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  1. swotr cannot be as bad as wow is now. not saying its as hard as wow used to be, but i cannot be like wow is now. it just cant.
  2. I just posted this on the WoW general forums, thought if you played you might appreciate this and hopefully agree. "Well, i belive the time has come where i finally leave azeroth, its been real, but i just cannot handle this game anymore, i feel like ever since vanilla it has been on a steady downward spiral and it is so far gone that there is no hope for salvation. Back in the days of vanilla everything was exciting and pure. Hitting level 60 after a couple months(depending on your playtime) felt like a real accomplishment. Then began your seemingly endless grind of lvl 60 5 mans to get that awesome set of blue gear because you knew once you had that, the core awaited. You and 39 other guild members would spend countless hours battling through hell to earn your first peices of Tier 1, after a long while you might have a full tier1 set in which case you were a god on your server. Then as the months went by, people needed more of a challange and patches introduced new raids and new bosses. Then the announcement of BC got everyones privates tingling. and when it was released things changed a little, raids were no longer done with 39 of your guildmates, they were reduced to 25 mans and sometimes lower than that. PvP was broken forever with the introduction of resillence. And your gear was no longer dropped of bosses, you now shared tokens with other classes and bought your gear from vendors. but being as addicted as i was, i accepted the new reality and kept playing. Then Wrath was announced and i couldnt be happier, Arthas, the lich king. the ****** of the undead scourge whom i came to love in warcraft 3 was being introduced into WoW. but that unfortunatly ment a god class known as death knights came as well. but all in all it wasnt so bad, so i kept trucking along. Finally the end all be all of WoW came, the cataclysm. Blizzard saw fit to destroy all nostalgia us old timers since day one had and completley redisign the old world instead of taking time to come up with a better story and a new continent. And not only did it destroy WoW envornmentally(sorry its late and i cant think about spelling right now) but it also destroyed everything that i fell in love with in wow in the first place. Gear is no longer EARNED. New 85s can have t12 in a few weeks if they farm so called heroic dungeons and dont get me started on LFR. WoW is now like little league, no one keeps score, and everyone gets a trophy. i cannot take it anymore. and i shudder at the thought of the next expansion and how much more it will break the game. not to mention.. pandas.. really? lol so. that is my rant. i made many friends and had some amazing experiences throughout my long history with this game, but it is now time to say goodbye. Ill see you guys in " A galaxy far far away......" Peace. and before i go. just for old times sake. FOR THE HORDE!"
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