said thickly. “I used her and threw her away when I was finished with her. I took – I took everything from her.”


    “You are Sith, it is to be expected.”


    “I was different.”


    “Far be it from me to judge those in a higher station,” Malavai said stiffly.


    “Do it. Do it as harshly as possible,” Ald said quietly.


    Malavai sighed. He didn’t want to do this, but he knew Ald wouldn’t let up. He rose from his chair and went to the window. He placed his palms on the window sill, leaned in, and stared at the vegetation reclaiming the bombed out buildings and toxic marshes.


    “You are different, my Lord,” Malavai said firmly. “That doesn’t mean you are not still Sith. Your situation was a difficult one. You had enemies to destroy, your emotional state was questionable, and you were… weakened by my leaving. We made our decisions without regard for those who would be affected by our selfish acts of need. I left for many reasons, but they all pale in comparison to the sheer amount of shame bearing down on me. I had to get away. In my selfishness, I put you in such a position.” He paused and turned to Ald, looking at him in profile. “In your selfishness, you used Vette to balance yourself. You knew she loved you. You knew you couldn’t fully return her affections, but you went along with it for the benefits she brought with her. She knew you never could. You never would. She told me as much.” He turned back to the window and straightened his back. “She made sure I knew how much it hurt. In the end, I pitied her.”


    Ald was silent. He didn’t know what to say or what to think, if anything at all. He had warped her. He had knowingly used her for his own ends and was honestly surprised when it blew up in his face. He sacrificed her upon the altar of his selfish needs and desires. He indulged her fantasy then turned her away when the person he truly desired returned. He was a terrible creature. He was Sith. He was a brute.


    Hot tears ran down his cheeks. Now he could grieve. He wasn’t sure when Malavai moved from the window to the bed to embrace him, but he was more than glad when Malavai's warm, strong arms swept him into a loving embrace. His shoulders shook silently. Sith Lords didn’t cry. Beasts didn’t cry. Brutes didn’t cry. But Ald did.


    And it helped.







    I'll hit on exactly what Vette said when Malavai goes into the details of what happened on the transport vessel.


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