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Posts posted by propht

  1. They wont quit, because then they wouldn't be able to troll these forums..


    Honestly I wish half the trolls around here would try just a little bit harder it's kinda sad how bad they are at it. :)


    I agree the game is only going to get better from here, and I'm excited about the future with this game.


    u can still access forums after subscription is over.

  2. Problem is that I really don't like that heap of metal called Coruscant. I made a sage to level 11 and just stopped. The initial view of Coruscant when arriving is great. Once you get inside, it's dull dull dull....


    tell me does Coruscant get better or is it really just all steel walls inside buildings? Because that's seriously what's keeping me from playing rep alts.


    its basically nar shadar..

  3. all the people saying "let me retain character and gear and ill switch"


    are you really that emotionally invested in a character that you maxed out in less than a month and the gear you got with it?


    hitting 50 on imperial side in 2 weeks was so hard that you couldnt fathom doing it again on the republic side?









    i duno about u, but after openning 40 champ bags, i only got 3 pieces of champ gear. so i'd say.. yea getting dat random drop pvp gear is hard.

  4. So why not make a short "conversion" quest available (e.g. you get duped by the Empire and now repay them by turning coat) on servers for which people can sign up and after a rough server balance is achieved the quest stops to be available. I say "sign up" because that way whole guilds could convert and no one would be left behind.


    Wouldnt mind that at all.

    Also make Jedi knight battlemaster/champ/cent gear not look retarded.

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