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Everything posted by BFBHitmarkers

  1. I am a 55 Marauder looking for a PVE raid team. I can be on almost all nights around 9pm EST (server time) till raid is called. I am looking to do all HM content. Below are a couple images of my pars and gear check. My toon name is Pointßlank (alt 225). Feel free to contact me either on here or in game. Pars- http://i.imgur.com/LCA6tbS.png Gear - http://i.imgur.com/JZWUr3S.jpg
  2. Pointßlank (alt 225 for B) here. Geared Marauder LF an ops team. I think you guys are full at the moment but if you ever need a pug send me a tell. Mail me if you have any questions. Thanks.
  3. Please help. I am not able to send legacy items to a toon. They are all in the same legacy and family tree. Why can I not send items to just one toon?
  4. I am having a similar issue. I submitted a ticket but have not heard back yet. I transferred a few toons to the server I am currently on (prophecy of the five) and cannot send legacy bound items to characters. I have been able to add opposite faction characters on friends list though but still cannot send legacy bound gear. Please help!!
  5. My 55 Vanguard http://i.imgur.com/ddNNDZ5.jpg?2 http://i.imgur.com/F7RJQmR.jpg?2
  6. Does anyone know if the stat priority of shield absorption and defense has changed? seems almost impossible to get with the new alacrity stats on the gear..
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