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  1. Quick and Easy fix, avoid general chat. Make friends from guilds or helpful people from FPs. I blasted questions at my guild and they were fine with it =x
  2. This is why i left the PVE server. PVP at least is more forgiving if you get those medals and help the team hold objectives. So much simpler than trying to rush through OPS which takes about an hour to do. I was a tank in a PVE server and i felt so much pressure on me to hold aggro. The thing with public groups is that some DPS don't know they have to drop aggro at times as well. I wasn't geared with end game stuff like them so their dps is gonna outdo my newbie aggro (though i did the rotation well). Got into a very helpful guild, Holocron, the leader was awesome and patient. But i felt that i was being a burden despite their helpfulness. RL commitments and among other things, makes me feel that i shouldnt put so much thought into a game so i quit. Now i'm back and having a blast in PVP server =)
  3. Thanks man. What is Sec X for? Man, i don't think i'd be able to get them all. It's hard farming for credits, it's sleepy and senseless. Dyou know of a good way to farm credit? PM me pls.
  4. Good thinking, I'll probably get this one next.
  5. are u talking about account authorization unlock? I bought mine for 3.2m on my Jedi Covenant server lol.
  6. Well i don't craft ever in any games i play. It's so boring... not worth the time to earn virtual money
  7. I was planning to buy Operation passes in the future. Dyou have any idea how much are the prices for the unlocks u recommended?
  8. At least it makes her presentable. Playing games don't make you presentable
  9. It's my money. She comes from a very poor family so she don't believe in paying for games. Her quality of life has vastly improved especially after she landed a job in a bank. But she still have her old beliefs. I don't blame her, plus i'm used to her getting mad about these kinda stuff haha. I'm still gonna sub in the future, but as for now i wont because i will be busy for the next few months.
  10. Just bought an Artifact Authorization unlock so i'd be able to play as an F2P. I can afford the Sub, but it gets my gf mad when she sees the bill lol. So what unlocks should i get to smoothen my experience as F2P? my sub ends early next month.
  11. oh crap... i have been always getting high endurance mods like guardian mods =x thanks for the info! very clear and right to the point. guess i have to change my mods as soon as i can...
  12. thank you for your reply! ah so force and tech can only be mitigated by shield. so in your opininion, what would the chance percentages constitute for def chance, shield chance and absorb %?
  13. I have read some posts regarding these stats but would like to re-open the discussion after many patches, plus im kinda new at this game and would like updated advise from u tanks out there. To my understading: Defense rating provides you a chance of avoiding an attack and any effects that comes after it. Shield rating provides you a chance to active your shield Absorb rating increases the amount of damage mitigated upon successful activation of shield end game stats for these are about, 20% def rating 40% shield rating 25% absorb rating ( not so sure ) So here is the thing that im confused, I have heard people telling me to balance these stats or foregoing these for endurance. But according to my probability based calculation, defense rating would actually give more defense. Here is how i did my simple calc =x Defense rating would mitigate 100% damage say 20% of the time, so this would give a total defense boost of 100% x 20% = 20% Shield however depends on two inter-linked stats so this is how i calculated it Chance to active shield is 40% to mitigate 25% of damage, so this would give a total defense boost of 40% x 25% = 10% So according to these, is def rating the better choice of the 3? Does going for more endurance prove to be better than focusing on these 3 stats? Also, what is the max stat for def rating if one were to max it out as much as they can? 25%? My reason for asking:
  14. someone offered a place for me without all the hassle. To anyone else out there looking for guilds, don't waste time registering in odd websites chances are they're slow or hoax. Just go in game and find what you need ^^V Thanks guys.
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