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Everything posted by Capt_Solbeamer

  1. I had to relink stuff. Photobucket reshuffle. I might have to find another hosting service. Bucket tells me the links are on countdown. FTP may no longer link, so these pics can vanish any second now... I hate subbing to counter hostage situations. Cloud storage=the new hostage.... ''Get your free 10T cloud storage, get'm now while they're hot and bummy!!'' *Uploads 10T holliday pics, chearing about the good nature of men... 2 years later: ''What do you mean you dislike subbing for 400 billion trillion a week? FTP now got 3k storage max, you bum! Better pay or the highway! Yo account now belongs to ussen!!'' -Dr Evil MiniMe... *Account locked and Kim printing random-dude's She-Hulk pics... Disclaimer: not meant to aggitate, just to make a harmless point...
  2. How about a 'Only get mail from friends, Legacy and guild members' -option to opt on/off? If any wants to send stuff they wisp you and/or put it in world trade channel. 'Gold Seller Add coming up in 22 min! Unlock mailbox if you need to buy gold and wish to pay others to play a kickass game for you, you lazy Hutt Dropping! ' 'You are about to override your setting to never get mail from unknown scources! Do you wish to override this for 1 min, 5 min, 1H30min or permanent?' (as with any solution this also can be abused )
  3. How about this: NPC's Can be killed, BUT! They then respawn at med ship attackers got no access to by Treaty Of Geneve. The defender side got a quick teleport access and taxi options. (so as long as the attacks is going on, handing in quests and buying stuff even costs less time, cause all these NPC's are trambling in the big same room on the med ship) Now you say: I don't wanna go to the med ship to buy items or hand in quests. Now here is why you will want to change your mind: There will be one or 2 NPC's that want their droids escorted to safety! One droid has to be walked to the elevator part. The other is a hutt droid, and that has to go to the Hutt Cartel. Now this Hutt is VERY gratefull that a group manages to get his droid intact to the Hutt cartell, and everybody in that group get's a Hutt Cartell pass for 4-24hours! (Now they can also complete the hidden roof Sniper quest there who takes hours to get to due to gravity ) :rak_03: The other NPC might also be gratefull and think up a funky rare reward. These 2 escort missions will not happen at the same time ofc. These 2 escorted droids CAN be killed IF at least 90% of the attackers hammer on in by at least 80% at the time. Needless to say these droids can also be counter-healed. And the attackers will be hammered by the defending escort group ofc... Big conquest points, and funky achievements involved, for both sides... (the 'ANGRY HUTT-achievement' !! :csw_atst: :csw_atst: )
  4. Looks like I can log in if I leave the picture alone. :(
  5. Legacy ban got a billion pro's and only 1 or 2 cons. My ignore list if Full! And I am going 'all in' that it got a few and then some from the same legacy!!! VPN tunneling on the same pc is nice. (PING anybody?) Buying infinite accounts is fun too I understand. Or are you just changing names? No Paypal checks by EA? Anybody making up imaginary cons about having legacy ban is on my legacy ban list. For obvious reasons... I hate people killing constructive positivity... my time is short, and my way is long.... (And I hate hackers and raincoat flashers too. Following me around all day.... *I kindly take all bets with me to the afterlive! Surely revelation will suck to many.... at least to one... ) 'Like crystal our souls will be to see through!' -Yaddle
  6. If server cannot handle hundreds, then cap shuttle transport. Also nobody can be blown up that does not help defend.
  7. I was just being silly. 'Hacking earing aid'
  8. I looked it up. A lot of sites claim 'rare condition' in case of this specific brain cancer type. (with the numbers going up to 1.1 per 100,000 person-years https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1871924/#b14-neu0801p001 ) So I tried this graph research first to see if normal humans can understand the math found: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1920618/pdf/11465394.pdf (it will open a pdf) At page 144 you will see 666 cases (HAH! ) of nerve sheeth brain tumors (beware that we also got the undefines NOS ones, and 'death causes unknown' which are not in this graph, we are just seeing the known stuff) of Study population taken from population-based state cancer registries in Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Massachusetts, Montana, and Utah, for tumors diagnosed from 1985 through 1994. Needless to say I have to look up total population of Half USA up now. brb... (I am clueless here. Just a noob Dutch guy, lol. No idea how to hack NASA ) https://www.macrotrends.net/states/connecticut/population Let's middle it and look up 1990: 3,283,403 citizens for Connceticut. (wow! just one province??? 'Rare' indeed! ) 670,00 for Dela 1M for Idaho 6M Massachusetts (ouch! my number get's squashed) 800k for Montana and... Utah..... 3M, This cherry appears to be green. Avoid the green ones! But now the good part for me (I dislike fibbing). Looks like my research is not including my bolt statement in the right correct way (I only did 2 hours of research now, and maybe I lack sources or do not understand how to read it, or understanding not enough terms to include more harmfull brain nerve cell stuff). Here is a superofficial source that backs me up in the 'thousands got it'. Here is the better cherry to pick for me: 'The most common tumors associated with neurofibromatosis type 2 are called vestibular schwannomas or acoustic neuromas.' This is the one I was talking about. https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/neurofibromatosis-type-2#statistics Click on 'Frequency': 'Neurofibromatosis type 2 has an estimated incidence of 1 in 33,000 people worldwide.' 7,784,892,300 humans now live. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ Let's see.... Divided by squirrel root.... inverted by pythagoras.... 235,905 earthlings got it. (Yei! Me not fibber!! ) All birth cases where one nerve is shorter then the others, and car accidents with brain damage etc are not included in my math. Not sure if it could double the numbers... The disease itself is 'rare'. Now how about adding the birth-cases and accidents and Rave party disorder? Half a M? Over a M? How rare are accidents that end in brain damage effecting losing stereo?
  9. I don't like racing on tv by sportscards. I LOVE racing in arcade hall with SW speeder bikes and watching it in SW movies!! I love flying spaceships too in SWTOR. (not the pvp game alas, because of 'infy shields=/=cheat' ) In WoW at the MoonFair I tried racing too few weeks ago. I was on a raptor running like crazyhoops. Superfun!!!! On my speeder too travel is fun. Surely racing on one can top that experience? If it's a no-fly, could the devs give an estimate on how many manhours of programming would have been involved please?
  10. Hello. We got speeders. We got players. We got Tat. Wy not have podracing? 5 good side guilds. 5 evil side guilds. 1 podracer per guild Public gets area locked sniper guns miniturrets to shoot 3 times a minute for 100k or something with cooldown period or something. Racing area cannot be influenced by player attacks except speeders using speeder guns and mines and such. Maybe some sandpeople taking podshots too with stuns or damage. Crazy big screens with live droidcam casting. At start a podrace droid gives option of chosing one/two type(s) of boost or missile loadout. LET THE RACE BEGIN!!! -Huge Hutt waving flag https://starwarsblog.starwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PodracingHeader2.jpg
  11. I keep editing the LoadingScreen.jpg (which get's changed to basic one every time I log in) because I made a better looking one with Obi Two chopping Darth Hidious in half. (surely this mild adjustment is allowed?) Is there a SHA check going on preventing the game from starting??? (should the LoadingScreen.jpg be excluded?) -not the hacker droid you are looking for
  12. I click 'start' Wait for minutes after hearing the ok-whoosh of logging in ......nothing. waiting for minutes...... ...more minutes.... ...no SWTOR running in windows services.... ....nothing... Time to log in again and start again.... ....finaly some action after ten minutes 'You cannot have two instances of the same game running!' :rak_02::rak_02: (win 10 running here)
  13. Yes, Legacy banning Legacy. I NEED that one!!! All my slots are full, and he is using VPN tunneling on the same pc to play more toons at the same time. Alas also VPN tunneling can be countered because the PING is the same, and the Paypal is the same. So I/guild needs All evil legacies blocked with same Paypal and PING too. Surely EA can easy see that the VPN server(s) on own pc got the same stats and PING even if using different IP numbers? (and look up IP disconsistancies in account trying to log in or having been logged!) I also never make mistakes, yet booze is great (Now where is my doc file with what char should be in what vpn tunnel again? *hik* Ah, crap.... already logged in.... logging my IP is a ***** too... my trillions of accounts are now busted... -evil hackerdude ) (Did I forget using the same security key? Did you make the two authy apps btw? 'Free accounts for EVERYBODY!!' -Oprah WinFrAuth )
  14. there is my idea of pvp fleet attack options. Players invading each others fleet. Their flagships (2-3 max) are the respawn point. Shuttles bring players to fleet. Crazy internal fleet battle. hundreds of enemies on the fleet. Kill the respawn mothership(s)=fleet wins. (either shoot with fleet canons at them or fly your ship to them) Kill objectives on fleet=attacking side wins. (killing 5 jedi special mission objective npc's on good side fleet will let the sith side win for example). Not sure how the server handles fleet invasion pvp battles. It will be total maddness.... Bolstering fleet so everybody can kill everybody might be key too. Maybe capping shuttle capacity and giving max nr players on the fleet a flag for pvp-defence to even the sides. 'The fleet is under attack! Do you wish to participate in repelling the invaders? If not you can still heal the defending side, but your heals will be capped! 'Scared penalty' '
  15. I forgot something. I am about to hit lvl 75. The max ship parts are around lvl 50. This feels odd.... Are you planning on giving us lvl 75 mothership/fleet attack battles?
  16. Not sure if this still is valid, because I stopped flying missions in pref mode because of the options the game gave me. The situation was/is: I can/could only fly 3 missions a week. And this was the total for the ENTIRE LEGACY! FAILED missions COUNTED TOO!! ( ...) I could try a failed mission 5 times, and then I was locked for another week. WITH EVERY CHAR! ( Clearly not userfriendly) If I wanted to test which mission is doable (and which mission fills my screen with lasers ending in chanceless death) so I could only pick that one and not lose my weekly slot on a sure-death-mission, I could only test this once a week. And dying learns me nothing (my fault? mission impossible?) if I cannot test this a few times ofc. Now my idea of giving pref/ftp users a fun way to play your space game and test stuff, or even just complete missions is the following: not 3 missions a week max per legacy (up to 5 if trying the same failing one), but 2 mission max a day for every char. (so we can do the dual-package missions, which should be programmed so it does not count as a 3rd one ofc). Maybe max this one to 2-3-4 chars/legacy having this option a day max if you still want to cap stuff. ('Walking around is not capped. Why make space mission gameplay if capping it (hugely) means nobody will be flying?' ) If the above is no longer valid, disregard post. (I am a sub, and cannot test pref mode flying restrictions at the moment ) I forgot how fun flying is, and it IS! Alas I (and many with me?) had to stop flying because the game had unfriendly cap settings and I could not test which ones I could fly ('complete!') without getting killed and getting locked out for the week. A CE player
  17. Hello. Millions of gamers have got a desync in the brain nerves between the left and right ear. One of the causes can be radiation treatment of the well known vestibulair schwannoom brain tumor. One nerve gets a shot of radiation and shrinks. Now the ears no longer are in stereo, but 2 mono ones with up to half a second delay in between. A horrid way to live, and a horrid way to game. You hear everything TWICE!! (no sense of direction or danger, and all music is a horrid experience too ofc.) I am talking about something effecting millions of human. Either by birth, cancer treatment or accident their stereo is ruined! Now Audacity got this function that splits stereo into 2 mono tracks and rejoins them after moving one to the front or back. Giving stereo back. Alas we need to save the music file to complete this action. https://ttmanual.audacityteam.org/man/Splitting_and_Joining_Stereo_Tracks (you can test the horridness of living like this by editting a music file yourself and learn about hearing stuff twice) How about doing this LIVE????!!!! Now millions of gamers GOT STEREO BACK!!! Give us a slider for left and right ear that is very precise (msec) and we got a cure for millions of cursed gamers! (Good example makes follow. If you fix this, other games might follow. You might make the news in a most expected way.) Currently hearing aid hardware on the planet does not fix this problem. One of the well known problems with hearing aids is that when getting rid of desync (a flaw in these things) horribly deforms the sinus of sound if moving sound over 200ms. A problem games (software) should ofc never have when just sliding left or right mono to the back.
  18. My first parts was about recording options. By VLC or XBOX function inside WIN10. My second part was about a fix for people with a hearing condition in the brain that let's the left ear and right ear nerves have a desync of up to half a second preventing hearing the game stereo. (instead the 2 ears both give a mono sound with one ear hearing stuff half a second before the other, a horrid experiance. Hundreds of thousands of gamers have this condition! One of the the causes can be radiation treatment for the well known vestibulair schwannoom tumor.)
  19. Game folder access by security settings. Only game may access game folder. Then SHA256 or SHA788 sumcheck by game at own folder. SHA code calculated by account name. Every pc game folder got unique SHA code that may only change after each update. If folder security settings change because hacking tools also need access, then SHA code fails. SHA code knows on server by server only. (encrypted) Could this work? Only if hacking tools need access to gaming folder? Also VLC got a recording option! Select in menu: -Media -chose either 'convert' or 'open recording device' -select last tab 'record device' -at 'record modus' select 'desktop' -set speed at something 30 or higher. (or lower if you need the budget MB ) -Play -Tap record. Also the XBOX function in all win10 pc's got a hidden record function you can unlock! (this one can even record from a few minutes backwards in time) Then we got http://www.openmha.org/ and if they start working together with Audacity (who can move left or right box output to the front or behind to desync ON PURPOSE!) to shift left and right LIVE (pc at the hip!), people who got this brain condition that lets left or right ear have a delay for over half a second compared to the other ear (nerve damage in the brain by tumor or accident, thousands of millions have it!) can have normal hearing again, then gaming is fun for them again, instead of this superecho and non-stereo (which also causes sleeping sickness, not hearing words correctly, concentration problems, headaches, and lacking knowing where sound is coming from! ). Hundreds of thousands of gamers got no stereo and hear all gaming sounds (and trucks in the street) DOUBLE!! (HORRID!!!). Raspberry PI4 at the hip and done. Delay between left and right ear of up to 23 second corrected, and we got stereo back... this does NOT EXIST YET ON THE PLANET??!? Not sure if this belong to the hearing aid hacks 2 weeks ago I came up with the idea. Totally forgot about it. Anybody think it's a good idea? https://ttmanual.audacityteam.org/man/Splitting_and_Joining_Stereo_Tracks I found. It just needs to this LIVE, right?
  20. So..... failed preferred (ftp) players's space missions still COUNT FOR THE WEEK?? So fail 3 times, you get 2 more tries. Fail these two and you completed zero space missions. The rest of the week zero options to fly. Not even to see which ones are do-able and which grey ones get you shot to pieces. The time punishment (week lockout account wide) is just too much. You can test nothing as newblood or vet player (new lvl=new ship parts) when every try counts, and after 3 the week is on lockdown. Failure should not count. It feel likes punishment. Who wanna fly when failing speeds the countdown? Going pref soon. (and sub once in a while) And I really like flying space missions. But I will not fly on these conditions. Why make a kickass part of the game and let players feel like that when playing that part? (You can say pref is not where the money is. plz look up how many times I bought 5500 CC, and that I bought the CE. I SPENT(D) baby! )
  21. Very confusing this all is. If I made my weekly but not my guild-top-10 rewards, I can get my top10 rewards many days/weeks later when logging in with that char. So for one it does NOT matter when you log in, and for the other IT DOES! :rak_02::rak_02::rak_02::rak_02::rak_02::rak_02: Userfriendly not this is!
  22. Yesterday I asked C2 to make me a invasion force. Today I logged in. Game told me I got my invasion force in the yellow text. But NOT in a popup! I got it in my inv, but the game ignored giving me the points for it. No points for my weekly! (and we made top 10 too) I already had half my points for the invasion force cause I made another supplie kit days erlier. So the bug saw one, and concluded I did not deserve points for the other? I logged out at 17k having complete the heroics for the weekly. C2 was set to work. Logged out. I got 2 witnesses from my guild (one being the leader) who can back this up. I only needed 3k to get my weekly. And invasion force I could not make cause guild leader had to give me stuff for that. He did that yesterday. Proof (I can ofc no longer proof not already having the i.f. points cause the weekly is dead. You can check my ingame log for that.): http://i.imgur.com/yYQjPrU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CGC9bJh.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwF0-qPaFo0&feature=youtu.be
  23. Every time I put items in my mailbox to send to other chars of mine I get the popup that the item will then become bound, and unsellable/untradable. This is not only FALSE, but if you send 120 items, you get to click away 120 creeping popups that have zero legit functions! Also because these popups are now an expected click-away-this-lying--annoyance, you now start clicking on any popup with the mailbox open. (why wouldn't you? This is a known nuicence now, so click the away!) This has resulted in me actually putting on low lvl purples, instead of having them put in the mail!!!! :rak_02: (if you got the wrong mailpage open, the game does not do mail stuff. Instead the popup ofc now asks you if you want to wear it. But I EXPECT ANNOYING FALSEINFO-CLICK-AWAY-POPUP HERE ANYWAY!!! Do you see the problem?? )
  24. Every time I put items in my mailbox to send to other chars of mine I get the popup that the item will then become bound, and unsellable/untradable. This is not only FALSE, but if you send 120 items, you get to click away 120 creeping popups that have zero legit functions! Also because these popups are now an expected click-away-this-lying-crap-annoyance, you now start clicking on any popup with the mailbox open. (why wouldn't you? This is a known nuicence now, so click the crap away!) This has resulted in me actually putting on low lvl purples, instead of having them put in the mail!!!! :rak_02: (if you got the wrong mailpage open, the game does not do mail stuff. Instead the popup ofc now asks you if you want to wear it. But I EXPECT ANNOYING FALSE-CLICK-AWAY-POPUP HERE!!! Do you see the problem?? :OOO)
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