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Everything posted by Doc_Chick

  1. Wow, I never would have thought this would have went so far. I just wanted to make a positive post about the game. While I'm at it, I'm not just playing solo as a few of you have stated in previous replies. I run Flashpoints and Heroics on my main whenever I can, or I will help a new or lower level player with their content. I only recently started an alt as I am interested in some of the Legacy perks. I would love to jump into some pvp, but it seems to be non-existent on my server (a pvp server, mind you). I'm really looking forward to the server transfers coming up here in a couple days. I thank all of you for taking the time read and comment on my post. I understand that there are a variety of opinions out there, and I appreciate everyone who is sharing with me on here.
  2. I was just reading through the forums, and decided that maybe it was time for me to say a few things. I am very pleased with this game. I pay for a product, and that product delivers every time with no questions asked. I have run this game on a low end system, and now a mid-grade system and have yet to experience any of the technical problems that I have read about in the Customer Service section. As far as game content, I am more than thrilled with everything I have found in this game. I was pretty much a hardcore console gamer who swore that there was nothing better, but I haven't even touched my other game systems since last February when I started playing. The individual stories are great (I just hit 50 with my first character, and I have started my first alt). I see a lot of complaining about end game content, but it's not really all that bad. So you have to do a little work to get the things you want. I don't think that I have ever played a game in my life that just hands everything to you right from the start. The only issue I have with this is that I am on a low population server. Again, this is my fault as I chose the server from the beginning. Oh, and as far as the complaints about "under geared" or "inexperienced" players, take the time and teach them. Show them the ropes. Everyone has to start somewhere. From the beginning, BioWare has promised new content as time goes on. It seems to me like they are delivering. It's not easy to "cater" to a player base as large as ours, and I think that they are doing a good job of taking care of the players. In the end, I just want to say "GOOD JOB" to BioWare for creating such a fun game.
  3. I had a toon named Lokie on Radiant, ran with the ghosts of misery.
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